The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
122924851ImeJortikkaaKobold Mage30111,90021,95850Angband 4.1.3-212-g09fdd8c 31.1.2019 19:27 updatedSphara
122934852AdamDwarf Priest30111,82486,86732Angband 3.5.12 comments15.4.2015 12:40
122944853SauronJeremyHalf-Orc Necromancer30111,71225,04346Angband 4.2.1-141-gd025b1a41 comment11.11.2020 18:38Sphara
122954854WorgHalf-Troll Warrior30110,942 32Angband 3.0.6 7.1.2006
122984855MardukHalf-Orc Rogue30109,890  Angband 3.0.2 22.1.2003
122994856BrandybuckHobbit Ranger30109,67221,86136Angband 4.2.51 comment31.10.2023 07:03 updatedGrotug
123004857PaperweightHobbit Necromancer30108,87560,91435Angband 4.2.41 comment19.6.2023 22:28 updatedsffp
123104858EritchDwarf Paladin30107,63977,55033Angband 4.2.5 14.10.2024 21:16
123124859GollumDwarf Warrior30107,22026,81325Angband 4.1.32 comments28.4.2019 19:50 updatedVaevictus
123134860HalasDwarf Priest30107,09046,94642Angband 4.0.51 comment19.10.2016 06:43 updatedSeverian
123144861NarukHalf-Troll Priest30107,013104,49033Angband 4.0beta1 comment10.6.2015 18:26 updatedtopazg
123154862ThorogrimDwarf Priest30106,908 28Angband 3.0.64 comments8.4.2007
123164863SneforiousHalf-Orc Warrior30106,68347,71737Angband 4.2.51 comment29.1.2025 20:19
123174864CrunchHalf-Troll Warrior30106,391659,56939Angband 3.0.91 comment3.8.2007 22:48 updatedAnsgar
123194865IsadrielindeHalf-Elf Ranger30105,667  Angband 2.8.3 27.9.2024 12:13Isadrielinde
123234866TelosHalf-Orc Warrior30105,247245,74065Angband 3.1.14 comments1.1.2010 05:39Pete Mack
123254867GonewgHalf-Orc Warrior30104,76250,53531Angband 4.2.22 comments1.4.2021 12:01will_asher
123264868LarghazHalf-Orc Rogue30104,42345,88656Angband 3.5.02 comments10.1.2014 07:47 updatedEstie
123294869Bedi IVDwarf Priest30103,835112,41932Angband 4.2.01 comment16.11.2019 04:21 updateddionysian
123304870King of PainKobold Necromancer30103,38760,34935Angband 4.2.11 comment11.5.2021 23:08 updatedsffp
123314871KristofHuman Paladin30103,255  Angband 3.0.3 31.1.2003
123324872Harad VHalf-Troll Warrior30103,22232,94541Angband 3.5-dev1 comment22.11.2013 19:47
123334873BelgurHobbit Rogue30102,985882,28510Angband 3.3.0 2.9.2011
123344874BJA XXXVIIIDwarf Warrior30102,627202,69443Angband 4.0.5 30.5.2016 08:33 updatedold_school
123384875DisDwarf Warrior30101,65695,02015Angband 3.1.12 comments30.7.2009 16:41Seany C
123394876Aragorn IHalf-Elf Warrior30101,43673,85032Angband 3.5.01 comment22.9.2014 21:04
123414877BJA LXIIDwarf Warrior30101,137102,05437Angband 4.0.51 comment11.6.2016 06:21 updatedold_school
123434878IlinKobold Blackguard30100,70324,41541Angband 4.2.05 comments30.1.2020 07:41wobbly
123464879AlenarHalf-Troll Warrior3099,286559,59329Angband 3.1.2v2 31.7.2010 21:15Saphalond
123484880CirienHalf-Troll Warrior3098,50119,14141Angband 3.5.0 1.1.2015 21:14 updatedquarague
123524881GeraldHuman Warrior3096,1281,927,91923Angband 3.0.92 comments21.3.2008 13:37
123554882WalHalf-Troll Warrior3094,911766,00031Angband 3.1.02 comments26.5.2009 22:19 updatedZikke
123574883Danny BoyDunadan Warrior3094,79623,72940Angband 4.2.34 comments4.1.2022
123584884VorondilHuman Warrior3094,7272,251,05826Angband 3.0.9b5 comments13.12.2008 19:44vorondil
123604885Nyx VIIGnome Mage3094,38947,34742Angband 4.2.12 comments19.8.2020 18:45 updatedrdermyer
123614886OratamusHuman Warrior3094,02952,53834Angband 4.2.02 comments14.5.2020 23:34sffp
123634887MalevolenceHalf-Orc Blackguard3092,99048,30833Angband 4.2.11 comment17.10.2020 17:24 updatedsffp
123644888Blarg XIHalf-Troll Warrior3092,77760,04436Angband 3.5.01 comment23.2.2014 11:03 updatedtimtek
123684889SerahilHalf-Troll Warrior3091,18318,96140Angband 3.5.0 3.1.2015 22:19 updatedquarague
123694890Grunk IIIHalf-Troll Warrior3090,728 21Angband 3.0.62 comments5.10.2007 21:52 updatedDiogenes
123704891Nyx XGnome Mage3090,51033,73840Angband 4.2.1 1.9.2020 17:48 updatedrdermyer
123724892EgirHuman Warrior3088,37234,16333Angband 4.2.4 4.8.2023 02:48
123734893MoomooballHobbit Warrior3086,844253,78940Angband 3.1.21 comment24.1.2010 16:29fizzix
123764894RanaeredHuman Warrior3082,151134,96630Angband 4.0.1 1.8.2015 00:56
124554895SpiffalizerHigh-Elf Ranger29173,819714,97645Angband 3.1.2v23 comments18.8.2010 22:01ask2
124604896CradatHigh-Elf Ranger29168,839334,52745Angband 3.1.2v22 comments25.7.2010 14:30starstealer
124624897Faelin NarordiHigh-Elf Ranger29168,547  Angband 3.0.33 comments19.3.2003
124644898e2 workHigh-Elf Ranger29168,094 26Angband 3.0.53 comments18.10.2004 19:28
124664899AhTooTHigh-Elf Mage29166,817 31Angband 3.0.5 22.5.2005 14:01
124674900Mr. Wizard XVHigh-Elf Mage29166,814  Angband 3.0.11 comment9.3.2003


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