The Angband Ladder: Taer, Half-Troll Warrior by <>

  [Angband 3.0.5 Character Dump]

 Name   Taer                                     Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Sex    Male              Age        25   STR! 18/100  +4  +5 +17 18/360
 Race   Half-Troll        Height    100   INT! 18/100  -4  -2  +8 18/120
 Class  Warrior           Weight    231   WIS! 18/100  -2  -2 +17 18/230
 Title  ***WINNER***      Status      1   DEX! 18/100  -4  +2 +12 18/200
 HP     1190/1190         Maximize    Y   CON! 18/100  +3  +2 +15 18/300
 SP     0/0               Preserve    Y   CHR! 18/100  -6  -1 +10 18/130

 Level           50       Armor    [55,+148]     Saving Throw     Superb
 Cur Exp   18348750       Fight    (+69,+62)     Stealth             Bad
 Max Exp   18348750       Melee    (+88,+83)     Fighting      Legendary
 Adv Exp   ********       Shoot    (+79,+14)     Shooting      Legendary
 MaxDepth   6350 ft       Blows       6/turn     Disarming        Superb
 Gold      12969632       Shots       1/turn     Magic Device     Superb
                                                 Perception          Bad
 Burden   169.3 lbs       Infra        30 ft     Searching          Poor

 Your father was a Cave-Troll Warrior.  You have puke-yellow eyes,
 dirty dark purple hair, and white scabby skin.

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:+..*..++*.+.. Blind:...+..+..+...
 Elec:+.**..++..... Confu:......+..+...
 Fire:++.*+.++.+... Sound:......+.++...
 Cold:+..*..++.+... Shard:......+......
 Pois:..+++.++..... Nexus:+.....+......
 Fear:+..++...+...+ Nethr:...+..+......
 Lite:......+..+... Chaos:......+.++...
 Dark:......+...... Disen:..++..+......

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:..+.......... Stea.:.............
Feath:..+.......... Sear.:.............
PLite:.........+... Infra:.............
Regen:..++.....+..+ Tunn.:+............
Telep:...+......... Speed:.++++....+.+.
Invis:+.++.+...+... Blows:.............
FrAct:+.+.....+.+.. Shots:.............
HLife:..+.......... Might:.............

  [Last Messages]

> The Seeker Bolts are unaffected!
> The Mithril Chain Mail is unaffected! <2x>
> The Augmented Chain Mail melts!
> The Scroll titled "rok ito ai" of *Remove Curse* melts!
> You see Mithril Chain Mail [28].
> You see a Cloak [1].
> You see a Book of Magic Spells [Raal's Tome of Destruction].
> You see Mithril Chain Mail [28].
> There is a wall in the way!
> You see 36 Seeker Bolts (4d5).
> You see a Cloak [1].
> On the ground: a Cloak of Protection [1,+17].
> You have 7 Scrolls titled "zunden poval" of Identify {@r1!d!k!v} (i).
> The air about you becomes charged...
> You feel yourself yanked upwards!

  [Character Equipment]

