The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
45841601Rosalyn IDunadan Warrior508,308,61697,948100Angband 4.2.5 8.2.2024 23:30 updatedEd_47569
45851602IbydKobold Mage508,307,1693,051,533100Angband 3.4.133 comments23.3.2013 04:08Bombadil
45871603EVIDunadan Warrior508,306,330285,922100Angband 3.5.02 comments16.7.2015
45881604Magistir IIHobbit Mage508,305,008 100Angband 3.0.61 comment1.3.2007 05:23
45891605MiteBoy1Hobbit Warrior508,302,295141,973100Angband 4.0.51 comment11.5.2019 04:28 updatedEgavactip
45931606ThogHalf-Troll Priest508,297,1061,506,812101Angband 3.1.210 comments5.2.2010 07:25Zikke
45951607Randel the grHobbit Rogue508,289,052119,592100Angband 4.2.51 comment1.3.2024 14:54 updatedAerinTheWaterlillySun
45981608DoliolirDunadan Blackguard508,282,566104,728100Angband 4.2.28 comments4.6.2021 20:08Pete Mack
45991609Victoria theDunadan Warrior508,282,427152,474100Angband 4.2.42 comments29.7.2022 21:12 updatedEd_47569
46001610Charlston VHuman Mage508,277,028335,550100Angband 3.5.122 comments29.3.2015 05:52Freddo
46011611MugashiKobold Ranger508,275,601246,534100Angband 3.5.11 comment2.2.2015 19:03 updatedTibarius
46021612FaurHalf-Orc Paladin508,273,9621,416,87897Angband 3.2.04 comments11.7.2011 04:19 updatedGoldbug
46031613MerryHobbit Rogue508,273,735212,34280Angband 4.0.34 comments29.1.2016 04:16Gram
46041614CurondolDwarf Mage508,272,686168,103100Angband 4.1.21 comment18.5.2018 14:22 updatedbunnies
46051615Lucy IVDunadan Warrior508,271,834124,213100Angband 4.1.3 8.7.2019 22:34 updatedEd_47569
46061616BJA66Dwarf Warrior508,268,450222,93799Angband 4.0.41 comment18.5.2016 04:50 updatedold_school
46091617Ariadne IIIDunadan Warrior508,262,773109,027100Angband 4.2.41 comment13.4.2023 02:39 updatedEd_47569
46101618FatimaHalf-Troll Warrior508,259,98999,650101Angband 3.5.03 comments7.6.2014 23:33 updatedkrazyhades
46111619DanGnome Mage508,253,259  Angband 3.0.322 comments28.10.2003
46121620DoriaHuman Priest508,244,258259,040100Angband 4.2.11 comment31.10.2021 17:36 updatedEstie
46141621LuriennGnome Paladin508,242,459180,450101Angband 4.1.3 13.11.2020 23:50 updatedSky
46151622HalfBoy1Half-Orc Rogue508,241,677447,050100Angband 4.0.41 comment15.2.2016 18:24 updatedEgavactip
46161623Ariana XVDunadan Warrior508,235,840102,652100Angband 4.2.3 25.10.2021 06:08 updatedEd_47569
46171624IrionDwarf Warrior508,234,509166,150100Angband 4.1.31 comment19.3.2020 04:17 updatedSky
46191625ShawnaHigh-Elf Blackguard508,228,457138,163100Angband 4.2.11 comment7.7.2020 23:55 updatedarcholewa
46201626EledirHigh-Elf Mage508,218,71390,341100Angband 4.2.44 comments25.6.2023 21:03PowerDiver
46211627Isabelle XVDunadan Warrior508,218,695118,006100Angband 4.2.4 26.11.2022 20:42 updatedEd_47569
46221628TamnaeuthHalf-Elf Paladin508,218,606161,487100Angband 4.1.3 23.11.2020 15:05 updatedSky
46231629AarghHalf-Troll Warrior508,210,978142,357101Angband 4.0.01 comment17.7.2015 15:00 updatedshiz
46241630IronSpellMan9Human Mage508,206,117494,774100Angband 4.0.59 comments17.12.2016 17:57Thraalbee
46251631LeonaDwarf Paladin508,204,757116,007100Angband 4.2.41 comment16.4.2022 22:55fizzix
46261632NionHobbit Mage508,203,436416,07988Angband 4.0.53 comments22.5.2016 06:03cc9cii
46271633Soylent BrownHalf-Troll Warrior508,197,8535,149,01179Angband 3.0.9b14 comments25.8.2009 15:41deepcut
46281634LerriHalf-Orc Paladin508,194,4201,338,734101Angband 3.1.26 comments22.6.2010 04:01Zikke
46291635Rosella XVIDunadan Warrior508,191,542113,127100Angband 4.2.5 25.11.2023 23:45 updatedEd_47569
46321636UtherHalf-Troll Warrior508,185,104131,163101Angband 4.1.3 8.10.2020 23:57 updatedSky
46331637BeaterDwarf Priest508,177,09650,905100Angband 3.5-dev3 comments9.8.2013 20:33Raajaton
46341638DelenHalf-Elf Rogue508,174,994248,07697Angband 4.0.22 comments5.11.2015 15:36 updatedBimbul
46361639MerlinHigh-Elf Mage508,171,606117,623100Angband 4.2.42 comments5.4.2023 05:26 updatedChryana
46381640OrodHobbit Mage508,163,181219,456127Angband 3.5.12 comments18.4.2015
46391641Galadriel IDunadan Warrior508,158,267149,186101Angband 4.2.3 27.10.2021 00:25 updatedEd_47569
46401642IronyDwarf Warrior508,147,043143,643100Angband 4.0.54 comments28.8.2016 12:22Thraalbee
46421643FelonBoy1Human Rogue508,145,239285,562100Angband 4.0.51 comment23.9.2017 05:42 updatedEgavactip
46431644Erina IDunadan Warrior508,142,531107,296100Angband 4.2.5 28.11.2023 19:34 updatedEd_47569
46451645Kulfon IIHalf-Elf Mage508,127,1292,665,022100Angband 3.3.26 comments3.2.2012 16:58raq1975
46471646SaatananpelleHobbit Rogue508,120,841139,379100Angband 4.1.2-dirty1 comment2.3.2018 23:00 updatedSphara
46481647PALADIN IHalf-Troll Paladin508,118,872163,137100Angband 4.1.3 15.2.2024 20:26 updatedSky
46511648Umenwe-RaHalf-Troll Mage508,111,637169,125101Angband 4.1.3 26.10.2020 03:44Sky
46551649PentaxisHobbit Mage508,094,293229,569100Angband 4.1.31 comment16.2.2019 18:22Wanderlust
46561650StonefreeHalf-Troll Warrior508,092,582142,002100Angband 4.0.41 comment17.1.2016 19:23 updatedStMicah


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