New memorable randarts

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  • Estie
    Originally posted by AceRimmer
    The other randart was a ring of power. Yeah, I know, those are always crazy over-the-top. But I've never seen triple immunity before. Is that common? Has anybody ever seen an object with all four immunities (other than the usual)?
    I have seen triple immunity before; not quadruple. I dont see why it shouldnt be possible to be created, it is just so very unlikely.

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  • Jay
    That ring is a beast! It would be pretty decent without the immunities but with them?!! Wow.

    Much different to this one which just showed up in my new game:

    the Ring of Elfaed
    Cannot be harmed by lightning.
    Aggravates creatures nearby.

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  • AceRimmer
    I just finished a game with a waaaaay OP half-orc warrior featuring a few items that struck me as extraordinary. To put things in context, I found my first ever PDSM (Dwarven! Yes, I was very bouncy and excited for a while), and after wearing it around a while because it is freaking P.D.S.M. after all, I decided to stash it at home and instead wear a many-resist suit of blue DSM with +1 attack speed, because that is the warrior way.

    I am updating an old memorable randart post from December and adding another. The old one was:

    Originally posted by AceRimmer
    My level 14 half-orc warrior won this drop from Mughash at 700' (DL 14). I think it's the *10* dice of damage from a Main Gauche that caused my eyes to bug out [...] If and when I reach the endgame, this weapon will still be a legit choice for hunting down unique demons.

    the Main Gauche of Rathrada (10d5) (+12,+8)
    Dropped by Mughash the Kobold Lord at 700 feet (level 14)

    Slays demons (powerfully).
    Provides protection from blindness.
    Cannot be harmed by acid.
    Blessed by the gods.

    Combat info:
    2.3 blows/round.
    With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 3.0 blows
    With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 2.7 blows
    Average damage/round: 390.7 vs. demons, and 99.4 vs. others.
    By game's end, this 10d5 Main Gauche was (+12, +11), and the damage was 1463 vs. demons, and 555.8 vs. others, aided by a (+4, +4) Dwarven shield and (+3, +11) gloves of combat. True to my prophecy, I used it to hunt down and kill unique U's.

    The other randart was a ring of power. Yeah, I know, those are always crazy over-the-top. But I've never seen triple immunity before. Is that common? Has anybody ever seen an object with all four immunities (other than the usual)?

    the Band of Alath <+4, +2, +3, +1, +5>
    Dropped by Pazuzu, Lord of Air at 4050 feet (level 81)

    +4 intelligence.
    +2 wisdom.
    +3 dexterity.
    +1 constitution.
    +5 searching skill.
    +1 speed.
    +1 light.
    Provides immunity to lightning, fire, cold.
    Provides resistance to acid, light, dark, shards, nether,
    Provides protection from confusion.
    Cannot be harmed by lightning.
    Prevents paralysis.

    When activated, it allows you to breathe chaos or disenchantment
    for 220 damage.
    Takes 733 to 1076 turns to recharge at your current speed.
    Your chance of success is 93.0%

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  • Ed_47569
    My current 4.2.1 warrior is alternating between these... check out the activation on the first one too. Not just clairvoyance but full enlightenment! Not bad for a warrior.

    [Character Equipment]

    a) the Bastard Sword of Runtharel (6d4) (+7,+24) <+1, +5> (charging)
    Dropped by Uvatha the Horseman at 4000 feet (level 80)

    +1 strength.
    +5 speed.
    Slays undead (powerfully), dragons (powerfully), demons
    (powerfully), giants, trolls, orcs, animals, evil creatures.
    Branded with weak cold, weak lightning, acid.
    Provides resistance to Poison.
    Provides protection from fear.
    Cannot be harmed by Acid.
    Slows your metabolism.

    When activated, it completely lights up and magically maps the
    level, detecting all objects.
    Takes 758 to 1202 turns to recharge at your current speed.
    Your chance of success is 91.9%

    Combat info:
    5.8 blows/round.
    With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 6.0 blows
    Average damage/round: 989 vs undead, dragons, and demons, 763.2 vs
    giants, trolls, orcs, and creatures not resistant to acid, 650.3
    vs evil creatures, creatures not resistant to cold, creatures not
    resistant to lightning, and animals, and 537.4 vs. others.

    o) the Main Gauche 'Eldalen' (8d5) (+12,+10) [+9] <+1>
    Dropped by Qlzqqlzuup, the Emperor Quylthulg at 2500 feet (level

    +1 strength.
    Slays dragons (powerfully), demons (powerfully), giants, evil
    Branded with weak lightning, cold, fire.
    Provides protection from blindness.
    Cannot be harmed by Acid.
    Slows your metabolism.

