The Angband Ladder: Sylvia, Dunadan Paladin by <>

  [Angband 3.0.9b Character Dump]

 Name   Sylvia                                   Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
 Sex    Female            Age        51   STR! 18/100  +1  +3  +5 18/190
 Race   Dunadan           Height     78   INT! 18/100  +2  -3  +3 18/120
 Class  Paladin           Weight    200   WIS! 18/100  +2  +1  +0 18/130
 Title  ***WINNER***      Status     22   DEX! 18/100  +2  +0  +6 18/180
 HP     1001/1001         Maximize    Y   CON! 18/100  +3  +2  +4 18/190
 SP     252/252                           CHR! 18/100  +2  +2  +0 18/140

 Level           50       Armor   [59,+151]     Saving Throw      Heroic
 Cur Exp   11769778       Fight   (+23,+15)     Stealth           Superb
 Max Exp   11769778       Melee   (+40,+35)     Fighting       Legendary
 Adv Exp   ********       Shoot   (+46,+31)     Shooting          Heroic
 MaxDepth   Lev 100       Blows      5/turn     Disarming         Superb
 Turns     28018571       Shots      1/turn     Magic Device      Heroic
 Gold       1557969       Infra        0 ft     Perception          Poor
 Burden   397.4 lbs       Speed          27     Searching           Poor

 You are one of several children of a Serf.  You are a well liked
 child.  You have hazel eyes, wavy brown hair, and an average

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:....+.+...... Blind:.+.......++..
 Elec:+.....+*..... Confu:......+......
 Fire:......+...... Sound:......+......
 Cold:++......+.*.. Shard:..........+..
 Pois:.+........... Nexus:......+......
 Fear:............. Nethr:....+........
 Lite:.........+... Chaos:+.....++.....
 Dark:.........+... Disen:.....+.......

      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:...........+. Stea.:..........++.
Feath:.....++...++. Sear.:.............
PLite:.....+...++.. Infra:.............
Regen:.+...+....... Tunn.:.............
Telep:.+........... Speed:.+++.......+.
Invis:....+....+... Blows:.............
FrAct:.+........+.. Shots:.............
HLife:.+........... Might:.+...........

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Two-Handed Sword 'Turth' (6d6) (+17,+20) (+3)
   It increases your strength and dexterity by 3.  It is especially
   deadly against dragons.  It is branded with frost.  It provides
   resistance to lightning, cold, and chaos.  It sustains your strength 
   and dexterity.  It aggravates creatures around you.  It activates
   for a magical arrow (150) every 20+d20 turns.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
b) The Heavy Crossbow of Aelen (x4) (+23,+31) (+3)
   It increases your constitution by 3.  It increases your speed and 
   shooting power by 3.  It provides resistance to cold, poison, 
   blindness, and life draining.  It sustains your strength, 
   constitution, and charisma.  It speeds your regeneration.  It grants
   you immunity to paralysis and the power of telepathy, but it also 
   aggravates creatures around you.  It cannot be harmed by the
c) a Marble Ring of Speed (+12)
   It increases your speed by 12.  
d) a Marble Ring of Speed (+14)
   It increases your speed by 14.  
e) The Jewel 'Adilim' (+1) {AcidNetherSI}
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It provides resistance to acid 
   and nether.  It sustains your intelligence and dexterity.  It grants
   you the ability to see invisible things.  It activates for restore
   life levels every 150 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
f) The Palantir of Raugluin (+2) {Disn}
   It increases your strength by 2.  It provides resistance to 
   disenchantment.  It sustains your strength.  It usually provides
   light of radius 4.  It makes you fall like a feather and speeds your
   regeneration.  It activates for clairvoyance every 50+d50 turns.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
g) The Adamantite Plate Mail 'Forod' (-4) [40,+38]
   It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, confusion, sound, 
   nexus, and chaos.  It makes you fall like a feather.  It activates
   for stone to mud every 2 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the
h) The Cloak of Nielmir [1,+22] {ELECChaos}
   It provides immunity to lightning.  It provides resistance to chaos.
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
i) a Shield of Deflection of Resist Cold [10,+28]
   It provides resistance to cold.  It cannot be harmed by acid or cold.
j) a Golden Crown of Night and Day [0,+17]
   It provides resistance to light, dark, and blindness.  It usually
   provides light of radius 1.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible things.  It cannot be harmed by acid.  
k) The Set of Cesti of Talor [5,+20] (+3) {COLD}
   It increases your intelligence and dexterity by 3.  It increases
   your stealth by 3.  It provides immunity to cold.  It provides
   resistance to blindness and shards.  It sustains your intelligence, 
   dexterity, and charisma.  It usually provides light of radius 4.  It 
   makes you fall like a feather.  It grants you immunity to paralysis.
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
l) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Hirdal [3,+13] (+6)
   It increases your stealth and speed by 6.  It slows your metabolism 
   and makes you fall like a feather.  It cannot be harmed by the

