The Angband Ladder: PosChengband
Found 2395 dumps.
[ 1 - 50 | 51 - 100 | 101 - 150 | 151 - 200 | 201 - 250 | 251 - 300 | 301 - 350 | 351 - 400 | 401 - 450 | 451 - 500 | 501 - 550 | 551 - 600 | 601 - 650 | 651 - 700 | 701 - 750 | 751 - 800 | 801 - 850 | 851 - 900 | 901 - 950 | 951 - 1000 | 1001 - 1050 | 1051 - 1100 | 1101 - 1150 | 1151 - 1200 | 1201 - 1250 | 1251 - 1300 | 1301 - 1350 | 1351 - 1400 | 1401 - 1450 | 1451 - 1500 | 1501 - 1550 | 1551 - 1600 | 1601 - 1650 | 1651 - 1700 | 1701 - 1750 | 1751 - 1800 | 1801 - 1850 | 1851 - 1900 | 1901 - 1950 | 1951 - 2000 | 2001 - 2050 | 2051 - 2100 | 2101 - 2150 | 2151 - 2200 | 2201 - 2250 | 2251 - 2300 | 2301 - 2350 | 2351 - 2395 ]
name | race class | level | experience | turncount | max depth | variant | updated | by | |||
17714 | 2134 | Blob | Jelly Monster | 13 | 1,626 | 4,307 | PosChengband 1.0.0 | 1 comment | 13.1.2013 22:32 updated | Roch | |
14484 | 1511 | Yeller | Hound Monster | 26 | 30,338 | 14,190 | PosChengband 1.0.0 | 1 comment | 14.1.2013 07:51 updated | Roch | |
18120 | 2212 | Hacker | Demigod Weaponmaster | 10 | 1,160 | 3,486 | PosChengband 1.0.0 | 7 comments | 14.1.2013 14:59 updated | dzhang | |
12018 | 1069 | Blind Eye | Beholder Monster | 30 | 193,232 | 13,600 | PosChengband 1.0.0 | 5 comments | 19.1.2013 21:13 | Arjen | |
5669 | 434 | Deathstare | Beholder Monster | 49 | 10,415,168 | 28,666 | PosChengband 1.0.0 | 15 comments | 19.1.2013 21:15 | Arjen | |
1789 | 135 | The Blob | Jelly Monster | 50 | 20,487,875 | 32,329 | PosChengband 1.0.1 | 20 comments | 16.1.2013 04:28 | chris | |
15861 | 1754 | Sariel | Angel Monster | 21 | 21,980 | 17,511 | PosChengband 1.0.1 | 4 comments | 15.1.2013 16:10 | | |
18322 | 2238 | Demonman | Demon Monster | 8 | 875 | 5,451 | PosChengband 1.0.1 | 6 comments | 16.1.2013 04:44 | Owenazuris | |
15971 | 1783 | clouded | Mindflayer Mage | 21 | 11,491 | 14,295 | PosChengband 1.0.1 | 6 comments | 17.1.2013 20:23 updated | clouded | |
2193 | 181 | Unblinking | Beholder Monster | 50 | 17,772,699 | 115,512 | PosChengband 1.0.10 | 9 comments | 9.3.2013 00:50 | chris | |
9613 | 730 | Ani | Half-Titan Mauler | 35 | 1,148,530 | 53,550 | PosChengband 1.0.10 | 18 comments | 24.3.2013 13:53 | Ani | |
7907 | 560 | Fluffy | Hound Monster | 42 | 2,275,749 | 19,709 | PosChengband 1.0.10 | 15 comments | 13.3.2013 10:26 | Arjen | |
5511 | 381 | Rift Rat | Human Wild-Talent | 50 | 5,381,199 | 33,313 | PosChengband 1.0.10 | 3 comments | 15.3.2013 16:09 updated | A.Waenerberg | |
9809 | 765 | Underhill | Hobbit Weaponmaster | 35 | 584,632 | 73,248 | PosChengband 1.0.11 | 7 comments | 13.3.2013 16:34 | chris | |
1500 | 101 | The Shining One | Angel Monster | 50 | 23,054,661 | 32,068 | PosChengband 1.0.12 | 26 comments | 22.3.2013 05:12 | clouded | |
1942 | 158 | Doggy | Hound Monster | 50 | 19,331,198 | 29,202 | PosChengband 1.0.12 | 1 comment | 16.3.2013 21:28 updated | Aver | |
18776 | 2306 | Turkano | Balrog Rune-Knight | 3 | 92 | 2,157 | PosChengband 1.0.12 | 5 comments | 17.3.2013 03:13 updated | HugoTheGreat2011 | |
4376 | 355 | Dog | Hound Monster | 50 | 8,932,963 | 56,076 | PosChengband 1.0.13 | 11 comments | 17.3.2013 02:25 | chris | |
7676 | 541 | Hydra | Hydra Monster | 43 | 2,390,674 | 18,641 | PosChengband 1.0.13 | 1 comment | 22.3.2013 01:05 updated | Aver | |
16179 | 1827 | Goatmog | Demon Monster | 20 | 12,719 | 6,240 | PosChengband 1.0.13 | 8 comments | 24.3.2013 22:49 updated | Arjen | |
12065 | 1075 | Kuenja | Dark-Elf Beastmaster | 30 | 175,090 | 58,863 | PosChengband 1.0.13 | 6 comments | 1.4.2013 00:42 | ThunderToads | |
2401 | 210 | Cybersmash | Demon Monster | 50 | 16,548,520 | 42,232 | PosChengband 1.0.14 | 16 comments | 23.3.2013 01:22 | chris | |