a) The War Hammer of Aule (9d3) (+19,+21) [+5] (+4) {Great Wyrm, 4950'}
   It increases your wisdom by 4.  It increases your tunneling by 4.  It
   slays demons, undead, and all evil creatures, and is especially deadly
   against dragons.  It is branded with acid.  It provides resistance to 
   acid, lightning, fire, cold, fear, and nexus.  It grants you immunity
   to paralysis and the ability to see invisible things.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
b) The Light Crossbow 'Cubragol' (x3) (+10,+14) (+10) {Ulfang, 3050'}
   It increases your speed by 10.  It provides resistance to fire.  It
   activates for fire branding of bolts every 999 turns.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
c) The Ring of Power 'Vilya' (+10,+10) (+3) {Ancalagon, 4850'}
   It increases all your stats by 3.  It increases your speed by 3.  It
   provides immunity to lightning.  It provides resistance to poison, 
   disenchantment, and life draining.  It sustains your strength, 
   dexterity, and constitution.  It slows your metabolism, makes you fall
   like a feather, and speeds your regeneration.  It grants you immunity
   to paralysis and the ability to see invisible things.  It activates for 
   large lightning ball (250) every 20+d20 turns.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
d) The Ring of Power 'The One Ring' (+15,+15) (+5) {Great Wyrm, 6350', cursed}
   It increases all your stats by 5.  It increases your speed by 5.  It
   provides immunity to acid, lightning, fire, and cold.  It provides
   resistance to poison, fear, blindness, nether, and disenchantment.  It
   sustains all your stats.  It speeds your regeneration.  It grants you 
   the power of telepathy and the ability to see invisible things, but it
   also aggravates creatures around you, drains experience, and is
   permanently cursed.  It activates for bizarre things every 30+d30 turns.
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
e) The Elfstone 'Elessar' (+7,+7) [+10] (+2) {Tselakus, 3450'}
   It increases your strength, wisdom, and charisma by 2.  It increases
   your speed by 2.  It provides resistance to fire, poison, and fear.  It
   activates for heal (500) every 200 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the
f) The Star of Elendil {Lorgan, 2000'}
   It lights the dungeon around you.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible things.  It activates for magic mapping every 50+d50 turns.  
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
g) Power Dragon Scale Mail (-3) [40,+31] {Great Wyrm, 6350'}
   It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light, 
   dark, blindness, confusion, sound, shards, nexus, nether, chaos, and 
   disenchantment.  It activates for breathe the elements (300) every
   300+d300 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) The Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15] {Gothmog, 4900'}
   It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, and poison.  It
   activates for resistance (20+d20 turns) every 111 turns.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
i) The Small Metal Shield of Thorin [3,+25] (+4) {z, 2100'}
   It increases your strength and constitution by 4.  It provides immunity
   to acid.  It provides resistance to fear, sound, and chaos.  It grants
   you immunity to paralysis.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) The Golden Crown of Gondor [0,+15] (+3) {Great Hell Wyrm, 4900'}
   It increases your strength, wisdom, and constitution by 3.  It
   increases your speed by 3.  It provides resistance to fire, cold, light,
   blindness, confusion, sound, and chaos.  It lights the dungeon around
   you and speeds your regeneration.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible things.  It activates for heal (500) every 250 turns.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
k) The Set of Cesti of Fingolfin (+10,+10) [5,+20] (+4) {Saruman, 4000'}
   It increases your dexterity by 4.  It provides resistance to acid.  It
   grants you immunity to paralysis.  It activates for a magical arrow
   (150) every 30+d30 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed [6,+12] (+8) {Ancient gold, 2850'}
   It increases your speed by 8.  

  [Character Inventory]

a) 18 Pieces of Elvish Waybread {!d!k!v}
b) 13 Blue Potions of Speed {!*}
c) 8 Clotted Red Potions of Healing {!*}
d) 13 Light Green Potions of *Healing* {!*}
e) 6 Indigo Potions of Life {!*}
f) 16 Scrolls titled "crei rinih" of Phase Door {!*}
g) 4 Scrolls titled "burea werg" of Teleportation {!*}
h) 18 Scrolls titled "nis rox un" of Teleport Level {!*}
i) 7 Scrolls titled "zunden poval" of Identify {@r1!d!k!v}
j) 4 Scrolls titled "danshu ishsnik" of *Destruction* {!*}
k) 5 Iron Rods of Recall (1 charging) {@z0!*}
   It cannot be harmed by electricity.  
l) 5 Silver Rods of Illumination {@z2!d!k!v}
m) 5 Platinum Rods of Detection (1 charging) {@z3!d!k!v}
   It cannot be harmed by electricity.  
n) 5 Bronze Rods of Teleport Other {@z4!d!k!v}
o) 5 Chromium Rods of Light {@z1!d!k!v}
p) 3 Aluminum-Plated Rods of Acid Balls {@z5!d!k!v}
q) 49 Bolts of Flame (1d5) (+2,+2) {=g@f0!d!k!v}
   It is branded with fire.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  

