The Angband Ladder: Angband

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  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
40301251ZikaraHalf-Elf Rogue5010,046,8332,026,688100Angband 3.1.04 comments16.4.2009 16:37Zikke
40311252KiteHalf-Troll Warrior5010,046,487138,932100Angband 3.5.12 comments18.6.2015 16:01nic
40331253Gisela IDunadan Warrior5010,039,856126,206100Angband 4.2.1 19.2.2021 00:58 updatedEd_47569
40341254TyrsaHigh-Elf Blackguard5010,035,371121,192100Angband 4.1.26 comments30.3.2018 17:06Thraalbee
40391255GrooDwarf Warrior5010,023,768232,07065Angband 4.2.3 30.12.2021 16:22 updatedhyperdex
40401256Wendy IIDunadan Warrior5010,023,011103,449101Angband 4.2.5 9.9.2024 11:05 updatedEd_47569
40431257GaladrielHigh-Elf Priest5010,006,263 102Angband 3.0.5 18.1.2006 20:58
40441258Hackboy3Human Warrior5010,005,137968,726100Angband 4.0.53 comments5.5.2016 03:29 updatedEgavactip
40451259MirhuriHalf-Orc Rogue509,994,61814,185100Angband 3.5-dev5 comments14.5.2013 18:31eMeM
40461260StumpyJoeJrDwarf Priest509,987,772 83Angband 3.0.510 comments23.8.2008 17:17Nosfucious
40481261Conan the LibrarianDwarf Priest509,984,724 75Angband 3.0.57 comments29.8.2004
40521262IlmirHobbit Rogue509,978,3301,797,11578Angband "r712c297ec6"5 comments10.5.2011 22:55Thraalbeast
40541263GathHalf-Troll Warrior509,976,438109,360100Angband 4.0.11 comment26.11.2015 04:42 updatedBowman
40551264MartinHalf-Orc Warrior509,973,535758,783100Angband 3.1.2v2 31.5.2010 17:58 updatedazfalt
40571265Earendil XIVDunadan Warrior509,965,293141,119100Angband 4.2.4 14.9.2022 15:07 updatedEd_47569
40601266UnTallBoy1Dwarf Warrior509,954,725221,023100Angband 4.0.54 comments6.8.2016 17:46 updatedEgavactip
40631267Urlenius XVHigh-Elf Warrior509,934,404665,952100Angband 3.2.0 19.4.2011 23:02 updatedStarhawk
40641268TrynoGnome Mage509,932,473  Angband 3.0.01 comment11.5.2002 20:02
40651269EbrowinDunadan Mage509,921,506223,697101Angband 4.1.3 24.5.2021 23:38 updatedSky
40661270ShootyBoy7Elf Ranger509,917,254566,675100Angband 4.0.52 comments22.6.2016 01:34 updatedEgavactip
40691271Sarah-Jane VDunadan Warrior509,914,339123,904125Angband 4.2.41 comment1.8.2023 00:25 updatedEd_47569
40701272derfKobold Mage509,906,915250,102100Angband 4.2.52 comments14.10.2024 06:29
40731273OsgalHalf-Orc Blackguard509,890,51653,718100Angband 4.2.1-122-g014a27fa4 comments10.10.2020 12:26wobbly
40741274AlbeonHigh-Elf Warrior509,882,486114,790100Angband 4.1.31 comment3.4.2020 00:09 updatedEstie
40751275GorHalf-Troll Rogue509,882,0412,087,487100Angband 3.1.21 comment12.12.2010 19:04 updatedEstie
40761276Leer AmbershardDwarf Priest509,879,6041,287,610100Angband 3.2.03 comments7.4.2015 14:15 updatedMaq
40771277Luthien StarsDunadan Warrior509,877,363120,823100Angband 4.2.1 15.2.2021 20:34 updatedEd_47569
40781278UluuksiDwarf Paladin509,875,850 100Angband 3.0.512 comments2.2.2007 05:28Ferrat
40791279MorroeHalf-Orc Warrior509,872,9351,447,664100Angband 3.2.02 comments26.7.2011 09:18Estie
40801280PuckHobbit Mage509,871,716398,049100Angband 3.5.04 comments15.1.2014 15:49 updatedEstie
40821281Faramir IDunadan Warrior509,868,365147,239100Angband 4.1.3 12.11.2018 00:38 updatedEd_47569
40851282PugilistBoy2Dunadan Warrior509,863,654198,561100Angband 4.0.51 comment14.10.2016 06:52 updatedEgavactip
40861283NarinademDunadan Ranger509,863,559177,871101Angband 4.1.21 comment16.7.2019 15:45 updatedSky
40871284Wanderer IIHobbit Warrior509,860,753177,448100Angband 3.5.020 comments19.7.2014 21:49Timo Pietilä
40901285UniqueKobold Mage509,849,787395,208100Angband 3.5.12 comments12.2.2017 02:57 updatedSideways
40911286Luthien IVDunadan Mage509,848,790221,773100Angband 4.1.0 8.5.2018 16:21 updatedEd_47569
40921287LobeliaHobbit Mage509,848,2642,565,251100Angband 3.4.01 comment1.12.2012 16:16 updatedEstie
40931288Stumpy IIDwarf Paladin509,845,868144,047100Angband 4.1.3 26.1.2019 22:35 updatedMattB
40961289GrumpHigh-Elf Mage509,836,036276,611100Angband 4.2.4 17.2.2023 17:11
40991290WARRIOR IDunadan Warrior509,833,898119,296100Angband 4.1.3 26.11.2023 13:02 updatedSky
41001291LostDunadan Rogue509,831,100878,994100Angband 3.1.12 comments29.11.2009 07:38 updatedHariolor
41031292YeppoDwarf Priest509,797,640178,456100Angband 4.0.51 comment9.3.2017 07:21
41041293QuarDwarf Druid509,793,329177,115100Angband 4.2.02 comments13.10.2019 00:00Diego Gonzalez
41061294Bugbo BilbinsHobbit Mage509,790,8335,220,252100Angband v3.4.11 comment23.1.2013 08:15
41091295EulaGnome Priest509,783,3052,421,091100Angband 3.1.24 comments26.11.2010 01:37Estie
41131296MithDwarf Paladin509,765,714465,58180Angband 4.2.0 25.4.2020 22:52 updateddionysian
41151297RastDunadan Ranger509,758,0701,953,17581Angband 3.1.2v2 4.6.2010 16:55 updatedRizwan
41161298LeneginDunadan Warrior509,757,5961,171,890101Angband 4.1.01 comment11.12.2017 15:56 updatedSky
41191299HavillandDwarf Priest509,744,7781,056,997100Angband 3.1.210 comments22.12.2009 20:04fizzix
41221300Aurelia IDunadan Warrior509,727,682118,937100Angband 4.2.4 25.4.2023 00:57 updatedEd_47569


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