9005 | 661 | Squirrel | Half-Titan Beastmaster | 37 | 1,793,480 | 73,160 | PosChengband 1.0.14 | 14 comments | 22.4.2013 22:43 | UglySquirrell | |
8290 | 599 | Annelliot | Demigod Archer | 40 | 2,641,257 | 30,281 | PosChengband 1.0.16 | 10 comments | 5.4.2013 02:18 | | |
19074 | 2376 | Goatmog II | Demon Monster | 1 | 0 | 1,800 | PosChengband 1.0.16 | 2 comments | 25.3.2013 11:07 updated | Arjen | |
11016 | 922 | Telluride | Shadow-Fairy Archer | 32 | 263,219 | 21,087 | PosChengband 1.0.16 | 2 comments | 31.3.2013 05:23 | Roch | |
11963 | 1053 | Wombat | Demon Monster | 30 | 219,049 | 19,507 | PosChengband 1.0.16 | 1 comment | 9.4.2013 07:28 updated | Roch | |
1764 | 129 | Impaler | Vampire Rogue | 50 | 20,622,406 | 91,038 | PosChengband 1.0.17 | 19 comments | 28.3.2013 01:53 | chris | |
3435 | 312 | Underbridge | Troll Monster | 50 | 11,950,228 | 37,261 | PosChengband 1.0.17 | 12 comments | 28.3.2013 01:12 | chris | |
15157 | 1621 | Erebus | Demigod Ninja | 24 | 29,504 | 11,330 | PosChengband 1.0.17 | 4 comments | 4.4.2013 10:36 | clouded | |
17838 | 2163 | Archie | Demigod Archer | 12 | 1,729 | 10,268 | PosChengband 1.0.17 | 1 comment | 7.4.2013 01:21 updated | JohnCW9 | |
2948 | 262 | Heratic | Demigod Paladin | 50 | 13,910,499 | 59,550 | PosChengband 1.0.18 | 11 comments | 5.4.2013 02:04 | chris | |
9594 | 725 | Angwen | Demigod Berserker | 35 | 1,533,943 | 9,601 | PosChengband 1.0.18 | 5 comments | 9.4.2013 13:03 | | |
12418 | 1116 | Talismancer | Draconian Devicemaster | 29 | 180,315 | 17,448 | PosChengband 1.0.18 | 11 comments | 12.4.2013 20:39 | clouded | |
18687 | 2284 | Elizbennet | Human Archer | 5 | 85 | 2,032 | PosChengband 1.0.18 | 2 comments | 13.4.2013 16:23 updated | | |
8490 | 614 | Testmon | Demon Monster | 40 | 1,280,313 | 7,523 | PosChengband 1.0.18 | 5 comments | 17.4.2013 21:39 updated | | |
7803 | 556 | Fiend | Balrog Devicemaster | 42 | 3,651,474 | 21,401 | PosChengband 1.0.19 | 19 comments | 20.4.2013 19:31 | clouded | |
14618 | 1524 | Shrew | Android Devicemaster | 26 | 0 | 1,906 | PosChengband 1.0.19 | 2 comments | 16.4.2013 10:19 updated | Arjen | |
3062 | 281 | Goro | Xorn Monster | 50 | 13,343,993 | 17,552 | PosChengband 1.0.19 | 25 comments | 27.4.2013 22:33 | clouded | |
14889 | 1585 | Bruce | Xorn Monster | 25 | 25,956 | 10,172 | PosChengband 1.0.19 | 1 comment | 23.4.2013 18:58 updated | Roch | |
10310 | 828 | Stormseeker | Giant Monster | 33 | 805,352 | 43,775 | PosChengband 1.0.2 | 10 comments | 19.1.2013 00:40 | chris | |
10782 | 891 | Rodney | High-Elf Devicemaster | 32 | 502,198 | 28,207 | PosChengband 1.0.20 | 10 comments | 16.4.2013 23:53 | chris | |
17129 | 2016 | Andy | Angel Monster | 16 | 3,323 | 7,397 | PosChengband 1.0.20 | 1 comment | 22.4.2013 02:40 updated | JohnCW9 | |
17419 | 2077 | munckin2 | Demigod Archer | 15 | 1,896 | 10,772 | PosChengband 1.0.20 | 2 comments | 24.4.2013 02:19 | JohnCW9 | |
316 | 13 | W*A*N*D | Demigod Devicemaster | 50 | 56,288,564 | 27,670 | PosChengband 1.0.20 | 3 comments | 3.7.2013 20:29 | Aver | |
6984 | 501 | Slash'em | Demon Monster | 45 | 6,702,596 | 21,569 | PosChengband 1.0.21 | 6 comments | 7.5.2013 10:58 | | |
14907 | 1587 | Dee | Dwarf Mindcrafter | 25 | 24,633 | 29,483 | PosChengband 1.0.21 | 13 comments | 4.5.2013 23:34 | TranslAnon | |
11215 | 937 | Bunny | Demigod Beastmaster | 31 | 395,331 | 40,806 | PosChengband 1.0.21 | 6 comments | 28.4.2013 21:25 | UglySquirrell | |
9291 | 689 | Andymunch | Android Warrior | 37 | 0 | 5,785 | PosChengband 1.0.21 | 2 comments | 3.5.2013 20:08 | JohnCW9 | |
291 | 12 | Fox | Demigod Beastmaster | 50 | 60,278,519 | 151,890 | PosChengband 1.0.21 | 41 comments | 18.5.2013 03:04 | UglySquirrell |
winner | alive | dead |