  [Home Inventory]

a) 8 Scrolls titled "bek oapp denfa" of *Identify*
b) 9 Scrolls titled "roldoe nihtue" of Banishment {!*}
c) 4 Scrolls titled "bat gopnelg" of Mass Banishment {!*}
d) a Lapis Lazuli Ring of Speed (+12)
   It increases your speed by 12.  
e) a Lapis Lazuli Ring of Speed (+11) {Horned Reaper, 4500'}
   It increases your speed by 11.  
f) The Ring of Power 'Nenya' (+8,+8) (+2) {Major Demon, 4900'}
   It increases all your stats by 2.  It increases your speed by 2.  It
   provides immunity to cold.  It provides resistance to blindness and 
   life draining.  It sustains your intelligence, wisdom, and charisma.  
   It makes you fall like a feather and speeds your regeneration.  It
   grants you immunity to paralysis, the power of telepathy, and the
   ability to see invisible things.  It activates for large frost ball
   (200) every 20+d20 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
g) a Sea Shell Amulet of Sustenance {LV, 1950'}
   It provides resistance to life draining.  It sustains all your stats.  
   It slows your metabolism.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) The Necklace of the Dwarves (+3) {Great Wyrm, 4850'}
   It increases your strength and constitution by 3.  It increases your 
   infravision by 3.  It provides resistance to fear.  It lights the
   dungeon around you and speeds your regeneration.  It grants you 
   immunity to paralysis and the ability to see invisible things.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
i) The Palantir of Westernesse (+2) {Elder vampire, 4950'}
   It increases your intelligence and wisdom by 2.  It increases your 
   searching and infravision by 2.  It provides resistance to blindness 
   and chaos.  It lights the dungeon around you.  It grants you the power
   of telepathy and the ability to see invisible things, but it also 
   aggravates creatures around you and drains experience.  It activates
   for clairvoyance every 50+d50 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the
j) Power Dragon Scale Mail (-3) [40,+15] {Floor, 2000'}
   It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light, 
   dark, blindness, confusion, sound, shards, nexus, nether, chaos, and 
   disenchantment.  It activates for breathe the elements (300) every
   300+d300 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
k) The Adamantite Plate Mail 'Soulkeeper' (-4) [40,+20] (+2) {Great Swamp Wyrm}
   It increases your constitution by 2.  It provides resistance to acid, 
   cold, fear, dark, confusion, nexus, nether, chaos, and life draining.  
   It sustains your constitution.  It activates for heal (1000) every 444
   turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
l) The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] (+3) {AMHD, 2100'}
   It increases your stealth and speed by 3.  It provides resistance to 
   nexus.  It activates for teleport every 45 turns.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
m) The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [5,+20] {Glaurung, 4900'}
   It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, and cold.  It sustains
   all your stats.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
n) The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0,+0] (+125) {Morgoth, cursed}
   It increases all your stats by 125.  It increases your infravision by
   125.  It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, 
   fear, light, dark, confusion, nexus, and nether.  It lights the dungeon
   around you.  It grants you the power of telepathy and the ability to
   see invisible things, but it also is permanently cursed.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
o) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) {LV, 2550'}
   It increases your intelligence and wisdom by 2.  It provides resistance
   to blindness.  It grants you the power of telepathy.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
p) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] (+3) {Floor, 1650'}
   It increases your strength, dexterity, and constitution by 3.  It
   provides resistance to acid, cold, dark, and nexus.  It sustains your 
   strength, dexterity, and constitution.  It aggravates creatures around
   you.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
q) The Bastard Sword 'Calris' (5d4) (+9,+20) (+5) {LV, 4850'}
   It increases your constitution by 5.  It slays trolls, demons, and all
   evil creatures, and is especially deadly against dragons.  It provides
   resistance to disenchantment.  It aggravates creatures around you.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
r) The Spear 'Nimloth' (1d6) (+11,+13) (+3) {Vecna, 4900'}
   It increases your stealth and speed by 3.  It slays undead.  It is
   branded with frost.  It provides resistance to cold.  It is blessed by
   the gods.  It grants you the ability to see invisible things.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
s) The Trident of Wrath (3d8) (+16,+18) (+2) {Great Wyrm, 4900'}
   It increases your strength and dexterity by 2.  It slays all evil
   creatures, and is especially deadly against undead.  It is branded with 
   poison.  It provides resistance to light and dark.  It is blessed by
   the gods.  It grants you the ability to see invisible things.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
t) The Mace 'Taratol' (3d4) (+12,+12) {Floor, 2850'}
   It is especially deadly against dragons.  It is branded with 
   electricity.  It provides immunity to lightning.  It activates for 
   haste self (20+d20 turns) every 100+d100 turns.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
u) The Two-Handed Flail 'Thunderfist' (4d6) (+5,+18) (+4) {BlackDPit, 4900'}
   It increases your strength and constitution by 4.  It slays animals, 
   orcs, and trolls.  It is branded with electricity and fire.  It
   provides resistance to lightning, fire, fear, and dark.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
v) The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10] {Morgoth}
   It slays animals, orcs, trolls, and all evil creatures, and is
   especially deadly against dragons, demons, and undead.  It creates
   earthquakes on impact.  It grants you the power of telepathy and the
   ability to see invisible things, but it also aggravates creatures
   around you.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
w) The Long Bow of Bard (x3) (+17,+19) (+2) {Water troll, 2100'}
   It increases your dexterity by 2.  It increases your speed and shooting
   power by 2.  It grants you immunity to paralysis.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
x) The Heavy Crossbow of Umbar (x4) (+18,+18) (+2) {Glaurung, 4900'}
   It increases your strength and constitution by 2.  It increases your 
   shooting power by 2.  It provides resistance to lightning, light, dark, 
   and blindness.  It aggravates creatures around you.  It activates for a
   magical arrow (150) every 20+d20 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the


Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points  : yes (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats  : no  (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 16.3.2005 20:49
Last updated on 22.3.2005 01:00

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2086. on the Ladder (of 19164)
399. on the Angband Ladder (of 6589)
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On 16.3.2005 20:49 wrote:
1) Doing stat-gain at 2000'.
2) "Very good" level feeling.
3) PDSM [30].
4) Smoke break to gather bearings, submit dump.

On 16.3.2005 20:50 wrote:
PDSM [40], that is... I think I need another cigarette.

On 17.3.2005 10:31 wrote:
PDSM? Oh my... But you should wear at least one =oCON instead of damege, you should get some 100hp with that. You can Arvendui, and Nimthanc. Carry one or two !oHealing, some uniques on your depth do quite a bit damege. Also, ?oTeleportLevel is nice to get awat from level which is too tough.

On 17.3.2005 23:20 wrote:
Character level 40, pretty much done with stat-gain.

I've found some useful items, such as Thorin (CON), The Star (mapping) and Bard, which was enough to give me DEX for the sixth blow. I don't shoot with it much, though, since I also found an Amulet of Sustenance which together with the PDSM equals to "all resistances, all sustains", which equals to not needing to avoid melee much. :) Finding Bard was also nice because I've never found it before. Getting some nice toys this time around!

I'll be power-diving considerably deeper shortly. Skipping directly to speed-ring levels sounds attractive... that's 3750' if I remember correctly, gotta check.

I wonder what the failure rate on activating Colannon is. That could save some teleport scrolls, but I doubt it's reliable enough.

On 18.3.2005 06:36 wrote:
warrior allways has fail rate for activation, so scrolls are safer. In most situatons, activation can be tried once, if it fails, read scroll.

You are bit low on speed, so be carefull. I think this char is winner, allready. Good luck.

On 18.3.2005 23:37 wrote:
Finally reached 4000 feet. I descended much slower than I intented to, good level feelings and uniques kept distracting me.

