The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
2413501dtsranpxHalf-Orc Rogue5016,502,3332,070,123100Angband 3.2.0 8.11.2011 02:36 updatedsandtrap
2419502FiuHigh-Elf Mage5016,452,037240,579100Angband 4.1.3 26.1.2019 00:59
2426503UmtokDunadan Ranger5016,382,4193,588,83393Angband 3.1.2v24 comments26.7.2011 23:59Bee Vortex
2433504YikesHigh-Elf Mage5016,347,459754,536100Angband 4.2.12 comments2.2.2023 01:43 updatedMister.Yasd
2439505Bilbo VHigh-Elf Rogue5016,314,226439,18898Angband v3.5.03 comments22.2.2014 04:25hyperdex
2441506Celwe IIHalf-Troll Warrior5016,301,656238,410102Angband 3.5.04 comments17.7.2014
2443507Ironman IKobold Warrior5016,288,8924,072,790102Angband 4.1.311 comments12.3.2019 01:18Geordieboy84
2445508AndilDunadan Mage5016,281,2571,923,908100Angband 3.3.22 comments16.9.2012 18:52 updatedGrok
2448509ThraalbeeHigh-Elf Warrior5016,262,6714,301,087100Angband 3.1.2v25 comments18.11.2010 23:26Thraalbeast
2451510basherHalf-Troll Warrior5016,245,114  Angband 3.0.03 comments7.10.2002 14:08
2453511Father GuidoHuman Priest5016,233,8702,070,330100Angband v3.2.0-817-g82a3cef-dirty2 comments29.5.2011 00:56 updatedMax Stats
2458512NutterDunadan Paladin5016,221,818 100Angband 3.0.52 comments2.2.2005
2460513MikeHalf-Elf Mage5016,218,424 103Angband 3.0.62 comments2.9.2005 18:54
2461514AdunaphelDunadan Rogue5016,217,190  Angband 3.0.32 comments7.5.2004 21:11
2462515BilboHobbit Rogue5016,214,4501,023,039101Angband 3.4.11 comment18.9.2021 03:02 updatedlunitin
2463516MithrieHigh-Elf Priest5016,213,295233,597100Angband 3.5.04 comments23.11.2014 20:58 updatedEstie
2465517PlowmanDwarf Priest5016,195,8181,485,453100Angband 3.2.01 comment9.10.2011 04:05
2468518SarathonHalf-Troll Priest5016,182,744739,088100Angband 4.1.21 comment11.8.2018 00:48 updatedstilez
2469519TaurHalf-Troll Priest5016,178,8231,177,365102Angband 3.3.25 comments21.6.2012 13:04Flestrin
2470520Rogue RangerDunadan Ranger5016,173,6906,849,19097Angband 3.1.033 comments10.5.2009 20:31largos
2471521WilotHigh-Elf Ranger5016,172,875916,513100Angband 3.2.05 comments1.1.2011 19:13bulian
2472522GaldonDwarf Paladin5016,171,978404,465100Angband 3.5.05 comments11.5.2014
2474523JerryHigh-Elf Mage5016,170,165  Angband 3.0.32 comments16.11.2005 11:44
2478524JustineHuman Paladin5016,153,3482,560,996100Angband 3.2.02 comments24.7.2011 22:28Estie
2480525Mick the UnwiHigh-Elf Ranger5016,140,831698,004100Angband v3.5.05 comments24.9.2014 08:55deathblob
2483526AgnorHigh-Elf Rogue5016,134,3986,331,02488Angband 3.0.9b1 comment15.2.2009 13:50 updatedGreyhame
2484527Folco VDwarf Priest5016,133,529333,907127Angband 4.0.21 comment11.11.2015 16:02 updatedbertoid
2485528Gunter IVHalf-Orc Warrior5016,131,2312,109,366101Angband 3.1.122 comments9.1.2010 10:42cerberus
2488529WandererDwarf Warrior5016,126,8571,118,194100Angband 3.2.0 18.3.2011 15:41 updatedTimo Pietilä
2495530GwendylonDunadan Ranger5016,089,795 100Angband 3.0.6 25.12.2011 18:37
2497531LouhiHigh-Elf Mage5016,086,344 100Angband 3.0.66 comments17.3.2007
2498532vizelHobbit Ranger5016,085,363  Angband 3.0.1 12.6.2003 05:56 updatedjoe@xenotropic(dot)net
2499533PhonatacidHuman Paladin5016,071,687 100Angband 3.0.62 comments17.7.2007 10:42
2501534AllabethDunadan Paladin5016,067,2084,358,558100Angband 3.2.01 comment26.5.2011 14:17 updatedEstie
2503535Er Quinga IIHigh-Elf Ranger5016,060,252 100Angband 3.0.514 comments26.5.2005
2504536Iron Lady IVHigh-Elf Warrior5016,059,447 100Angband 3.0.63 comments2.7.2005 05:54
2508537Vanya IthilwenHigh-Elf Ranger5016,042,0254,937,960100Angband 3.1.16 comments3.9.2009 20:45voirin
2509538AngrimHigh-Elf Warrior5016,039,3291,914,184100Angband 3.0.9b 13.6.2009 12:45
2510539TwofootHobbit Warrior5016,032,1931,528,938101Angband 3.1.21 comment18.12.2010 01:14 updatedEstie
2511540TurimikaHigh-Elf Rogue5016,027,269796,662100Angband 3.3.23 comments20.6.2012 11:59Goldbug
2515541HeliaDwarf Warrior5016,012,1931,080,624100Angband v3.3.21 comment4.5.2012 23:16 updatedRei Tei
2519542Rar!!!Dwarf Rogue5015,992,500 100Angband 3.0.538 comments27.2.2005 23:37HallucinationMushroom@Yahoo.egg
2520543PungaHobbit Rogue5015,988,670 100Angband 3.0.54 comments9.7.2004
2521544UindKobold Priest5015,988,659346,339100Angband 4.2.4 17.12.2023 16:06 updatedRegalStar
2524545JavierHobbit Priest5015,960,6091,383,974100Angband 3.1.1 24.10.2009 05:55azfalt
2531546SneakHigh-Elf Rogue5015,939,0262,348,496100Angband 3.2.06 comments7.1.2011 04:15 updatedMax Stats
2533547HaroldHigh-Elf Ranger5015,925,382318,037100Angband 4.0.31 comment24.7.2016 16:13 updatedC.T.Smith
2534548D'aegri IVHalf-Troll Warrior5015,916,754350,749100Angband 4.2.01 comment30.4.2021 10:08 updatedGelina
2537549Laura XIVDunadan Warrior5015,912,0571,631,485100Angband 3.1.11 comment19.1.2010
2544550LindagorGnome Druid5015,867,536389,507100Angband 4.2.21 comment24.7.2021 05:32 updatedfruviad


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