The Angband Ladder: Joe Black, Half-Troll Warrior by <>

  [Angband 3.0.6 alpha 1 Character Dump]

 Name   Joe Black                                Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Sex    Female            Age        22   STR! 18/100  +4  +5  +3 18/220
 Race   Half-Troll        Height     81   INT! 18/100  -4  -2  +2  18/60
 Class  Warrior           Weight    174   WIS! 18/100  -2  -2  +7 18/130
 Title  ***WINNER***      Status      1   DEX! 18/100  -4  +2  +6 18/140
 HP     1211/1211         Maximize    Y   CON! 18/100  +3  +2  +9 18/240
 SP     0/0               Preserve    Y   CHR! 18/100  -6  -1  +0  18/30

 Level           50       Armor    [52,+117]     Saving Throw     Superb
 Cur Exp   11487061       Fight    (+28,+27)     Stealth       Very Good
 Max Exp   11487061       Melee    (+37,+36)     Fighting      Legendary
 Adv Exp   ********       Shoot    (+53,+18)     Shooting      Legendary
 MaxDepth   5000 ft       Blows       6/turn     Disarming        Superb
 Gold      12025838       Shots       2/turn     Magic Device     Superb
 Burden   375.5 lbs                              Perception    Excellent
 Speed          +28       Infra        30 ft     Searching     Excellent

 Your father was a Cave-Troll Warrior.  You have slime-green eyes,
 dirty sea-weed green hair, and blue ulcerous skin.

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:......+.+.... Blind:.........+...
 Elec:+.....+...... Confu:........+....
 Fire:......+..+... Sound:......+......
 Cold:+.......+.... Shard:.......+.....
 Pois:........+.... Nexus:.............
 Fear:....+.......+ Nethr:.............
 Lite:......+...... Chaos:.............
 Dark:............. Disen:....+....+...

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:.....+....... Stea.:.........+.+.
Feath:......+...... Sear.:........+..+.
PLite:......+...... Infra:.............
Regen:..........+.+ Tunn.:.............
Telep:+............ Speed:..++.++....+.
Invis:........++... Blows:.............
FrAct:....+........ Shots:.+...........
HLife:............. Might:.............

  [Last Messages]

> You hit the Singing, happy drunk.
> You have slain the Singing, happy drunk.
> There is a wall in the way!
> You hit the Blubbering idiot.
> You have slain the Blubbering idiot.
> You hit the Village idiot.
> You have slain the Village idiot.
> You hit the Aimless-looking merchant.
> You have slain the Aimless-looking merchant.
> You have found 43 gold pieces worth of copper.
> You hit the Mean-looking mercenary.
> You have slain the Mean-looking mercenary.
> You have found 38 gold pieces worth of copper.
> Character dump successful.
> Illegal command for change name!

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Mace 'Numen' (2d4) (+9,+9) {ESP,@w0@w1,!d!v}
   It slays trolls, giants, dragons, demons, and undead.  It is branded
   with electricity and frost.  It provides resistance to lightning and 
   cold.  It sustains your constitution.  It grants you the power of
   telepathy.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
b) a Heavy Crossbow of Extra Shots (x4) (+25,+18) (+1)
   It increases your shooting speed by 1.  
c) a Ruby Ring of Speed (+11) {!d!v,@w8}
   It increases your speed by 11.  
d) a Ruby Ring of Speed (+11)
   It increases your speed by 11.  
e) an Adamant Amulet of Weaponmastery (+3,+3) (+3) {@w9@w7,!d!v}
   It increases your strength by 3.  It provides resistance to fear and 
   disenchantment.  It sustains your strength and constitution.  It grants
   you immunity to paralysis.  
f) The Palantir 'Gardaegon' (+5) {!!,!d!v}
   It increases your wisdom by 5.  It increases your speed by 5.  It
   sustains your wisdom.  It slows your metabolism and lights the dungeon
   around you.  It activates for clairvoyance every 50+d50 turns.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
g) The Metal Lamellar Armour of Bastirdo (-3) [23,+27] (+4) (charging) {!!}
   It increases your constitution by 4.  It increases your speed by 4.  It
   provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, light, and sound.  It
   sustains your constitution.  It makes you fall like a feather and 
   lights the dungeon around you.  It activates for banishment every 500
   turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) a Shadow Cloak of Protection [6,+23]
   It provides resistance to shards.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.
i) The Shield of Deflection of Moninen [10,+24] (+3) (charging) {Conf,Pois,Rec}
   It increases your dexterity by 3.  It increases your searching by 3.  
   It provides resistance to acid, cold, poison, and confusion.  It
   sustains your dexterity and charisma.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible things.  It activates for word of recall every 200 turns.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) The Steel Helm of Galrossia [6,+10] (+2) {RBlind, RDis}
   It increases your intelligence, wisdom, and constitution by 2.  It
   increases your stealth by 2.  It provides resistance to fire, blindness,
   and disenchantment.  It sustains your intelligence and constitution.  
   It grants you the ability to see invisible things.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
k) The Set of Cesti of Falcar (+4,+4) [5,+10] (+3)
   It increases your dexterity and constitution by 3.  It sustains your 
   strength, dexterity, and constitution.  It speeds your regeneration.  
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots 'Silmahith' [2,+14] (+4)
   It increases your stealth, searching, and speed by 4.  It activates for 
   magic missile (2d6) every 2 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the

