New memorable randarts

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  • Ed_47569
    Originally posted by Grotug
    Kemnarath may be the best ring I've seen ever; whether in the dungeon or posted on the forum. Most rings with +2 attack speed have little else useful on them. I hope you put it to good use!
    I have indeed, it's given my Level 40 Mage the option of being a warrior! With Banishment and Mass Banishment spells as a backup...

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  • Grotug
    Kemnarath may be the best ring I've seen ever; whether in the dungeon or posted on the forum. Most rings with +2 attack speed have little else useful on them. I hope you put it to good use!

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  • Ed_47569
    These randarts are getting crazy! My current 4.2.0 mage just found BOTH these rings in a small vault at 2950'. Straight upgrades from Rings of Con and Int.

    c) the Band 'Kemnarath' <+1, +4, +5, +2>
    Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2950 feet (level 59)

    +1 intelligence.
    +4 constitution.
    +5 speed.
    +2 attack speed.
    Provides protection from confusion.
    Cannot be harmed by lightning.
    Sustains wisdom.
    Feather Falling. Prevents paralysis.

    d) the Band of Narrin <+3, +2, +1>
    Found lying on the floor in a vault at 2950 feet (level 59)

    +3 intelligence.
    +3 wisdom.
    +2 constitution.
    +3 tunneling.
    +1 light.
    Provides immunity to acid, cold.
    Provides resistance to lightning, fire, light, dark, sound, nexus,
    nether, chaos, disenchantment.
    Provides protection from confusion, stunning.
    Cannot be harmed by lightning.
    Sustains constitution.
    Slows your metabolism. Feather Falling. Speeds regeneration.
    Grants the ability to see invisible things.

    When activated, it allows you to breathe sound for 150 damage.
    Takes 356 to 480 turns to recharge at your current speed.
    Your chance of success is 95.3%

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  • Estie
    Originally posted by Diego Gonzalez
    Find an item that boost the number of attacks!!!
    I actually did before the final fight, albeit only by +1.

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  • Diego Gonzalez
    Find an item that boost the number of attacks!!!

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  • Thraalbee
    Nice! Good thing it does not slay evil. That would kind of ruin the final fight.

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  • Estie
    My last paladin found this:

    a) the Mace of Disruption of Dredhor (7d8) (+15,+40) [+1] <+6, +1, +2>
    Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97)

    +6 intelligence.
    +1 wisdom.
    +2 constitution.
    +2 tunneling.
    +1 light.
    Slays undead (powerfully), dragons (powerfully), demons
    (powerfully), trolls.
    Branded with weak cold.
    Provides immunity to cold.
    Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
    Sustains wisdom.
    Slows your metabolism. Grants the ability to see invisible
    things. Prevents paralysis. Blessed by the gods.

    When activated, it shoots a large cone of one of the base elements
    for 120-200 damage.
    Takes 245 to 300 turns to recharge at your current speed.
    Your chance of success is 90.4%

    Combat info:
    5.0 blows/round.
    This weapon may benefit from one or more off-weapon brands or
    Average damage/round: 841 vs. creatures not resistant to cold,
    1036.5 vs. creatures not resistant to lightning, 1036.5 vs.
    creatures not resistant to acid, 1427 vs. undead, 1427 vs.
    dragons, 1427 vs. demons, 1036.5 vs. trolls, and 646 vs. others.

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  • Pete Mack
    That is ridonkulous armor. +5 CON shouldnt be possible, I wouldnt think

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  • Ed_47569
    My randart Warrior just found this... was wearing MHDSM of Craftmanship so this was a nice upgrade. Activates for 1200hp heal too!

    g) the Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail of Tirnien (+2,+3) [45,+27] <+3, +5, +1> (char
    Taken from a chest found at 4350 feet (level 87)

    +3 intelligence.
    +5 constitution.
    +1 speed.
    Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light,
    dark, shards, chaos, disenchantment.
    Provides protection from fear, blindness.
    Feather Falling. Prevents paralysis. Sustains your life force.

