The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
1901351AvallionGnome Warrior5019,564,2481,347,983100Angband 3.4.13 comments13.12.2012 17:10
1906352TelwenHobbit Rogue5019,534,5571,055,060100Angband 3.4.18 comments21.3.2013 11:00Mondkalb
1928353TipsyDwarf Warrior5019,400,033327,142100Angband 4.2.42 comments1.1.2025 23:09 updatedCaps
1932354OionHigh-Elf Mage5019,375,9704,724,671101Angband 3.1.2v26 comments21.3.2010
1939355Thorim Son of Thoron OrcbaneDwarf Priest5019,342,118  Angband 3.0.23 comments12.2.2003 10:00
1941356GveeKobold Rogue5019,338,485  Angband 3.0.327 comments28.12.2004
1944357Tanthalas IVHalf-Elf Ranger5019,329,129656,32379Angband 4.1.3 24.6.2019 05:24
1945358TeldistDunadan Ranger5019,322,555412,685100Angband 4.1.01 comment16.8.2017 15:25Ignatius
1946359UglyDwarfDwarf Warrior5019,322,358  Angband 3.0.33 comments28.5.2003 22:20
1948360NimlhachHigh-Elf Warrior5019,311,087 100Angband 3.0.64 comments5.4.2006
1953361VordinHalf-Orc Mage5019,305,855  Angband 3.0.39 comments10.2.2004
1954362GilraenDunadan Rogue5019,286,76960,968100Angband 3.5-dev1 comment8.9.2013 19:48 updatedEstie
1955363DolwenDwarf Paladin5019,282,336286,768100Angband 3.0.9b2 comments23.3.2010
1956364SiegfriedDunadan Paladin5019,276,7324,244,333127Angband v3.3.21 comment24.1.2014 01:18
1960365rosieHobbit Ranger5019,252,615 100Angband 3.0.61 comment1.10.2014 16:46
1966366GorgallHalf-Troll Warrior5019,225,135 100Angband 3.0.610 comments12.5.2009 23:06marteo
1971367GanonDwarf Priest5019,191,727267,111127Angband 4.0.4 10.4.2016 08:42
1975368Falerith IVHigh-Elf Mage5019,155,745 100Angband 3.0.62 comments24.8.2008
1978369TreehuggerHalf-Elf Ranger5019,137,9713,247,192100Angband 3.2.01 comment22.2.2011 20:08 updatedMax Stats
1990370J'starHigh-Elf Mage5019,058,211 100Angband 3.0.613 comments1.6.2010
1995371TroshKobold Mage5018,995,326  Angband 3.0.39 comments23.9.2004
2006372OnseveitHobbit Ranger5018,922,217197,285100Angband 4.0beta5 comments3.7.2015 18:47nic
2009373HubloHobbit Warrior5018,910,819703,393100Angband 4.1.31 comment24.11.2018 23:39 updatedNarry
2013374LaertesHobbit Warrior5018,872,149446,676101Angband 3.5.01 comment5.2.2015 02:31
2016375FeinHalf-Orc Priest5018,842,8001,821,128100Angband v3.3.22 comments13.4.2012 01:43 updatedJay
2019376ErufinDwarf Warrior5018,831,449302,155100Angband 4.1.21 comment19.6.2018 04:24 updatedfruviad
2020377LuckyDunadan Warrior5018,831,215 100Angband 3.0.635 comments13.11.2006 19:17Dragonboneman
2031378MattroDwarf Priest5018,788,3513,731,715100Angband 3.1.2v27 comments26.2.2010 02:01z118
2037379MelfantElf Mage5018,725,005  Angband 3.0.3 15.6.2004 04:47
2040380AelaexHigh-Elf Ranger5018,706,7745,643,559100Angband 3.1.2v211 comments25.12.2010
2041381AdostirnHalf-Troll Warrior5018,701,485151,875100Angband 4.2.21 comment27.8.2021 20:27 updatedonemonkey
2045382TiaHalf-Elf Rogue5018,655,0554,742,576100Angband 3.3.01 comment18.8.2011 12:08 updatedQuester
2046383MarovHigh-Elf Paladin5018,634,5762,272,406100Angband 3.2.01 comment16.5.2011 16:25 updatedEstie
2048384CrusherDwarf Paladin5018,613,4909,331,934100Angband 3.0.91 comment22.3.2008 15:34
2057385IrisGnome Warrior5018,548,118299,325100Angband 4.2.33 comments11.4.2022 21:32 updatedNightmarjoo
2060386Dain IIDwarf Warrior5018,529,895  Angband 3.0.12 comments19.9.2003 18:29
2062387CurimDunadan Ranger5018,515,501282,941100Angband 3.5.01 comment28.10.2016 22:03 updatedSinquen
2063388Indiana JonesHuman Rogue5018,513,4532,485,661100Angband 3.2.08 comments22.9.2011 19:07UglySquirrell
2064389EladHuman Warrior5018,492,145330,981100Angband 3.5.06 comments23.2.2014 04:35dale77
2065390konvalux IVHigh-Elf Rogue5018,483,8042,608,804110Angband v3.3.11 comment18.12.2011 18:02 updatedlux
2066391striderDunadan Ranger5018,476,557 100Angband 3.0.6 1.10.2014 20:58
2068392IathorirHigh-Elf Mage5018,463,460221,509100Angband 4.2.02 comments11.1.2021 19:17Marek
2069393HamarotDwarf Priest5018,461,5831,782,799100Angband 3.4.12 comments23.2.2013 23:50 updatedMikael
2073394Elmariniel IIHigh-Elf Mage5018,442,322 117Angband 3.0.53 comments3.1.2006
2075395EgrilHalf-Elf Ranger5018,429,42112,872,835101Angband 3.1.02 comments29.7.2009 07:35 updatedminer
2081396TorridonDwarf Priest5018,379,392401,233101Angband 3.5.1 26.12.2015 10:07
2083397DeadoGnome Mage5018,370,991 100Angband 3.0.42 comments30.12.2005 17:57
2084398Angloth VIIIHigh-Elf Warrior5018,353,727  Angband 2.9.610 comments16.5.2002
2085399TaerHalf-Troll Warrior5018,348,750 127Angband 3.0.518 comments22.3.2005
2088400PasiDwarf Priest5018,340,6522,524,879100Angband 3.3.01 comment25.11.2012 23:55 updatedPaffa


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