  [Character Inventory]

a) 23 Silver Speckled Potions of Speed {!*}
b) 17 Purple Potions of Healing {!*}
c) 11 Crimson Potions of *Healing* {!*!*}
d) 5 Metallic Blue Potions of Life {!*!*}
e) 17 Scrolls titled "skiprok laprok" of Teleportation {!*!*!*}
f) 6 Scrolls titled "bu mictrol" of Teleport Level {!*!*, 40% off}
g) 4 Scrolls titled "wergval yerghe" of Satisfy Hunger
h) 6 Scrolls titled "solnin aksrea" of Rune of Protection {!*}
i) 24 Scrolls titled "frimur bartue" of *Destruction* {!*}
j) a Scroll titled "forre agbu bu" of Mass Banishment {!*}
k) 2 Pewter Rods of Perception {@z1,!d!v,!!}
   It cannot be harmed by electricity.  
l) 2 Aluminum-Plated Rods of Detection {!d!v,@z9}
   It cannot be harmed by electricity.  
m) a Molybdenum Rod of Restoration {!!}
   It cannot be harmed by electricity.  
n) 9 Silver-Plated Rods of Teleport Other {!*!!,@z7}
o) The Double Chain Mail 'Valain' (-2) [16,+31] (+3)
   It increases your intelligence by 3.  It increases your searching and 
   speed by 3.  It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, 
   light, nexus, nether, chaos, and life draining.  It sustains your 
   wisdom.  It slows your metabolism, lights the dungeon around you, and 
   speeds your regeneration.  It grants you immunity to paralysis and the
   ability to see invisible things, but it also aggravates creatures
   around you.  It activates for mass banishment every 1000 turns.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
p) The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0,+0] (+125) {cursed}
   It increases all your stats by 125.  It increases your infravision by
   125.  It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, 
   fear, light, dark, confusion, nexus, and nether.  It lights the dungeon
   around you.  It grants you the power of telepathy and the ability to
   see invisible things, but it also is permanently cursed.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
q) a Two-Handed Sword of Extra Attacks (3d6) (+19,+17) (+2)
   It increases your attack speed by 2.  
r) The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10]
   It slays animals, orcs, trolls, and all evil creatures, and is
   especially deadly against dragons, demons, and undead.  It creates
   earthquakes on impact.  It grants you the power of telepathy and the
   ability to see invisible things, but it also aggravates creatures
   around you.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
s) The Long Bow 'Levorlar' (x3) (+8,+6) (+2)
   It increases your shooting power by 2.  It provides resistance to acid 
   and shards.  It speeds your regeneration.  It cannot be harmed by the
t) a Long Bow of Lothlorien (x3) (+16,+21) (+2)
   It increases your dexterity by 2.  It increases your shooting power by
   2.  It grants you immunity to paralysis.  It cannot be harmed by acid 
   or fire.  
u) 19 Arrows of Slay Evil (1d4) (+5,+11)
   It slays all evil creatures.  
v) 11 Seeker Arrows of Slay Evil (4d4) (+11,+14)
   It slays all evil creatures.  
w) 4 Seeker Arrows of Slay Evil (4d4) (+10,+11) {Evil,=g,!*}
   It slays all evil creatures.  