    When activated, it heals 1200 hit points, cut damage, and cures
    stunning, poisoning, blindness, and confusion.
    Takes 543 to 732 turns to recharge at your current speed.
    Your chance of success is 93.3%

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  • Sky
    Originally posted by Estie
    e) the Necklace 'Apandor' <+4, +2>
    Found lying on the floor at 750 feet (level 15)

    +4 wisdom.
    +2 speed.
    Grants telepathy.

    Thats one blessed level 16 priest who found this.
    dude you disappoint me

    The Hard Leather Cap of Andilion [2,+15] <+3,+1,+2>

    +3 INT
    +1 WIS
    +2 CON

    rPois, pBlind, SI, ESP

    found on Level 4

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  • Estie
    e) the Necklace 'Apandor' <+4, +2>
    Found lying on the floor at 750 feet (level 15)

    +4 wisdom.
    +2 speed.
    Grants telepathy.

    Thats one blessed level 16 priest who found this.

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  • Ugramoth
    Thanks Golfimbul!

    Has the randart God gotten friendlier in 4.2?

    Awk-Pike of Thaulen (1d8) (+11,+16) <+3>
    Dropped by Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief at 800 feet (level 16)

    +3 Strength
    Slays undead (powerfully), dragons (powerfully), demons (powerfully), giants, orcs, animals, evil creatures.
    Provides resistance to lightning, cold, light, dark, nexus.
    Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
    Sustains intelligence.
    Speeds regeneration.

    When activated, it maps the area around you.
    Takes 57 to 70 turns to recharge.

    Fur Cloak 'Findeth' [3, +11] <+3>
    Dropped by Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief at 800 feet (level 16)

    +3 Stealth
    Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
    Grants telepathy.

    Weapon that slays everything and early telepathy. Not a bad pay for killing an orc.

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  • Ed_47569
    Now fully ID'd. Resists lightning and nexus too.

    [Character Equipment]

    a) the Main Gauche of Belume (8d5) (+9,+10)
    Found lying on the floor at 300 feet (level 6)

    Slays dragons (powerfully), undead, giants, orcs, animals.
    Branded with weak fire.
    Provides immunity to fire, cold.
    Provides resistance to lightning, nexus.
    Cannot be harmed by acid.

    When activated, it restores your strength.
    Takes 114 to 140 turns to recharge at your current speed.
    Your chance of success is 85.8%

    Combat info:
    5.8 blows/round.
    With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 6.0 blows
    Average damage/round: 448.6 vs. creatures not resistant to fire,
    889 vs. dragons, 595.6 vs. undead, 595.6 vs. giants, 595.6 vs.
    orcs, 448.6 vs. animals, and 302.2 vs. others.

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  • Estie
    Thats Ringil on dlvl 6, crazy.

    Do update when you have it fully identified.

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  • Ed_47569
    My warrior just found this playing 4.2.0. Level feeling was 2-9.

    Not even fully ID'd it yet!

    [Character Equipment]

    a) the Main Gauche of Belume (8d5) (+8,+10) {??}
    Found lying on the floor at 300 feet (level 6)

    You do not know the full extent of this item's powers.
    Slays dragons (powerfully), undead, orcs, animals.
    Branded with weak fire.
    Provides immunity to fire, cold.
    Cannot be harmed by acid.

    When activated, it restores your strength.
    Takes 82 to 100 turns to recharge.
    Your chance of success is 82.3%

    Combat info:
    3.5 blows/round.
    With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 4.0 blows
    With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 3.8 blows
    Average damage/round: 222 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, 484
    vs. dragons, 309.1 vs. undead, 309.1 vs. orcs, 222 vs. animals,
    and 134.5 vs. others.
    Last edited by Ed_47569; September 6, 2019, 18:27.

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