The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
54752251IthelElf Ranger505,621,07739,114100Angband 4.2.01 comment29.2.2020 16:45 updatedwobbly
54762252Jill IDunadan Mage505,620,320157,265100Angband 4.2.1 4.12.2020 00:45 updatedEd_47569
54772253HalvelvHalf-Elf Rogue505,619,99935,314100Angband 4.2.51 comment10.12.2023 14:07Sphara
54782254EphelronDunadan Priest505,613,58145,740100Angband 4.2.4-52-ge6bf306934 comments6.6.2022 22:33wobbly
54792255SoledgeDunadan Priest505,610,613151,949100Angband 4.2.5 30.8.2023 03:33
54802256DiryonDunadan Warrior505,609,41295,343100Angband 4.2.0 11.1.2020 00:17 updatedmalcontent
54812257DumDiddlyHalf-Orc Blackguard505,604,39842,582100Angband 4.2.1-137-g4beba9dd 26.10.2020 06:52Sphara
54822258ErebHobbit Ranger505,604,00646,345100Angband 4.2.33 comments13.1.2022 02:19 updatedGrotug
54832259Astath IVHalf-Troll Warrior505,602,5381,121,61599Angband 3.1.2v25 comments30.8.2010 23:32Quendus
54842260FightGuy6Human Warrior505,602,167114,822100Angband 4.2.31 comment15.9.2021 04:39 updatedEgavactip
54852261ElweDunadan Druid505,600,968289,11562Angband 4.2.3-2-g94ffcc50e-dirty8 comments5.8.2021 12:00jsv
54862262ReaperBoy5Human Warrior505,594,691122,257100Angband 4.0.51 comment23.6.2019 21:49 updatedEgavactip
54872263HurinorDwarf Priest505,592,891126,642100Angband 4.2.02 comments3.8.2020 18:10sffp
54892264SteroidBoy1Half-Troll Warrior505,588,176111,312100Angband 4.0.51 comment12.11.2019 01:41 updatedEgavactip
54902265FitBoy1Kobold Warrior505,585,910151,920100Angband 4.0.51 comment17.2.2019 06:15 updatedEgavactip
54912266BlandBoy3Human Warrior505,584,159164,567100Angband 4.2.13 comments24.11.2020 01:25 updatedEgavactip
54922267SnipsterHobbit Rogue505,583,765103,367100Angband 4.2.42 comments4.5.2023 15:48
54932268BeldarinHalf-Elf Blackguard505,568,692122,814101Angband 4.2.3 17.12.2021 22:47 updatedsffp
54942269SnagaBoy1Half-Orc Warrior505,568,295195,104100Angband 4.0.51 comment5.6.2019 03:28 updatedEgavactip
54952270BludgeonBoy1Half-Orc Warrior505,562,114134,397100Angband 4.0.53 comments25.11.2018 07:52 updatedEgavactip
54962271ShrunkBoy3Dwarf Warrior505,554,347173,407100Angband 4.0.51 comment25.8.2019 00:52 updatedEgavactip
54972272GluttonyDunadan Blackguard505,554,28057,986100Angband 4.2.03 comments23.1.2020 08:59 updatedwobbly
54982273ManMan3Human Warrior505,544,392126,813100Angband 4.2.41 comment18.3.2024 00:58 updatedEgavactip
54992274GaetyrKobold Warrior505,535,64980,527100Angband 4.2.51 comment19.1.2025 00:15 updatedmalcontent
55002275SeanDwarf Warrior505,534,333146,295100Angband 4.0.41 comment19.9.2016 08:18 updatedScraper
55012276KuolomiesKobold Warrior505,532,25355,571100Angband 4.2.13 comments13.8.2020 19:53 updatedSphara
55022277PugBoy3Kobold Warrior505,500,759103,764100Angband 4.2.11 comment10.4.2021 22:08 updatedEgavactip
55032278ElondiriHobbit Rogue505,498,16084,116100Angband 4.2.01 comment21.3.2020 00:05 updatedAnomander
55042279AhoDwarf Warrior505,497,23387,555100Angband 4.2.5 8.1.2024 23:37
55052280JoJoDogBoy1Kobold Warrior505,494,541138,410100Angband 4.0.51 comment1.3.2020 04:22 updatedEgavactip
55072281HomelessHalf-Troll Warrior505,490,52693,078100Angband 4.0.41 comment18.12.2015 04:04 updatedIngwe Ingweron
55082282BoringGuy1Human Warrior505,476,988119,964100Angband 4.2.41 comment19.8.2022 02:34 updatedEgavactip
55092283QuncanHuman Warrior505,469,73480,641100Angband 4.2.5 20.9.2023 05:30
55102284SnakeToothKobold Warrior505,469,55264,609100Angband 4.2.11 comment26.1.2021 08:31 updatedmalcontent
55122285Gandalf IIDunadan Mage505,463,555136,547100Angband 4.2.1 1.2.2021 03:49 updatedEd_47569
55132286NordilDunadan Rogue505,461,476116,393100Angband 4.2.51 comment22.12.2024 03:59 updatedgangbandit
55142287SapienGuy5Human Warrior505,454,654107,939100Angband 4.2.51 comment8.12.2024 05:29 updatedegavactip2
55152288NimmirHalf-Troll Necromancer505,447,377104,74198Angband 4.1.2 12.5.2018 07:10 updatedEstie
55162289LostHobbit Ranger505,430,66355,079100Angband 4.2.35 comments21.9.2021 01:37Grotug
55172290MinweGnome Rogue505,430,032116,596100Angband 4.2.01 comment14.9.2022 16:21 updatedGelina
55182291DunMan1Dunadan Warrior505,422,084106,515100Angband 4.2.43 comments27.8.2022 01:41 updatedEgavactip
55232292Tek the ExplorerHalf-Orc Warrior505,342,109 50Angband 3.0.65 comments22.3.2006 22:13will_asher
55252293NingorHalf-Orc Warrior505,303,584144,901102Angband 4.1.2 14.6.2019 21:36 updatedSky
55262294WarBoy1Human Warrior505,294,000156,358100Angband 4.0.51 comment24.2.2019 04:23 updatedEgavactip
55272295IndaliaHuman Warrior505,288,628101,91096Angband 4.2.35 comments28.1.2022 19:35 updatedsffp
55282296AverageMan1Human Warrior505,283,167134,656100Angband 4.2.41 comment27.1.2023 05:10 updatedEgavactip
55292297Otho SackvillHobbit Necromancer505,222,66590,074100Angband 4.1.3-187-gd5484ae3 comments3.10.2018 01:28 updatedIngwe Ingweron
55302298MortalBoy1Human Warrior505,215,788105,862100Angband 4.2.11 comment9.1.2021 06:08 updatedEgavactip
55332299GenericMan1Human Warrior505,200,506104,372100Angband 4.2.41 comment27.6.2022 03:48 updatedEgavactip
55342300MundaneBoy1aHuman Warrior505,143,296117,547100Angband 4.0.51 comment25.9.2020 21:04 updatedEgavactip


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