    Combat info:
    6.0 blows/round.
    Average damage/round: 1207.8 vs dragons and demons, 853.8 vs
    giants, creatures not resistant to cold, and creatures not
    resistant to fire, 676.2 vs evil creatures and creatures not
    resistant to lightning, and 499.2 vs. others.

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  • Jay
    Originally posted by Sky
    "oops! it feels deathly cold"
    That's it. And then you scramble around looking for the appropriate scroll so you can wield a proper weapon again.

    BTW, Sky, you were right about 4.1.3. Definitely a fun upgrade!

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  • Sky
    Originally posted by Jay
    I just remember the moment of panic after reading, "You wield the rapier. Its hilt turns icy in your grip," or whatever the message was that indicated it was cursed. Why would I want to deny new players that experience?
    "oops! it feels deathly cold"

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  • Jay
    Originally posted by Estie
    Are you serious ?

    No player ever wielded a cursed weapon more than once in their lifetime, and zero times if they had any experience with roguelikes. It just forced identification, pseudo or otherwise, before wielding/wearing anything.
    I just remember the moment of panic after reading, "You wield the rapier. Its hilt turns icy in your grip," or whatever the message was that indicated it was cursed. Why would I want to deny new players that experience?

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  • Pete Mack
    It wasn't so bad when there were stacks of enchant weapon in the alchemist to break the curse. And back when the experience drain was minor, bows of the nazgul made a fine source of SI, again after enchantment.

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  • Sky
    Originally posted by Estie
    Are you serious ?

    No player ever wielded a cursed weapon more than once in their lifetime, and zero times if they had any experience with roguelikes. It just forced identification, pseudo or otherwise, before wielding/wearing anything.
    excuse me, *I* have killed more characters than you would believe, for having wielded a yet-unidentified weapon of morgul.
    Ok granted i wasn't very smart, but not everyone who plays Angband is.

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  • Estie
    Originally posted by Jay
    I hadn't realized that those were common characteristics of all Morgul blades. I just thought "drains experience" and "sustains your life force" were a weird combination since they are directly opposed to each other. Yeah, I agree the old curse, where you can't let go of a weapon until the curse is removed, made the game more interesting.
    Are you serious ?

    No player ever wielded a cursed weapon more than once in their lifetime, and zero times if they had any experience with roguelikes. It just forced identification, pseudo or otherwise, before wielding/wearing anything.

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  • Grotug
    I was thinking about that since I had just found a <+15> speed ring, and decided rings often have on them more resistances and protections than armors; in my case, I was able to substitute the <+15> ring for (+13) damage and do 748 to evil with an <+2> extra attacks blade of chaos. I died shortly thereafter, though, when black reavers in a deep undead pit ripped open the walls and exposed me to the drujs. I forewent confusion resistance for fire immunity and recently had ditched my staves of teleportation so I could 1200 damage to greater demons with the demon bane spell.

    Gonna start another game now.

    And he dies on DL32 thanks to the summons of a ranger chieftain.
    Last edited by Grotug; January 29, 2021, 02:43.

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  • Pete Mack
    I guess that is +15 speed? Yeah, that is pretty spectacular, tho a good speed ring is about as useful.

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  • Grotug
    White dragon scale mail 'Uineil' [14, +25] <+15>
    rLightning, rCold, rNether -- breathes cold for 100 damage.

    which made this subsequent piece seem ordinary in comparison:
    Gold Dragon Scail Male 'Orgunend' [28, +23] <+3, +5>

    +3 Intelligence
    +5 Searching Skill

    rFire, rCold, rElec, rAcid, rPois, rLite, rDark, rSound, rNexus, rNether, rChaos, protection from Fear, sustain Wisdom, Speeds regeneration, grants Telepathy.
    Makes a strong attempt to remove a curse.

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  • Estie
    u) the Cutlass of Cualad (1d8) (+9,+5)
    Dropped by Nár, the Dwarf at 1600 feet (level 32)

    Cannot be harmed by Acid.

    Combat info:
    1.1 blows/round.
    With +3 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.3 blows
    With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 1.3 blows
    Average damage/round: 0.

    Always a pleasure.

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  • Pete Mack
    They are not--quite--useless. They work as a swap weapon vs undead. The enemy attacks cantvharm you. Yo kill him fast, so the drain life has minimal effect. And tou can see him. Bows of Nazgul used to be good for SI, but they drain life too fast now.

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