The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
50231901BelegHigh-Elf Ranger507,085,267100,86191Angband 4.2.11 comment4.10.2020 13:43 updatedGed
50241902GoodDoggyKobold Ranger507,080,968119,528100Angband 4.1.2-3-g7c2ab53-dirty1 comment30.4.2018 22:42 updatedSphara
50261903Bobby JrDwarf Priest507,065,816283,655100Angband 3.1.22 comments13.11.2010 22:46bulian
50271904MordwenHuman Mage507,063,229154,303100Angband 4.0.51 comment2.4.2017 14:33 updatedGwarl
50291905MaharthGnome Mage507,061,7382,905,282101Angband 3.4.124 comments30.7.2014 11:09Angrist
50301906NoldorianHigh-Elf Ranger507,060,857151,486100Angband 4.2.04 comments28.6.2020 03:35sffp
50311907LothronHuman Warrior507,056,877162,454100Angband 4.1.3 9.5.2020 17:42 updatedSky
50321908AngonKobold Rogue507,054,225135,359100Angband 4.1.01 comment6.10.2018 17:20 updatedfph
50341909MontroseKobold Rogue507,048,475191,40178Angband 4.0.4 7.6.2016 02:06Wertullo
50351910BGTestBoy3Dunadan Blackguard507,048,177182,712100Angband 4.2.11 comment5.9.2020 21:04 updatedEgavactip
50371911FalcoDwarf Priest507,045,377142,58498Angband 4.1.2 1.7.2018
50391912NatharHalf-Troll Paladin507,041,71437,068100Angband 4.2.13 comments4.2.2021 03:09Grotug
50411913UslugHalf-Troll Priest507,040,236152,700100Angband 4.1.3 7.1.2020 02:27 updatedEstie
50421914BaratarDwarf Mage507,034,112185,651100Angband 4.1.31 comment24.4.2020 08:23 updatedSky
50431915KawateHalf-Troll Mage507,032,235189,781101Angband 4.1.3 9.6.2021 19:28 updatedSky
50441916LondorthHobbit Ranger507,032,080767,999100Angband 3.1.21 comment20.5.2010 14:47 updatedLondorth
50451917SilverGuy1High-Elf Warrior507,032,041114,469100Angband 4.2.41 comment4.6.2023 06:33 updatedEgavactip
50461918SpeedyHalf-Troll Warrior507,030,84664,822100Angband v3.5.06 comments29.8.2014 19:28 updatedbron
50471919StumpyBoy1Dwarf Warrior507,030,178103,074100Angband 4.2.41 comment23.3.2022 02:24 updatedEgavactip
50481920MerlinGnome Mage507,025,864  Angband 3.0.3 24.4.2003 01:40
50491921PeregrinHobbit Rogue507,024,905 100Angband 3.0.5 19.1.2006 06:05
50501922Arwen UndomieHigh-Elf Warrior507,022,035113,452100Angband 4.2.4 5.4.2023 14:44Ed_47569
50511923GimliDwarf Paladin507,018,320 100Angband 3.0.52 comments19.1.2006 06:06
50521924SindHobbit Paladin507,017,043736,054100Angband 3.1.29 comments4.8.2010 02:27fizzix
50531925DuinhildHalf-Troll Priest507,013,18880,896100Angband 3.5-dev4 comments13.5.2013 17:21Estie
50541926AisseHigh-Elf Warrior507,007,96078,289100Angband 4.2.1 1.12.2020 05:21 updatedmalcontent
50551927BoromirHuman Warrior507,004,15489,935100Angband 3.5.01 comment16.12.2014 23:09 updatedIngwe Ingweron
50581928ScurvisHalf-Troll Warrior506,994,613222,936100Angband 4.1.31 comment27.4.2019 00:48 updatedAndyS
50611929BolvadenieDwarf Mage506,986,931374,825101Angband 4.1.3 15.6.2021 23:10 updatedSky
50621930BootyBoy3Gnome Rogue506,986,810201,852100Angband 4.0.51 comment19.5.2019 21:33 updatedEgavactip
50631931ElieDwarf Paladin506,983,0641,912,683100Angband 3.3.05 comments7.10.2011
50641932AnansiGnome Mage506,980,652323,023100Angband 4.2.42 comments1.10.2022 13:57fruviad
50651933MAGE VHuman Mage506,980,042238,399101Angband 4.1.3 21.12.2023 00:32
50671934ArmenElf Mage506,977,877249,837101Angband 3.5.11 comment25.3.2015 17:30 updatedJungle_Boy
50701935MetheeKobold Mage506,967,941201,378101Angband 4.1.3 5.1.2021 00:45 updatedSky
50711936AriaHobbit Ranger506,967,22557,848100Angband 4.2.51 comment16.11.2024 08:41 updatedGrotug
50721937CharlieDwarf Priest506,966,6311,071,06992Angband Character1 comment3.7.2011 18:28 updatedazfalt
50731938ArammionHigh-Elf Mage506,964,88880,343100Angband 4.2.0 20.2.2020 03:49
50741939AssyntDwarf Priest506,962,131205,221100Angband 4.0.54 comments18.12.2016
50751940BarasHalf-Troll Priest506,961,183114,005100Angband 3.5.06 comments7.8.2014 11:05Zikke
50761941SlayerBoy3Kobold Warrior506,954,879149,264100Angband 4.0.51 comment6.11.2018 02:37 updatedEgavactip
50771942Stir Fry of BeefKobold Warrior506,954,708 62Angband 3.0.6 24.5.2010 18:08
50781943SilverMan1High-Elf Warrior506,947,695109,850100Angband 4.2.41 comment8.8.2022 04:45 updatedEgavactip
50791944TogoHobbit Mage506,943,866186,802100Angband 4.1.31 comment6.9.2020 09:59 updatedSky
50801945GlimHalf-Troll Warrior506,941,843147,758101Angband 4.2.11 comment13.4.2021 21:49 updatedonemonkey
50811946BarwetinDunadan Paladin506,935,00989,040100Angband 4.2.14 comments15.3.2021 03:35Pete Mack
50821947BaurthonDunadan Mage506,934,869229,417100Angband 4.2.13 comments15.1.2021 21:50Yottle
50831948FingurionDunadan Paladin506,929,174101,323100Angband 4.2.12 comments9.10.2020 18:04 updatedsffp
50841949Andar VIIIHalf-Elf Warrior506,928,694130,255100Angband 4.1.21 comment30.8.2018 08:32 updatedyarps
50851950EzelHalf-Troll Mage506,927,6905,431,181100Angband 3.4.14 comments27.3.2013 16:20


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