memorable randarts
Wish I was playing a ranger for this one. Still, my warrior is making good use of it.
the Long Bow of Elpion (x4) (+7,+29) <+5, +3, +1>
+5 strength.
+3 dexterity.
+1 searching skill.
+1 shooting power.
Slays evil creatures.
Branded with cold.
Provides resistance to Acid, Lightning, Light.
Provides protection from fear.
Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
Sustains intelligence.
Prevents paralysis.
When activated, it fires a ball of acid with radius 2, dealing 120 damage at
the centre, which your device skill increases by 23% for an average of 147.6
Takes 279 to 341 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 95.4%Leave a comment:
Classic LOOT!!!
o) the Band 'Elduinur'
Dropped by Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman, at 500 feet (level 10)
Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
Aggravates creatures nearby.
My first ring!Leave a comment:
This one is interesting in the sense that the recharge time on the activate is shorter then the effect length.
Code:e) the Amulet 'Gilirhuri' <+2, +3> Dropped by Brodda, the Easterling, at 800 feet (level 16) +2 strength. +3 searching skill. +3 tunneling. Provides resistance to dark, chaos. Sustains wisdom, constitution. Slows your metabolism. Grants the ability to see invisible things. When activated, it hastes you for a while, but then makes you slower for a while afterward. Takes 82 to 90 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 89.5%
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His trouble is getting out of stat gain. And for that, any weapon that does the most damage per turn against most monsters. Haradekket would be ideal--good dice, about the right weight, and extra attacks. But weapon choice is more of a lottery for BG than for any other class.
Found lying on the floor at 650 feet (level 13)
Well ok, it needs enchanting and you don't get venom brand till clvl 28. stats aside its 2 blows with whirlwind at clvl 20 and 3 at clvl 35.Leave a comment:
His trouble is getting out of stat gain. And for that, any weapon that does the most damage per turn against most monsters. Haradekket would be ideal--good dice, about the right weight, and extra attacks. But weapon choice is more of a lottery for BG than for any other class.Leave a comment:
I find my BG's dying (almost all the time) around 1500-2000 because I run out of Cure potions/escapes. I probably need them because I'm not doing enough damage. What raw number do you think they need btw? I've got this Main Gauche doing around 143/round at 1800' btw
The venom brand spell will give a bigger boost on a higher dice weapon. Obvious not so great against anything with poison immunity, but when the weapon is already branded, then there's a much lower chance that they resist both elements.
Werewolf form and bloodlust increase blows, again there is more of a boost from these with a heavier weapon.Leave a comment:
Here's one that plugged a few holes. It let me dump a whole bunch of not quite good enough armor, and poison resistance+ CON really eased constraints on other equipment.
Code:g) the Partial Plate Armour of Elorlad (-3) [40,+16] <+2> Dropped by Glaurung, Father of the Dragons, at 4000 feet (level 80) +2 constitution. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light, chaos. Provides protection from fear, blindness, stunning. Cannot be harmed by acid. Slows your metabolism. Grants the ability to see invisible things.
Code:a) an Executioner's Sword of Extra Attacks (4d5) (+16,+17) <+2> Found lying on the floor at 3050 feet (level 61) +2 extra blows. Combat info: 7.0 blows/round. This weapon may benefit from one or more off-weapon brands or slays. Average damage/round: 551.6 vs creatures not resistant to lightning and 441 vs. others
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I find my BG's dying (almost all the time) around 1500-2000 because I run out of Cure potions/escapes. I probably need them because I'm not doing enough damage. What raw number do you think they need btw? I've got this Main Gauche doing around 143/round at 1800' btwLeave a comment:
Double immunity makes an OK weapon for mage or ranger. But without extra attacks, high damage bonus, a brand, or even slay evil it's junk as a blackguard weapon. Blackguard biggest weakness early on is in damage. That weapon makes the problem worse.Leave a comment:
SAME LEVEL (6-7 btw)
b) a Heavy Crossbow of Power (x4) (+3,+23)
Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1150 feet (level 23)
0) 26 Bolts (1d5) (+6,+6)
Combat info:
When fired, hits targets up to 140 feet away.
Average damage/round: 129.2.
20% chance of breaking upon contact.
less impressive but still quite useful
c) a Ring of Dexterity <+2>
Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1150 feet (level 23)
+2 dexterity.
Sustains dexterity.
And two Dex potions!Leave a comment:
So I was wearing a nice little main gauche of lightning for a while doing ~30 points of damage
when I ran into this this and this in rapid succession
d) a Ring of Damage (+0,+9)
Dropped by a mind flayer at 1150 feet (level 23)
s) a Scimitar (Holy Avenger) (7d2) (+13,+9) [+3] <+3>
Dropped by Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman, at 1150 feet (level 23)
+3 wisdom.
Slays undead, demons, evil creatures.
Provides protection from fear.
Sustains strength.
Grants the ability to see invisible things. Blessed by the gods
(combat bonuses for holy casters).
a) the Main Gauche 'Goren' (1d5) (+6,+8) <+4, +3, +1>
Found lying on the floor at 1150 feet (level 23)
+4 intelligence.
+3 dexterity.
+3 stealth.
+1 light.
Slays undead, animals.
Provides immunity to Acid, Fire.
Cannot be harmed by Acid.
Combat info:
2.8 blows/round.
With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 3.1 blows
With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 3.3 blows
Average damage/round: 87.4 vs undead, 78 vs animals, and 68.6 vs.
I like the damage to evil I was getting from the HA and it was my source of FA (although I can swap in boots of FA for stealth)
But look at the double immunitiy on the main Gauche
Provides immunity to Acid, Fire.
wowLeave a comment:
Well I made heave use of range despite abysmal hit chance, carrying both bless and berserk or heroism; many shots miss but its still competitive with equally terrible melee.
So yes, +7 is not the reason to equip that ring, neverthess I dont say no in that worst phase before the spells come online.Leave a comment:
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