The Angband Ladder: Ascelin, High-Elf Warrior by <>

  [Angband 3.0.3 Character Dump]

 Name   Ascelin                                  Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Sex    Male              Age       129   STR! 18/100  +1  +5 +13 18/290
 Race   High-Elf          Height     97   INT! 18/100  +3  -2  +6 18/170
 Class  Warrior           Weight    188   WIS! 18/100  -1  -2  +8 18/150
 Title  Lord              Status     47   DEX! 18/100  +3  +2 +13 18/280
 HP     1100/1100         Maximize    Y   CON! 18/100  +1  +2 +14 18/270
 SP     0/0               Preserve    N   CHR! 18/100  +5  -1  +5 18/190

 Level           50       Armor    [38,+150]     Saving Throw     Heroic
 Cur Exp   10192998       Fight    (+45,+37)     Stealth          Superb
 Max Exp   10192998       Melee    (+58,+53)     Fighting      Legendary
 Adv Exp   ********       Shoot    (+59,+16)     Shooting      Legendary
                          Blows       6/turn     Disarming        Superb
 Gold       5671870       Shots       1/turn     Magic Device     Heroic
                                                 Perception         Poor
 Burden   213.8 lbs       Infra        40 ft     Searching          Poor

 You are the only child of a Telerin Archer.  You have light grey eyes,
 straight black hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Great Axe of Eonwe (5d4) (+13,+16) [+6] (+2) {@w0@w2!k!v!d}
   It increases all your stats by 2.  It slays orcs, undead, and all evil
   creatures, and it is especially deadly against demons.  It is branded
   with frost.  It provides immunity to cold.  It provides resistance to 
   fear.  It is blessed by the gods.  It grants you immunity to paralysis
    and the ability to see invisible things.  It activates for mass
   banishment every 1000 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
b) The Long Bow of Bard (x3) (+14,+16) (+2)
   It increases your dexterity by 2.  It increases your speed and shooting
   power by 2.  It grants you immunity to paralysis.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
c) The Ring of Barahir (+1)
   It increases all your stats by 1.  It increases your stealth by 1.  It
   provides resistance to poison and dark.  It cannot be harmed by the
d) a Zircon Ring of Speed (+9)
   It increases your speed by 9.  
e) The Elfstone 'Elessar' (+7,+7) [+10] (+2)
   It increases your strength, wisdom, and charisma by 2.  It increases
   your speed by 2.  It provides resistance to fire, poison, and fear.  It
   activates for heal (500) every 200 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the
f) The Arkenstone of Thrain
   It provides resistance to light, dark, and life draining.  It lights
   the dungeon around you.  It grants you the ability to see invisible
   things.  It activates for detection every 30+d30 turns.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
g) The Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] (+3)
   It increases your intelligence, wisdom, and constitution by 3.  It
   provides resistance to acid, poison, and confusion.  It activates for 
   door and trap destruction every 10 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the
h) a Shadow Cloak of Aman [6,+15] (+3 to stealth)
   It increases your stealth by 3.  It provides resistance to sound.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
i) The Small Metal Shield of Thorin [3,+25] (+4)
   It increases your strength and constitution by 4.  It provides immunity
   to acid.  It provides resistance to fear, sound, and chaos.  It grants
   you immunity to paralysis.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) The Iron Helm of Dor-Lomin [5,+19] (+4)
   It increases your strength, dexterity, and constitution by 4.  It
   provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, and fear.  It 
   lights the dungeon around you.  It grants you the power of telepathy
    and the ability to see invisible things.  It cannot be harmed by the
k) The Set of Cesti of Fingolfin (+10,+10) [5,+20] (+4)
   It increases your dexterity by 4.  It provides resistance to acid.  It
   grants you immunity to paralysis.  It activates for a magical arrow
   (150) every 30+d30 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
l) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Feanor [3,+20] (+15)
   It increases your speed by 15.  It provides resistance to nexus.  It
   activates for haste self (20+d20 turns) every 200 turns.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  

  [Character Inventory]

a) 7 Rations of Food
b) 85 Indigo Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {50% off}
c) 51 Scrolls titled "ingdalf tox" of Phase Door {10% off}
d) 2 Scrolls titled "nejmar uni pot" of *Identify*
e) 2 Scrolls titled "batx prokblu" of Recharging
f) 24 Scrolls titled "er jo haing" of Magic Mapping {10% off}
g) 9 Scrolls titled "gopo alaner" of Treasure Detection
h) a Scroll titled "sanban ankhmik" of Mass Banishment
i) a Platinum Rod of Perception
j) 3 Chromium Rods of Recall {!z}
k) a Mithril Rod of Illumination
l) a Silver-Plated Rod of Healing {!d!k!s!v}
m) a Titanium Rod of Teleport Other
n) a Mithril-Plated Rod of Acid Balls {!k!dv}
o) an Elm Staff of Perception (16 charges) {25% off}
p) an Elm Staff of Perception (11 charges) {25% off}
q) The Mattock of Nain (2d8) (+12,+18) (+6 to searching) (charging) {@w4@w0!k!}
   It increases your strength by 6.  It increases your searching, 
   infravision, and tunneling by 6.  It slays orcs, trolls, giants, and 
   dragons.  It provides resistance to dark and disenchantment.  It
   activates for stone to mud every 2 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the
r) 18 Arrows of Venom (1d4) (+11,+11)
   It is branded with poison.  

