The Angband Ladder: ToME
Found 3166 dumps.
[ 1 - 50 | 51 - 100 | 101 - 150 | 151 - 200 | 201 - 250 | 251 - 300 | 301 - 350 | 351 - 400 | 401 - 450 | 451 - 500 | 501 - 550 | 551 - 600 | 601 - 650 | 651 - 700 | 701 - 750 | 751 - 800 | 801 - 850 | 851 - 900 | 901 - 950 | 951 - 1000 | 1001 - 1050 | 1051 - 1100 | 1101 - 1150 | 1151 - 1200 | 1201 - 1250 | 1251 - 1300 | 1301 - 1350 | 1351 - 1400 | 1401 - 1450 | 1451 - 1500 | 1501 - 1550 | 1551 - 1600 | 1601 - 1650 | 1651 - 1700 | 1701 - 1750 | 1751 - 1800 | 1801 - 1850 | 1851 - 1900 | 1901 - 1950 | 1951 - 2000 | 2001 - 2050 | 2051 - 2100 | 2101 - 2150 | 2151 - 2200 | 2201 - 2250 | 2251 - 2300 | 2301 - 2350 | 2351 - 2400 | 2401 - 2450 | 2451 - 2500 | 2501 - 2550 | 2551 - 2600 | 2601 - 2650 | 2651 - 2700 | 2701 - 2750 | 2751 - 2800 | 2801 - 2850 | 2851 - 2900 | 2901 - 2950 | 2951 - 3000 | 3001 - 3050 | 3051 - 3100 | 3101 - 3150 | 3151 - 3166 ]
name | race class | level | experience | turncount | max depth | variant | updated | by | |||
926 | 401 | Vadrus | Human Swordmaster | 50 | 30,182,542 | ToME 2.3.3(CVS) | 23.5.2006 13:32 | divinecloudburst | |||
928 | 402 | Johann | Half-Ogre Geomancer | 50 | 30,170,220 | ToME 2.3.4 | 2 comments | 5.3.2007 06:20 updated | | ||
929 | 403 | TeraForce! IV | Troll Loremaster | 50 | 30,154,588 | ToME 2.3.5 | 16 comments | 15.9.2010 04:44 | Phoenix21692 | ||
930 | 404 | Crel | DeathMold Possessor | 50 | 30,152,531 | ToME 2.1.2 | 37 comments | 27.3.2003 16:51 | | ||
931 | 405 | Cadilidon | Troll Necromancer | 50 | 30,101,210 | ToME 2.2.1 | 3 comments | 23.9.2003 23:00 | | ||
932 | 406 | Ash | Human Summoner | 50 | 30,073,844 | ToME 2.3.4 | 1 comment | 15.9.2007 06:38 updated | | ||
937 | 407 | Norelin | Dunadan Assassin | 50 | 29,970,735 | ToME 2.4.0 | 1 comment | 25.10.2017 23:56 updated | Ghoane | ||
938 | 408 | Glariana | RohanKnight Mindcrafter | 50 | 29,949,176 | ToME 2.2.5 | 1 comment | 29.12.2003 13:25 updated | | ||
941 | 409 | Muldoon | Thunderlord Symbiant | 50 | 29,846,376 | ToME 2.3.5 | 1 comment | 10.9.2008 20:05 updated | | ||
942 | 410 | Qba | Thunderlord Symbiant | 50 | 29,845,532 | ToME 2.2.5 | 4 comments | 2.1.2004 19:20 updated | zasvid | ||
943 | 411 | Zalewan | Yeek Possessor | 50 | 29,833,396 | ToME 2.3.1 | 1 comment | 5.8.2005 09:55 updated | | ||
947 | 412 | Tulir | Human Warper | 50 | 29,815,403 | ToME 2.3.11 | 1 comment | 3.1.2020 06:07 updated | divinecloudburst | ||
948 | 413 | Alucard | RohanKnight Warper | 50 | 29,798,798 | ToME 2.3.5 | 1 comment | 14.3.2017 02:47 updated | Van | ||
952 | 414 | Sim | High-Elf Symbiant | 50 | 29,768,568 | ToME 2.3.1 | 3 comments | 18.1.2005 05:56 updated | | ||
960 | 415 | Elaewyn | Dunadan Loremaster | 50 | 29,607,927 | ToME 2.2.6 | 2 comments | 5.4.2004 01:19 | | ||
961 | 416 | Iris | RohanKnight Sorceror | 50 | 29,598,385 | ToME 2.3.5 | 26.3.2017 19:51 updated | Van | |||
964 | 417 | Ciec | High-Elf Sorceror | 50 | 29,542,427 | ToME 2.3.4 | 1 comment | 9.3.2008 15:53 updated | | ||
967 | 418 | Gali | RohanKnight Swordmaster | 50 | 29,487,400 | ToME 2.3.4 | 1 comment | 28.10.2007 15:47 | | ||
973 | 419 | Crerrader | RohanKnight Sorceror | 50 | 29,412,776 | ToME 2.3.4 | 3 comments | 24.9.2007 02:55 | | ||
976 | 420 | Kedarewyth | Gnome Sorceror | 50 | 29,373,071 | ToME 2.3.2 | 1 comment | 21.2.2008 18:44 updated | Daniel Fishman | ||
977 | 421 | Bos | RohanKnight Sorceror | 50 | 29,369,844 | ToME 2.3.4 | 8 comments | 18.1.2008 20:03 | | ||
