The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
57402351KainHigh-Elf Rogue499,347,494667,676100Angband 3.1.13 comments28.2.2009 20:07 updatedbebo
57412352QuiverBoy1High-Elf Ranger499,323,903221,890100Angband 4.0.51 comment30.4.2017 02:36 updatedEgavactip
57422353TadrieldorHigh-Elf Rogue499,321,048  Angband 3.1.02 comments3.6.2003
57432354LostirDunadan Paladin499,319,704572,061100Angband Character7 comments5.7.2011 01:07 updatedSSK
57442355g1Dunadan Ranger499,300,8945,285,962100Angband 3.2.02 comments3.5.2011 15:39gdunbar
57452356FingwinDunadan Paladin499,293,485920,640100Angband 3.1.2v28 comments30.4.2011 16:58ulrichvonbek
57462357SneakyBoy2High-Elf Rogue499,265,759252,639100Angband 4.0.53 comments24.10.2016 09:16 updatedEgavactip
57482358QuendusHigh-Elf Ranger499,234,052 53Angband 3.0.7s17 comments4.7.2007 22:04Quendus
57492359SilionHigh-Elf Ranger499,233,987465,504100Angband 3.5.15 comments16.2.2015 12:52yyt16384
57512360NarogHigh-Elf Mage499,202,432321,652100Angband 4.0beta6 comments8.7.2015 16:58Thraalbeast
57522361Sose IVHigh-Elf Rogue499,103,638174,999100Angband 3.5.115 comments9.1.2015 20:17Sose
57532362KratosDunadan Paladin499,064,371512,540100Angband 3.1.23 comments17.11.2009 13:01bebo
57542363DaozhiHigh-Elf Rogue499,031,003165,904100Angband 4.0.42 comments12.2.2016 22:17StMicah
57562364Helin IIIHigh-Elf Warrior498,952,348117,471100Angband 4.0.43 comments27.2.2016 04:20Pete Mack
57592365RhamphHigh-Elf Warrior498,927,8835,652,63969Angband 3.0.920 comments5.4.2008 01:17Rhamphoryncus
57602366IronfistHigh-Elf Warrior498,921,34296,79799Angband 4.0.51 comment4.3.2017 13:57 updatedGrotug
57632367Ethyliel IIDunadan Mage498,869,6191,126,398100Angband 3.1.213 comments22.6.2010 20:57Ycombinator
57642368NatarHigh-Elf Warrior498,809,258276,687100Angband 4.0beta14 comments28.4.2015 08:18Thraalbeast
57672369Josek XIIIDunadan Mage498,679,530265,083100Angband 4.0.51 comment11.7.2016 00:44Tartek
57692370BotraceDunadan Paladin498,603,959169,08799Angband 3.5.03 comments24.5.2014 19:58nic
57722371AryaeveHigh-Elf Warrior498,559,01295,465100Angband 3.5.13 comments29.4.2015 20:27 updatedIngwe Ingweron
57732372IstajemDunadan Rogue498,534,152146,619101Angband 4.1.3 29.5.2021 02:59 updatedSky
57772373SmashBoy3High-Elf Warrior498,444,798155,146100Angband 4.0.51 comment31.10.2017 01:24 updatedEgavactip
57782374StriderDunadan Ranger498,434,100  Angband 3.0.334 comments22.4.2004
57792375RianDunadan Ranger498,425,855162,353100Angband 4.1.2 23.8.2019 17:16 updatedSky
57812376TiatheHigh-Elf Warrior498,345,05585,094100Angband 4.1.11 comment25.11.2017 09:47 updatedEstie
57822377Markus IXDunadan Priest498,271,464244,921100Angband 4.0.51 comment14.10.2016 20:13 updatedSaplaran
57842378ArienDunadan Rogue498,212,481117,604100Angband 3.5.14 comments22.1.2015 18:36Ingwe Ingweron
57872379RegalBoy1High-Elf Warrior498,109,106121,009100Angband 4.0.51 comment31.8.2019 01:49 updatedEgavactip
57902380Gemma IVDunadan Warrior498,070,0421,543,712104Angband 3.4.02 comments7.10.2012 16:54 updatedEd_47569
57912381Eleanor IIIDunadan Warrior497,948,495100,533100Angband 4.1.3 14.1.2019 23:21 updatedEd_47569
57932382LindisDunadan Warrior497,722,550154,579100Angband 4.0.45 comments4.2.2016 20:23Estie
57942383EiraDunadan Warrior497,650,910 89Angband 3.0.56 comments18.9.2005
57972384AngwilDunadan Rogue497,474,75652,088100Angband 4.1.31 comment24.4.2019 03:43 updatedIngwe Ingweron
57982385ZondorDunadan Warrior497,316,944111,625101Angband 4.1.3 26.3.2020 04:34Sky
58042386Ab 74Gnome Mage496,966,5031,574,451100Angband 3.1.2v21 comment3.4.2010 00:17 updatedawldune
58052387BauglorGnome Mage496,949,887296,703100Angband 3.5.12 comments25.7.2024 04:50Jay
58062388DoomDwarf Paladin496,936,74959,768100Angband 4.0.31 comment16.11.2015 02:34 updatedranger jeff
58072389ThogblastyHalf-Troll Mage496,913,6291,134,170100Angband 3.4.16 comments18.2.2013 04:52Bagplant
58082390RahzaDwarf Paladin496,881,1821,857,735101Angband 3.1.12 comments20.7.2009 06:47 updatedZikke
58092391Son of JonJonGnome Mage496,834,252 61Angband 3.0.6 29.3.2006 01:11mwrm
58102392RainGnome Mage496,813,805226,971100Angband 4.0.43 comments21.8.2016 09:22hoggle
58132393HudenDwarf Paladin496,784,54387,365100Angband 4.0.01 comment12.7.2015 13:46 updatedcadfje
58142394WotcherHalf-Troll Mage496,725,455 100Angband 3.0.63 comments1.8.2015
58172395benchmarkElf Ranger496,645,811670,135100Angband 3.1.22 comments4.6.2010 02:11 updatedfizzix
58182396EmedGnome Ranger496,622,23091,942100Angband 4.0.11 comment20.9.2015 05:52 updatedIngwe Ingweron
58192397St Micah theDwarf Paladin496,592,401120,213100Angband 4.0.41 comment2.3.2016 17:10 updatedStMicah
58202398Barof_IronHalf-Troll Paladin496,590,968192,561100Angband 4.0.513 comments14.8.2016 18:30Thraalbee
58222399TharchDwarf Paladin496,569,50679,293100Angband 4.1.01 comment21.8.2017 01:30 updatedfizzix
58232400Jimmy IDwarf Paladin496,560,5872,191,86899Angband 3.1.14 comments18.2.2009 01:00Colbey


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