Things are going well, speed is no longer an issue. It's currently over +30 permanently. Hoping to find Dor-Lomin (that would be really helpful), a good weapon and... healing potions. Gnnn. The Mouth of Sauron, Atlas and a couple of Greater Balrogs on a single level was all it took to use my stack. I always say this, but I'd really, really, really like to be able to buy those potions from the Temple, whatever the cost.

On 19.3.2005 23:46 wrote:
Clvl 50, dlvl 98, 76 uniques killed.

I've gone through a few dozen iron helms, no Dor-Lomin yet. No particularly good weapons either.

Having to scum BM for healing and *ID* is getting really old.

On 20.3.2005 13:40 wrote:
Try to fit elessar on your kit. extra to_dam is allways nice for warrior. You aren't carrying !oBerserkStrength? They help finishing battles quickly. Have you tried Hammerhand, can your playing style cope aggravation? Since combiantion of hammerhand and elessar would give you some more hp, some more to_dam, giving you sustained str, con and dex. Only you'd lose ESP, but it maight be worth of it. I have winner in V, which didn't have ESP.

On 20.3.2005 16:21 wrote:
Aggravation would not be a problem, but I don't want to lose ESP. I've had it for so long now that I'd feel completely blind without it. :)

I can't be bothered to update the dump yet, not much has changed, except that I found Colluin which is good (double-resists).

On 20.3.2005 16:51 wrote:
'Not much has changed, eh?' mused the RNG and dropped Nenya for me. So update it is.

Nenya has ESP (among other good stuff, of course), which allows me to wear Hammerhand and Elessar. Switched weapons too, now wielding Taratol. It's a decent weapon as lightning isn't resisted too often, and dragons drop quickly of course.

Current kit has three immunities and I still have all sustains, as Nenya conveniently covers those not covered by Hammerhand.

On 20.3.2005 23:53 wrote:
Sauron is dead. Fast fight, he didn't teleport away once and I only needed one healing potion during the whole thing.

91 uniques killed. I need to kill Vecna and Q before Morgoth, others are ignorable if summoned.

I found Calris and I'm currently using it as my primary weapon. Works for me.

On 21.3.2005 07:05 wrote:
Before going against morgy, get some more !oHealing and ?o(mass)banishment. Drop those !oCCW, you won't need them.

Also, you might consider using Vilya (for speed + to_dam) in place of RoS(+11) and Colannon (speed) against Morgy, if I calculate right, that would put you to +31 unhasted speed, and giving you more to_dam.

You have quite superb char.

On 21.3.2005 13:18 wrote:
Hmm... My calculations say swapping in Vilya and Colannon would result in +28 speed. It's a good idea anyway, I'll have to check.

On 21.3.2005 16:34 wrote:
Okie-dokie. 96 uniques dead.

I found the Golden Crown of Gondor which has +3 speed. This allows me to wear both Vilya and Nenya -- permanent speed is +31.

I also found Aule! Excellent weapon.

Now it's only a matter of having enough healing and such. I've never fought Morgoth with a warrior before so I don't quite know how much I need.

On 21.3.2005 17:23 wrote:
I'd say that you need some 15 !oHealing, 6 to 9 !*Healing*, few !oLife. Looking at your inventory, you have enough potions. Maybe few more scrolls is needed. Also, few more !oBerserkStrength. Also, you might consider buying few ?oProtectionFromEvil. Don't carry those bolts for final fight, they are useless. Go and kill Morgy. :)

On 21.3.2005 21:04 wrote:
There. :)

The final fight went well. I only needed 8 Healing potions and 1 *Healing*. Used exactly one scroll of banishment; most of the time Morgoth's summons were harmless or didn't have line of sight. His shattering melee attack is very helpful in that respect.

This is my third Vanilla winner. Previous ones were priest and mage. My goal is of course to win with all classes, so I'm now 50% done. :)

I didn't retire this char yet, I might go look for some more artifacts deeper in the dungeon.


On 21.3.2005 21:17 wrote:

On 22.3.2005 00:14 wrote:
"One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."

That and another Power Dragon Scale Mail.

I think Taer has earned his retirement now. :)

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