985 | 422 | Niralin | Hobbit Sorceror | 50 | 29,300,672 | ToME 2.3.2 | 22.10.2005 22:12 updated | mbell999 | |||
994 | 423 | Kaeiwyr | RohanKnight Swordmaster | 50 | 29,185,361 | ToME 2.2.5 | 1 comment | 28.12.2003 04:05 updated | | ||
1001 | 424 | Erygan | Thunderlord Sorceror | 50 | 29,065,580 | ToME 2.2.3 | 4 comments | 20.10.2003 22:24 | | ||
1005 | 425 | Pawaq A | High-Elf Archer | 50 | 28,970,301 | ToME 2.2.0(CVS) | 3 comments | 28.4.2003 00:44 updated | | ||
1007 | 426 | Myron | Thunderlord Alchemist | 50 | 28,937,653 | ToME 2.1.2 | 16 comments | 19.5.2003 15:49 | | ||
1009 | 427 | Alix | Hobbit Swordmaster | 50 | 28,897,329 | ToME 2.2.7 | 6 comments | 12.2.2005 19:13 | | ||
1012 | 428 | Lillela II | Dark-Elf Alchemist | 50 | 28,870,895 | ToME 2.1.2 | 10 comments | 1.1.2005 20:02 | | ||
1014 | 429 | Elk | RohanKnight Swordmaster | 50 | 28,799,185 | ToME 2.3.3(CVS) | 7 comments | 11.1.2007 01:49 | | ||
1017 | 430 | Nightshade | Dark-Elf Mage | 50 | 28,783,966 | ToME 2.3.12 | 1 comment | 24.5.2013 21:26 updated | divinecloudburst | ||
1018 | 431 | Bort | DeathMold Possessor | 50 | 28,769,857 | ToME 2.2.5 | 4 comments | 6.7.2004 15:13 | | ||
1023 | 432 | Froedon | Thunderlord Sorceror | 50 | 28,674,213 | ToME 2.2.4 | 3 comments | 20.12.2003 02:06 | | ||
1026 | 433 | Miriran | Yeek Possessor | 50 | 28,608,051 | ToME 2.3.6 | 18.9.2022 21:39 updated | Yottle | |||
1029 | 434 | Afaygan | Human Mindcrafter | 50 | 28,524,856 | ToME 2.2.7 | 4 comments | 30.6.2004 16:59 | | ||
1030 | 435 | Doran, the Siege Tower | Ent Sorceror | 50 | 28,524,107 | ToME 2.3.4 | 1 comment | 12.1.2008 00:39 | | ||
1034 | 436 | Osmund | High-Elf Sorceror | 50 | 28,433,257 | ToME 2.1.2 | 1 comment | 24.5.2003 16:14 updated | | ||
1036 | 437 | Maedhros | High-Elf Swordmaster | 50 | 28,402,486 | ToME 2.3.5 | 1 comment | 16.7.2016 13:38 updated | | ||
1040 | 438 | Dwimas | Dunadan Warper | 50 | 28,391,517 | ToME 2.3.5 | 1 comment | 31.5.2009 23:44 updated | | ||
1046 | 439 | Sevaudus | RohanKnight Alchemist | 50 | 28,314,754 | ToME 2.2.6 | 1 comment | 6.7.2004 08:02 updated | | ||
1047 | 440 | Wicilinwan | Beorning Warrior | 50 | 28,308,110 | ToME 2.3.5 | 1 comment | 27.2.2018 01:24 updated | Yottle | ||
1053 | 441 | Sirius Black | Dunadan Sorceror | 50 | 28,223,291 | ToME 2.3.1 | 11.6.2005 20:21 updated | | |||
1056 | 442 | Eatfish | Dunadan Geomancer | 50 | 28,163,324 | ToME 2.3.3 | 2 comments | 29.1.2006 01:51 | | ||
1059 | 443 | Laroanydd | Petty-Dwarf Sorceror | 50 | 28,119,140 | ToME 2.2.4 | 1 comment | 18.1.2004 07:15 updated | | ||
1061 | 444 | Morled | High-Elf Sorceror | 50 | 28,062,279 | ToME 2.3.4 | 1 comment | 16.5.2007 11:29 updated | | ||
1062 | 445 | Abominax | Dwarf Archer | 50 | 28,053,393 | ToME 2.3.1 | 10 comments | 1.8.2006 02:51 | | ||
1064 | 446 | Eowyn | RohanKnight Swordmaster | 50 | 28,051,747 | ToME 2.0.0 | 2 comments | 11.2.2003 01:12 updated | | ||
1066 | 447 | Jehosephat | RohanKnight Swordmaster | 50 | 28,046,923 | ToME 2.3.3 | 7 comments | 12.5.2006 03:04 | | ||
1067 | 448 | Magna Cum Laude | Thunderlord Haftedmaster | 50 | 28,043,822 | ToME 2.3.0 | 2 comments | 14.12.2004 23:28 | | ||
1071 | 449 | Myrenthrae | Thunderlord Dark-Priest | 50 | 27,993,123 | ToME 2.3.3 | 1 comment | 4.8.2006 20:10 updated | | ||
1072 | 450 | Thengel | RohanKnight Polearmmaster | 50 | 27,992,708 | ToME 2.2.5 | 7 comments | 14.2.2004 00:52 | divinecloudburst |
winner | alive | dead |