The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
190286551InathrinHigh-Elf Ranger131,3331Angband 3.0.9 12.12.2007 23:13 updateddionysian
190306552NLifeHigh-Elf Warrior133,0601Angband 3.2.02 comments28.2.2011 08:04a
190316553FuinHalf-Orc Priest134122Angband 3.3.24 comments6.7.2012 09:22 updatedAmrod
190366554BronHuman Priest123,2871Angband 3.3.22 comments29.2.2012 12:04 updatedCorey
190376555Warrior the WKobold Warrior123431Angband 3.5.01 comment5.9.2014 17:43 updatedAzrad
190416556Tony XXIIIKobold Rogue11872Angband 4.0.4 20.12.2015 23:21 updatedWanderlust
190456557PrendergastHobbit Rogue113462Angband 4.2.43 comments28.10.2022 20:11sffp
190516558BobHuman Warrior10  Angband 3.0.14 comments7.6.2003 23:14
190566559Human Warrior10  Angband 3.0.15 comments30.12.2003 08:04
190576560Pork the Orc DorkHalf-Orc Mage10  Angband 3.0.31 comment2.1.2004 23:14
190586561RookieDwarf Warrior10  Angband 3.0.36 comments3.1.2004 07:28look@mystats.crap
190706562ZipdedHuman Ranger10  Angband 3.0.6 27.6.2005 06:34 updateddionysian
190716563Ginormous CockHuman Ranger10  Angband 3.0.6 29.8.2005 09:02 updateddionysian
190796564DalirdHuman Ranger10  Angband 3.0.6 21.1.2007 14:23
190806565LoekiDunadan Ranger10 127Angband 3.0.63 comments13.10.2007 04:28
190816566RantelebDwarf Priest1011 Angband 3.0.9b 29.10.2008 14:49 updateddionysian
190886567LegendHobbit Ranger105,108 Angband 3.1.11 comment1.1.2010 04:27 updatednullfame
190896568BilboHobbit Rogue101 Angband 3.1.21 comment13.1.2010 21:26 updatedZenDragon
190946569LoganHuman Warrior101 Angband 3.1.22 comments3.12.2010 02:16 updatedSirridan
190956570JustaguyHuman Warrior101,141 Angband v3.2.0-199-gfb26b5e1 comment3.1.2011 17:59 updatedSirridan
190966571EluinHigh-Elf Mage1011 Angband 3.2.0 6.7.2011 20:53
190986572YueHalf-Elf Ranger10  Angband 2.8.3 7.1.2012 03:59
191006573ThrinHalf-Elf Ranger101 Angband 3.3.2 16.4.2012 20:15
191036574OlelawHalf-Elf Ranger10  Angband 2.8.3 21.8.2012 14:20
191076575Brie IHigh-Elf Warrior10  Angband 3.5.01 comment25.4.2014 04:21 updatedChexMix
191106576MangeKobold Warrior101 Angband 4.0beta3 comments14.3.2015 03:57
191136577kkeP AgHobbit Rogue10  Angband 3.5.01 comment19.5.2015 20:52 updateddesstorm
191166578Tony VIIHuman Mage10116 Angband 4.0.3 5.12.2015 20:57 updatedWanderlust
191276579BregalarDwarf Paladin1011 Angband 3.a.01 comment10.12.2016 09:27 updateddebo
191306580UserGnome Mage10  Angband 4.1.0 19.7.2017 21:10AndreyB
191386581EntEnt Priest103 Angband 4.1.23 comments3.7.2018 01:43 updatedwobbly
191396582FilaaHalf-Elf Ranger10  Angband 2.8.3 29.7.2018
191406583Aren DarkdayHalf-Elf Rogue101711Angband 3.5.12 comments18.1.2019 16:09 updatedMITZE
191416584TharosHuman Paladin1046 Angband 4.2.0 4.12.2019 04:26 updatedLordRotharoth
191476585TotoHuman Warrior10141Angband 4.2.22 comments12.7.2021 11:05 updatedPowerWyrm
191486586MaranyaHuman Warrior10  Angband 4.2.3-199-geec078290-dirty4 comments26.12.2021 23:29 updatedbackwardsEric
191496587KnoinKobold Rogue102481Angband 4.2.42 comments12.8.2023 23:23 updatedEstie
191506588BilboHobbit Rogue10  Angband 4.2.51 comment28.12.2023 22:04Gwarl


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