The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
38691151AnevornHigh-Elf Mage5010,575,5391,399,517100Angband 3.1.2v227 comments6.1.2018 02:58Anregar
38701152EigladriDunadan Mage5010,564,6784,032,806100Angband 3.1.02 comments6.4.2009 00:26Fenrir
38711153Patashu XDwarf Priest5010,555,3321,844,621100Angband 3.3.02 comments30.10.2016 02:06Patashu
38731154Elori XGnome Ranger5010,547,554  Angband 3.0.14 comments30.11.2002
38751155Ondoher IHigh-Elf Warrior5010,540,629 100Angband 3.0.6 23.10.2005 18:02
38771156PorblemHalf-Troll Warrior5010,536,60099,150100Angband 4.1.02 comments29.10.2017 14:14 updatednic
38791157Huanos IXHuman Priest5010,533,985315,285100Angband 4.0.45 comments2.1.2016 21:03 updatedElrond
38811158LoekiDunadan Ranger5010,529,420 106Angband 3.0.62 comments9.4.2006 20:17
38851159RinielHalf-Orc Warrior5010,512,955161,132100Angband 4.1.31 comment20.6.2020 07:05 updatedSky
38881160HerbeHuman Ranger5010,509,331248,056101Angband 3.5.11 comment1.9.2015 09:10 updatedRei Tei
38891161HelmarHuman Warrior5010,506,4901,577,273106Angband 3.2.02 comments20.6.2011 16:15NikkoFir
38901162Father John MistyDwarf Paladin5010,506,0572,355,67299Angband 3.2.0 3.6.2015 03:41 updatedpetvan
38911163FornumoHigh-Elf Ranger5010,505,5781,666,88192Angband 3.3.28 comments19.12.2011
38931164ValadHuman Paladin5010,503,094182,976100Angband 4.2.0 20.3.2020 04:43 updatedtg122
38941165ShairDunadan Warrior5010,501,666607,617100Angband 3.4.11 comment26.3.2013 05:15 updatedEstie
38961166BodhiDwarf Priest5010,493,5001,924,004101Angband 3.1.01 comment23.7.2009 03:47 updatedBodhi
38971167UmadHalf-Troll Rogue5010,492,8062,441,666100Angband 3.5.11 comment10.8.2015 21:44
39001168Ecthelion IHigh-Elf Warrior5010,489,593 105Angband 3.0.63 comments29.11.2005 21:21
39041169VannaHigh-Elf Mage5010,484,839484,028100Angband 4.2.13 comments10.5.2021 06:07 updatedSonicSpeedBryce
39051170DogaDwarf Priest5010,481,407180,354100Angband 4.1.31 comment8.2.2021 14:54 updatedSky
39071171Iste PeachDwarf Blackguard5010,479,391136,256100Angband 4.2.14 comments14.8.2020 12:59Thraalbee
39081172GionienHobbit Mage5010,477,307206,246100Angband 4.1.21 comment16.5.2018 20:47 updatedbunnies
39091173Jasmine IIDunadan Warrior5010,472,866116,216102Angband 4.2.5 18.4.2024 01:57 updatedEd_47569
39101174ValkenarHigh-Elf Mage5010,472,724 69Angband 3.0.61 comment4.6.2006 05:05
39121175SaereDunadan Rogue5010,465,9452,237,43287Angband 3.3.06 comments24.9.2011 20:52ViJay
39131176DrakkDwarf Warrior5010,461,929962,992100Angband 3.3.06 comments18.10.2011 04:16sethos
39141177MyHuman Rogue5010,461,245169,088100Angband 3.5.11 comment21.4.2015 19:52 updatedngoclong19
39161178HulkHalf-Troll Warrior5010,459,429115,888100Angband 4.1.04 comments18.2.2019 07:05 updatedOraticus
39171179PRIEST IIHigh-Elf Priest5010,455,539206,408101Angband 4.1.31 comment13.12.2023 23:36 updatedSky
39181180GoldmoonHuman Priest5010,455,328172,048100Angband 3.5.03 comments5.2.2014 12:04 updatedGarulfo
39191181ArcinalGnome Mage5010,454,448  Angband 3.0.111 comments12.10.2003
39201182NimrimHobbit Ranger5010,449,972158,567100Angband 4.0.41 comment10.1.2016 17:23 updatedBowman
39211183Amelia VElf Rogue5010,446,1071,103,973102Angband 3.1.21 comment10.12.2009 07:37miyazaki
39231184RangerHobbit Ranger5010,444,903174,505100Angband 4.2.2-182-g6e7f4e891 comment28.6.2021 11:04 updatedewert
39241185CaldirinDwarf Warrior5010,443,540576,922100Angband 3.2.04 comments30.12.2010 22:39 updatedPowerDiver
39261186Christina VIIDunadan Warrior5010,431,198100,425100Angband 4.2.0 19.4.2020 21:47 updatedEd_47569
39291187tengDPDwarf Priest5010,426,858247,705100Angband 4.1.2 19.4.2018 09:33 updatedbunnies
39301188NipsnapsKobold Priest5010,424,010361,710100Angband 4.1.22 comments10.3.2018 05:33ewert
39321189CedricDunadan Warrior5010,418,6522,853,61389Angband 3.0.9b1 comment22.2.2010 14:26 updatedThorongil
39351190ZappyHigh-Elf Mage5010,394,702259,346100Angband 4.2.01 comment16.2.2020 08:05 updatedPopTart
39381191JondoHobbit Rogue5010,377,256132,121101Angband 4.2.51 comment15.7.2024 17:46
39401192AeweHigh-Elf Mage5010,375,2763,021,93998Angband 3.0.91 comment5.1.2009 13:55
39411193LithHigh-Elf Warrior5010,371,92249,141,850100Angband 3.0.9b7 comments18.4.2008
39451194son of ewertKobold Priest5010,362,324490,009100Angband 3.1.226 comments1.11.2010 03:06fizzix
39461195ArriDwarf Priest5010,354,5431,371,024100Angband 3.1.21 comment7.5.2010 18:49Jungle_Boy
39471196CartmaHalf-Troll Rogue5010,352,714161,360100Angband 4.1.3 8.2.2020 03:07 updatedEstie
39501197AurbenHigh-Elf Priest5010,332,582203,220101Angband 4.1.31 comment6.1.2020 01:43 updatedSky
39521198TIBERIUS CAESERDwarf Priest5010,326,561864,814101Angband 3.3.24 comments24.4.2012 13:40 updateddos350
39531199OhaurDunadan Warrior5010,325,477182,506101Angband 4.1.2 2.8.2019 02:32 updatedSky
39551200Bastil XLIXDwarf Priest5010,317,7271,363,331100Angband 3.1.11 comment20.10.2009 08:42 updatedFerrat


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