  [Home Inventory]

a) 11 Silver Speckled Potions of Speed {!*}
b) 47 Scrolls titled "bu mictrol" of Teleport Level {!*!*, 40% off}
c) 5 Scrolls titled "sehski agman" of *Identify* {!*}
d) 5 Pewter Rods of Perception {@z1,!d!v,!!}
   It cannot be harmed by electricity.  
e) 3 Lead-Plated Rods of Recall {!*!d!v}
   It cannot be harmed by electricity.  
f) The Ring of Thorn {IMCold,@w8,!d!v}
   It provides immunity to cold.  It speeds your regeneration.  It cannot
   be harmed by the elements.  
g) The Ring of Camarmog (+4)
   It increases your intelligence and dexterity by 4.  It provides
   resistance to lightning, poison, blindness, sound, nexus, and life
   draining.  It sustains your wisdom, dexterity, and constitution.  It 
   slows your metabolism, makes you fall like a feather, and speeds your
   regeneration.  It aggravates creatures around you.  It activates for 
   large frost ball (200) every 20+d20 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the
h) The Amulet 'Lodron' (+3) {IMFire,!d!v,w@9}
   It increases your constitution by 3.  It provides immunity to fire.  It
   sustains your constitution.  It grants you immunity to paralysis.  It
   activates for dispel evil (x5) every 50+d50 turns.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
i) The Elfstone of Ilpion (+1) {Heal,!d!v,!!,@w7}
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It provides resistance to 
   blindness and disenchantment.  It sustains your constitution.  It 
   speeds your regeneration.  It activates for heal (500) every 200 turns.
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) a Silver Amulet of Trickery (+3) {Wyrm,3800',!d!v,w@9}
   It increases your dexterity by 3.  It increases your stealth, searching,
   infravision, and speed by 3.  It provides resistance to poison and 
   nexus.  It sustains your dexterity.  
k) The Arkenstone 'Gonwe'
   It provides resistance to life draining.  It sustains your wisdom and 
   charisma.  It lights the dungeon around you.  It grants you immunity to
   paralysis and the ability to see invisible things.  It activates for 
   detection every 30+d30 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
l) Balance Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+4]
   It provides resistance to sound, shards, chaos, and disenchantment.  It
   activates for breathe balance (250) every 300+d300 turns.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
m) The Jewel Encrusted Crown 'Braxe' [0,+11] (+2)
   It increases your strength and intelligence by 2.  It provides
   resistance to light, blindness, and confusion.  It sustains your 
   strength.  It speeds your regeneration.  It grants you the power of
   telepathy and the ability to see invisible things.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
n) The Two-Handed Sword of Tungromel (6d6) (+14,+15) (+2) {Rsound, Aggr, @w0,!}
   It increases your intelligence and charisma by 2.  It increases your 
   infravision by 2.  It slays giants, demons, and undead.  It is branded
   with acid.  It provides resistance to sound.  It sustains your charisma.
   It grants you immunity to paralysis, but it also aggravates creatures
   around you.  It activates for fire ball (72) every 40 turns.  It cannot
   be harmed by the elements.  
o) The Long Bow of Nedhwe (x3) (+8,+9) (+1) {Nether,@w2,!d!v}
   It increases your shooting power by 1.  It provides resistance to 
   nether.  It aggravates creatures around you and drains experience.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
p) 11 Bolts of Flame (1d5) (+16,+12) {Flame}
   It is branded with fire.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  
q) 24 Mithril Arrows of Flame (3d4) (+19,+16)
   It is branded with fire.  It cannot be harmed by acid or fire.  


Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points  : no  (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats  : yes (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): yes (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 21.5.2005 22:45

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3593. on the Ladder (of 19157)
998. on the Angband Ladder (of 6588)


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On 21.5.2005 22:45 wrote:
First winner ever. Vanilla Warrior Troll with Randarts. randarts is almost cheating. Call it the adult_cheat_speed_artifacts flag.

Got +12 speed at 2000', +2 trickery at 1400'. Sometimes those few critical dice all do roll your way.

Anyway, I always planned to post the first winner here. So here it is.

On 22.5.2005 16:29 wrote:

On 24.5.2005 05:55 wrote:

So my next plan was a Dwarf Priest, ordinary artifacts. It's an easy character, but nothing works very well when you try to melee a Gorgimaera without Free Action. I thought I'd memorized the complete list through level 2500, damn it!

I had already found two dungeon books, including Insights. Finally reach clev 23, which means time to dive. Found artifact gloves. Phial was on the floor of the medium vault ... suddenly, dead. It's been a long time since i died of paralysis. Anyway, YASD, my usual result.


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