The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
60802551GuluronHigh-Elf Mage488,315,55248,412100Angband 3.5-dev2 comments14.9.2013 04:18yrriban
60812552TelosHigh-Elf Rogue488,310,7961,471,606101Angband 3.1.214 comments11.5.2010 21:29Zikke
60822553DagrglirHigh-Elf Ranger488,307,935158,491101Angband 4.1.31 comment6.4.2020 18:20 updatedSky
60842554YgredHigh-Elf Mage488,304,571515,933101Angband 4.0.52 comments9.4.2017 12:23 updatedSky
60852555HrafnHigh-Elf Mage488,293,1084,293,124100Angband v3.3.212 comments17.4.2012
60862556winchHigh-Elf Mage488,274,2972,330,356100Angband 3.0.95 comments29.8.2008 00:14smee
60932557IlmoHigh-Elf Mage488,198,702167,425100Angband 4.0.41 comment4.2.2016 16:17 updatedStMicah
60942558GolacirDunadan Mage488,195,174227,698100Angband 4.1.2 15.11.2019 12:20 updatedSky
60952559Patchouli KnowledgeHigh-Elf Mage488,184,6321,997,948101Angband 3.4.115 comments25.8.2014 04:01sam_snowy
60962560JulioHigh-Elf Ranger488,178,133394,948100Angband 3.1.21 comment30.10.2010 21:48 updatedbulian
60982561Lord Teluin IIHigh-Elf Rogue488,165,081908,10687Angband 3.3.25 comments3.2.2012 22:02Knight
60992562PALADIN XVDunadan Paladin488,164,301185,907100Angband 4.1.3 7.12.2023 11:23Sky
61002563EonweHigh-Elf Ranger488,161,788144,605101Angband 4.1.2 3.5.2018 06:45 updatedSky
61022564FleaHigh-Elf Ranger488,133,407479,182100Angband 3.1.228 comments15.12.2009 18:36Psi
61042565Morme IIHigh-Elf Mage488,077,2532,820,42878Angband 3.1.2v23 comments27.4.2010 16:03Quendus
61052566RazielHigh-Elf Ranger488,059,037617,290100Angband 3.1.11 comment4.5.2009 13:26 updatedbebo
61072567CeridwennaHigh-Elf Mage488,052,714177,145100Angband 3.5.11 comment28.11.2015 21:01 updatedRei Tei
61092568Belrod XIHigh-Elf Mage488,050,748 73Angband 3.0.67 comments17.4.2008
61122569dumbartonDunadan Mage488,029,104 100Angband 3.0.63 comments22.7.2015 21:17
61132570VathilDunadan Rogue488,027,7932,611,48176Angband 3.1.14 comments9.2.2010
61152571SeregorHigh-Elf Rogue488,019,759156,225100Angband 4.1.3 3.1.2019 05:04 updatedsandtrap
61182572RiskybizDunadan Mage487,958,236294,987101Angband 4.1.3 1.7.2021 11:03 updatedSky
61202573Eric the MidgetHigh-Elf Warrior487,935,9581,582,137100Angband 3.2.01 comment8.1.2011 18:15 updatedFeloniousmonk
61212574Moth LXXVIIIHigh-Elf Warrior487,924,73314,40098Angband 3.5-dev1 comment2.9.2013 01:51 updatedNomad
61222575TunaDanDunadan Ranger487,900,244147,104100Angband 4.1.2-3-g7c2ab53-dirty1 comment13.3.2018 04:01 updatedSphara
61232576HyathHigh-Elf Warrior487,891,264782,526100Angband 3.1.212 comments28.6.2010 03:13Matthias
61242577PopcornParmesanHigh-Elf Warrior487,856,486  Angband 2.9.62 comments23.3.2002 23:03
61252578CerthHigh-Elf Priest487,855,2651,123,168100Angband 3.1.214 comments28.6.2010 01:00Ycombinator
61282579BravocadoHigh-Elf Warrior487,788,67196,747100Angband 4.1.2-3-g7c2ab53-dirty2 comments14.5.2018 20:21 updatedSphara
61292580MirialXDunadan Mage487,783,090197,836100Angband 4.1.05 comments30.7.2017 08:57ulrichvonbek
61302581RANGER XIDunadan Ranger487,765,532179,936101Angband 4.1.3 14.11.2023 00:56 updatedSky
61312582HariDunadan Priest487,765,3841,132,32283Angband 3.5-dev3 comments25.7.2013 20:10 updatedcjmarshall
61322583EbenthaHigh-Elf Warrior487,749,361195,778100Angband 3.5.07 comments22.8.2014 20:53 updatedEstie
61342584BrightstormDunadan Mage487,710,605  Angband 3.0.34 comments5.5.2003
61362585MaethedirHigh-Elf Warrior487,692,405117,897101Angband 4.1.31 comment23.12.2019 21:07 updatedSky
61382586ArgolasDunadan Warrior487,663,8612,813,64799Angband 3.2.024 comments28.4.2020 01:01Driftwood
61392587EmeglastDunadan Ranger487,655,943223,246100Angband 4.1.31 comment27.11.2021 18:33 updatedJay
61402588LinridDunadan Priest487,614,5321,336,426100Angband 3.3.22 comments30.12.2011 23:47 updatedEstie
61412589PaksenarrionDunadan Paladin487,609,227 57Angband 3.0.611 comments16.4.2007 19:05will_asher
61432590DoawenDunadan Ranger487,577,343202,124101Angband 4.1.21 comment14.4.2019 00:31 updatedSky
61442591AeglosDunadan Rogue487,555,172143,000101Angband 4.1.3 20.12.2019 01:47 updatedSky
61452592AmielDunadan Paladin487,542,03041,979,39190Angband 3.0.9b2 comments22.4.2008 02:51
61492593KrullDunadan Priest487,495,772 100Angband 3.0.5 27.10.2005 17:20
61512594Andi RDunadan Ranger487,458,549999,216100Angband 3.3.01 comment29.8.2011 21:38 updatedbulian
61522595NythalaDunadan Ranger487,444,120 84Angband 3.0.63 comments15.10.2005
61542596ErlassilHigh-Elf Warrior487,417,13884,894100Angband 4.1.34 comments5.6.2019 00:53Estie
61552597BawowHigh-Elf Ranger487,386,570137,579100Angband 4.1.35 comments23.9.2018 15:52Thraalbee
61592598HiswienDunadan Rogue487,306,973 98Angband 3.0.64 comments28.7.2009 19:53nekrotyrael
61642599TelenDunadan Warrior487,169,56195,900100Angband 3.5.12 comments6.1.2015 22:22 updatedIngwe Ingweron
61662600SeverothHigh-Elf Warrior487,156,355  Angband 3.0.213 comments25.1.2003 03:09


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