New memorable randarts
No added bonuses yet, but I'm only at DL15. There's a long way to go, but this should speed things up nicely. A nice longbow of power and arrows of wounding to round it out, too. Time for a deeper dive!Leave a comment:
Yeah, that'd do it. At 5 blows/round that's 250 damage vs. evil from the weapon itself, not counting any STR bonuses, crits, off-weapon damage bonuses, etc.Leave a comment:
This'll do for my elf rogue, I guess:
The Glaive of Cargol (4d6) (+8,+22) [+3] <+4, +3>
Dropped by Bullroarer the Hobbit at 650 feet (level 13)
+4 intelligence.
+3 dexterity.
Slays undead (powerfully), demons, giants, trolls, animals, evil creatures.
Branded with cold.
Provides resistance to cold, poison.
Provides protection from confusion.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
Sustains intelligence, dexterity.
Grants the ability to see invisible things. Prevents paralysis.
Blessed by the gods.Leave a comment:
V 4.2
the Set of Alchemist's Gloves of Edirimran (+11,+13) [0,+15] <+1>
Highly protective gloves designed for an alchemist's elemental magics.
+1 wisdom.
Provides immunity to fire.
Provides resistance to cold, nether.
Provides protection from confusion.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
Feather Falling. Prevents paralysis.Leave a comment:
there's also a +2 blows there from something else in your equipment, which would take the base damage under 1k.Leave a comment:
Thanks for rectifying that, then. Yes, it has all the goodies except for extra blows, and it only slays (not *slays*) undead. Bummer (:
A toast on Thuringwethil, who generously donated this masterwork piece by her timely demise.Leave a comment:
Estie missed posting this from his recent win in the ladder. It deserves special mention. (And yes, this is V 4.1.3 randarts.) He is getting 2 extra blows off-weapon as well.
Activates for *Heal*, and it *doesn't even aggravate* is just guilding the lily.
a) the Mace of Disruption 'Tumlalmar' (8d8) (+15,+15) <+2, +3>
Dropped by Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger at 4850 feet
(level 97)
+2 strength.
+3 intelligence.
Slays dragons (powerfully), demons (powerfully), undead, giants,
animals, evil creatures.
Branded with acid.
Provides resistance to acid, chaos.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
Sustains constitution.
Blessed by the gods.
When activated, it heals 1200 hit points, cut damage, and cures
stunning, poisoning, blindness, and confusion.
Takes 588 to 792 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 94.3%
Combat info:
7.0 blows/round.
This weapon may benefit from one or more off-weapon brands or
Average damage/round: 1040.9 vs. creatures not resistant to
poison, 1368.5 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, 2023.7 vs.
dragons, 2023.7 vs. demons, 1368.5 vs. undead, 1368.5 vs. giants,
1040.9 vs. animals, 1040.9 vs. evil creatures, and 713.3 vs.
others.Leave a comment:
Main Gauche of Angol (3d5) (+11, +5) <+3, +1>
Dropped by Brodda, the Easterling at 550 feet (level 11)
+3 intelligence
+1 wisdom
+1 constitution
+1 tunneling
+1 attack speed
Slays demons (powerfully), giants, trolls, evil creatures.
Branded with poison.
Provides resistance to fire.
Cannot be harmed by acid.
Grants the ability to see invisible things. Blessed by the gods.
When activated, it restores your constitution.
Takes 82 to 100 turns to recharge.
At this depth, definitely a game-changer.Leave a comment:
I found an otherwise unremarkable randart yesterday that activated to restore DEX. Not really useful, but I love the increased randomness of randarts.Leave a comment:
i always forgot to report that, i also have seen randarts where the activation is redundant because of a permanent power.Leave a comment:
the Golden Crown of Thiri [0,+13] <+3, +4, +2> {cursed}
It makes it hard to hit anything.
+3 strength.
+4 intelligence.
+2 wisdom.
+3 speed.
Provides resistance to sound.
Provides protection from blindness.
Cannot be harmed by acid.
Slows your metabolism. Grants telepathy.
When activated, it cures blindness and gives you telepathy for 9d9+24 turns.
Takes 82 to 100 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 98.2%
On a more positive note, this is something I've found on another character I have:
the Quarterstaff of Angion (3d9) (+13,+30) <+3, +2>
Dropped by Ancalagon the Black at 3700 feet (level 74)
+3 strength.
+2 attack speed.
Slays undead, dragons, orcs, evil creatures.
Branded with acid.
Provides resistance to fire, chaos.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
When activated, it raises your dexterity at the expense of a
random attribute.
Takes 676 to 1072 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 93.3%
Combat info:
7.0 blows/round.
This weapon may benefit from one or more off-weapon brands or
Average damage/round: 744.8 vs. creatures not resistant to poison,
744.8 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, 744.8 vs. undead, 744.8
vs. dragons, 744.8 vs. orcs, 628.6 vs. evil creatures, and 511.7
vs. others.Leave a comment:
all 3 in the same set:
the Mace of Disruption 'Finivind' (7d8) (+10,+5) <+2>
+2 attack speed.
Slays undead (powerfully), dragons (powerfully), demons, giants, trolls, evil
Branded with acid.
Provides immunity to lightning.
Provides resistance to fire.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
Sustains strength.
Slows your metabolism. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Aggravates
creatures nearby.
When activated, it teleports a target monster away.
Takes 90 to 110 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 93.7%
Min Level 70, Max Level 127, Generation chance 16, Power 464, 36.0 lbs
Random hafted of power 464.
the Lochaber Axe of Avale (8d8) (+5,+11)
Slays undead (powerfully), orcs, evil creatures.
Branded with lightning.
Provides resistance to lightning.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
Min Level 43, Max Level 127, Generation chance 22, Power 249, 25.0 lbs
Random polearm of power 249.
the Spear of Harothad (7d6) (+11,+20) <+3>
+3 dexterity.
Slays undead, evil creatures.
Provides resistance to acid.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
Min Level 20, Max Level 127, Generation chance 3, Power 234, 4.5 lbs
Random polearm of power 234.Leave a comment:
First artifact I found on my ironman gnome necromancer (latest nightly):
the Broad Axe 'Farme' (3d6) (+12,+19)
Conjured forth by magic at 1200 feet (level 24)
+3 dexterity.
+3 searching skill.
+1 attack speed.
Slays undead (powerfully).
Branded with weak acid.
Provides resistance to acid, chaos.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
Feather falling.
When activated, it heals 1000 hitpoints.
Takes 91 to 123 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 96.8%
4.3 blows/round.
Average damage/round: 213.4 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, 360.6 vs. undead, and 164.5 vs. others.Leave a comment:
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