New memorable randarts

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  • Nomad
    Now that's really not bad for an early game find:

    e) the Amulet of Antarsil <+1>
         Dropped by Shagrat, the Orc Captain at 1050 feet (level 21)
         +1 constitution.
         Provides resistance to acid, poison.
         Grants telepathy.

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  • PowerWyrm
    The -3 light is clearly a bug no?

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  • Pete Mack
    Hey, +2 damage! That's pretty good on a light source!

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  • Nomad
    Just cleared a minor demon pit to claim this stunning prize:

    p) the Phial 'Sirie' (-5,+2) <-3> {cursed}
         Found lying on the floor in a pit at 850 feet (level 17)
         It makes your skin harder to damage, but conduct electricity.
         It paralyses you every now and then.
         It occasionally makes a loud noise.
         -3 light.
         Cannot be harmed by fire.
         Sustains constitution.
         Aggravates creatures nearby.  
         Radius -3 light.
         When activated, it lights up the surrounding area, hurting
         light-sensitive creatures.
         Takes 20 to 38 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 91.9%

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  • Nick
    Originally posted by kandrc
    I know. That's what makes it funny.
    Yeah, deadpan's easy on a forum

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  • chknflyrice
    Current game picked up this one

    Whip of Anauglos (2d3) (+5, +28) <+1>

    +1 strength
    +1 attack speed
    Slays undead, orcs.
    Provides protection from fear.
    Cannot be harmed by acid or fire.

    Not particularly amazing unless you consider I picked it up on the dungeon floor at DL4. Doing 160 dpt is a little op at that level.

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  • kandrc
    Originally posted by Nick
    That's not a randart, that's an ego-item
    I know. That's what makes it funny.

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  • Nick
    Originally posted by kandrc
    I just got this game-breaking randart:

    g) Power Dragon Scale Mail (Dwarven) (-3) [60,+33] <+1, +2, +5>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4950 feet (level 99)
         +1 strength.
         +2 constitution.
         +5 infravision.
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light,
         dark, sound, shards, chaos, disenchantment.
         Provides protection from confusion.
         Prevents paralysis.
    That's not a randart, that's an ego-item

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  • Sky
    pffft. only +1 str ?
    sell it.

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  • kandrc
    I just got this game-breaking randart:

    g) Power Dragon Scale Mail (Dwarven) (-3) [60,+33] <+1, +2, +5>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4950 feet (level 99)
         +1 strength.
         +2 constitution.
         +5 infravision.
         Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light,
         dark, sound, shards, chaos, disenchantment.
         Provides protection from confusion.
         Prevents paralysis.

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  • Sky
    the Ring of Adamant 'Uilmas' <+4, +3, +11>
    +4 strength.
    +3 intelligence.
    +11 dexterity.
    +3 light.
    Provides immunity to cold.
    Provides resistance to acid, light, dark, chaos.
    Provides protection from fear, confusion.
    Cannot be harmed by lightning.
    Sustains intelligence.
    Slows your metabolism. Speeds regeneration. Prevents paralysis. Sustains
    your life force.
    Radius 3 light.

    When activated, it brands bolts with fire, in an unbalanced fashion.
    Takes 205 to 325 turns to recharge.
    Your chance of success is 74.7%

    Min Level 78, Max Level 127, Generation chance 1, Power 463, 0.2 lbs
    Based on Nenya.

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  • AnonymousHero
    Originally posted by Grotug

    And Grotug wins the thread.
    Meh, not even close. Well, actually it's quite close . I think I had a +2 attacks ring and another +1 attacks ring... on a Priest. (Can't remember if I actually found them, but... whatever.)

    EDIT: Also, this. Look at the penultimate post.

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  • Sky
    well, i found a mace of distruption (12d8), +1 str, NO slays or brands.
    and then i found a cloak of acid brand. 1100 dmg x round.

    it's funny to note that if you have an off-weapon brand, and you wield a weapon with "weak" brand, you will get a text saying "xx damage vs acid, xx damage vs acid", with two different values.

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  • Antoine
    That thing of Grotug's is quite strong


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  • Estie
    Holy thats nice. But mark my words, you are going to despise it ere the helm of telepathy is found.

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