  [Home Inventory]

a) 3 Cloudy Potions of Healing
b) 3 Hazy Potions of *Healing*
c) The Amulet of Carlammas (+2)
   It increases your constitution by 2.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It might have hidden powers.  
d) an Agate Amulet of ESP (+7)
   It increases your searching by 7.  It grants you the power of telepathy
   .  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
e) The Jewel 'Evenstar' (charging)
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It might have hidden powers.  
f) an Amber Amulet of Weaponmastery (+2,+4) (+3)
   It increases your strength by 3.  It provides resistance to fear and 
   disenchantment.  It sustains your strength and constitution.  It grants
   you immunity to paralysis.  
g) The Phial of Galadriel
   It lights the dungeon around you.  It activates for illumination every
   10+d10 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) The Star of Elendil
   It lights the dungeon around you.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible things.  It activates for magic mapping every 50+d50 turns.  
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
i) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2)
   It increases your strength and dexterity by 2.  It provides resistance
   to acid, lightning, fire, cold, fear, confusion, and sound.  It cannot
   be harmed by the elements.  
j) The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+1)
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It provides resistance to acid, 
   lightning, fire, cold, confusion, sound, and nexus.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
k) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [4,+20]
   It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, light, and dark.
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
l) The Shield of Deflection of Gil-galad [10,+20] (+5)
   It increases your wisdom and charisma by 5.  It provides resistance to 
   acid, lightning, dark, and disenchantment.  It sustains your wisdom, 
   dexterity, and charisma.  It lights the dungeon around you.  It
   activates for starlight (10d8) every 100 turns.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
m) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] (+3)
   It increases your strength, dexterity, and constitution by 3.  It
   provides resistance to acid, cold, dark, and nexus.  It sustains your 
   strength, dexterity, and constitution.  It aggravates creatures around
   you.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
n) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror [6,+20] (+3)
   It increases your strength and constitution by 3.  It increases your 
   speed by 3.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It might have hidden
o) The Broken Sword 'Narsil' (3d2) (+6,+10) (+2)
   It increases your strength and dexterity by 2.  It increases your 
   attack speed by 2.  It slays orcs and trolls.  It provides resistance
   to fire.  It is blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by the
p) The Dagger of Rilia (2d4) (+4,+3)
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It might have hidden powers.  
q) The Long Sword 'Anduril' (3d5) (+10,+15) [+10] (+4)
   It increases your strength and dexterity by 4.  It slays orcs, trolls, 
   undead, and all evil creatures.  It is branded with fire.  It provides
   resistance to fire, fear, and disenchantment.  It sustains your 
   strength and dexterity.  It is blessed by the gods.  It grants you 
   immunity to paralysis and the ability to see invisible things.  It
   activates for fire ball (72) every 40 turns.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
r) The Long Sword 'Elvagil' (2d5) (+2,+7) (+2)
   It increases your dexterity and charisma by 2.  It increases your 
   stealth by 2.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It might have
   hidden powers.  
s) The Bastard Sword 'Calris' (5d4) (-20,+20) (+5) {cursed}
   It increases your constitution by 5.  It slays trolls, demons, and all
   evil creatures, and it is especially deadly against dragons.  It
   provides resistance to disenchantment.  It aggravates creatures around
   you and is heavily cursed.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
t) The Battle Axe of Balli Stonehand (3d8) (+9,+12) [+5] (+3) {@w3@w0!k!v!d}
   It increases your strength and constitution by 3.  It increases your 
   stealth by 3.  It slays orcs, trolls, and demons.  It provides
   resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, and blindness.  It makes you
   fall like a feather and speeds your regeneration.  It grants you 
   immunity to paralysis and the ability to see invisible things.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
u) The Short Bow of Amras (x2) (+12,+15) (+1 to speed)
   It increases your intelligence, wisdom, and dexterity by 1.  It
   increases your speed, shooting speed, and shooting power by 1.  It
   provides resistance to lightning, fire, and cold.  It slows your
   metabolism.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
v) The Short Bow of Amrod (x2) (+12,+15) (+2)
   It increases your strength and constitution by 2.  It increases your 
   shooting power by 2.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It might
   have hidden powers.  
w) 18 Mithril Arrows of Acid (3d4) (+11,+9)
   It is branded with acid.  It cannot be harmed by acid and fire.  


Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points  : no  (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats  : no  (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : no  (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 15.7.2003 01:06
Last updated on 16.7.2003 07:52

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3990. on the Ladder (of 19164)
1219. on the Angband Ladder (of 6589)


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On 15.7.2003 03:10 wrote:
Something about having both the Shards of Narsil *and* Andúril just amuses me too much...

On 15.7.2003 03:10 wrote:
Something about having both the Shards of Narsil *and* Andúril just amuses me too much...

On 15.7.2003 03:10 wrote:
Something about having both the Shards of Narsil *and* Andúril just amuses me too much...

On 15.7.2003 05:43 wrote:
Man, Glauring had a lot of good stuff... no idea why my earlier comment posted thrice...

On 16.7.2003 07:52 wrote:
It's the 10m EXP/ jury duty dump!

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