  [Character Inventory]

a) 4 Holy Books of Prayers [Beginners Handbook] {@m1@b1!d!k!v}
b) 4 Holy Books of Prayers [Words of Wisdom] {@m2@b2!d!k!v}
c) 4 Holy Books of Prayers [Chants and Blessings] {@m3@b3!d!k!v}
d) 3 Holy Books of Prayers [Exorcism and Dispelling] {@m4@b4!d!k!v}
e) a Holy Book of Prayers [Ethereal Openings] {@m5@b5!d!k!v}
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
f) a Holy Book of Prayers [Godly Insights] {@m6@b6!d!k!v}
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
g) a Holy Book of Prayers [Purifications and Healing] {@m7@b7!d!k!v}
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) a Holy Book of Prayers [Holy Infusions] {@m8@b8!d!k!v}
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
i) a Holy Book of Prayers [Wrath of God] {@m9@b9!d!k!v}
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) 30 Puce Potions of Speed
k) 2 Vermilion Potions of *Healing*
l) 2 Coagulated Crimson Potions of Life
m) 19 Magenta Potions of Restore Mana
n) 25 Gold Potions of Restore Life Levels
o) 5 Light Blue Potions of Enlightenment
p) 20 Scrolls titled "bradir" of Teleportation
q) 3 Scrolls titled "sus emens" of Banishment
r) 19 Aluminium Wands of Clone Monster (0 charges)
s) The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0,+0] (+125) {cursed}
   It increases all your stats by 125.  It increases your infravision
   by 125.  It provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, 
   poison, fear, light, dark, confusion, nexus, and nether.  It usually
   provides light of radius 4.  It grants you the power of telepathy 
   and the ability to see invisible things, but it also is permanently
   cursed.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
t) The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It might have hidden powers.
u) 28 Bolts of Lightning (1d5) (+17,+14)
   It is branded with electricity.  It cannot be harmed by electricity.
v) 2 Seeker Bolts of Slay Evil (4d5) (+15,+15) {@f1}
   It slays all evil creatures.  

  [Home Inventory]

a) The Ring of Iarno (+3) {Dark}
   It increases your wisdom and charisma by 3.  It increases your 
   searching and speed by 3.  It provides resistance to dark.  It
   sustains your wisdom and charisma.  It usually provides light of
   radius 4.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
b) The Ring of Aragon (+3) {NetherESP}
   It increases your infravision by 3.  It provides resistance to 
   nether.  It sustains your wisdom and dexterity.  It grants you the
   power of telepathy.  It activates for haste self (75+d75 turns)
   every 150+d150 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
c) The Ring of Eledhrim (+5)
   It increases your dexterity by 5.  It increases your searching and 
   infravision by 5.  It provides resistance to lightning, cold, poison,
   dark, shards, and nexus.  It sustains your intelligence, dexterity, 
   and charisma.  It makes you fall like a feather and speeds your
   regeneration.  It activates for large fire ball (120) every 20+d20
   turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
d) The Ring of Margonde (+2)
   It increases your strength, wisdom, and constitution by 2.  It
   provides resistance to lightning, fire, dark, blindness, shards, 
   nether, and life draining.  It sustains your wisdom.  It makes you
   fall like a feather.  It grants you immunity to paralysis, the power
   of telepathy, and the ability to see invisible things, but it also 
   aggravates creatures around you.  It activates for large frost ball
   (200) every 20+d20 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
e) The Amulet of Caldir (+2)
   It increases your infravision by 2.  It provides resistance to fire, 
   cold, dark, and blindness.  It makes you fall like a feather and 
   speeds your regeneration.  It grants you immunity to paralysis.  It
   activates for dispel evil (x5) every 50+d50 turns.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
f) The Necklace of Danele (+2)
   It increases your strength by 2.  It provides resistance to light, 
   confusion, and chaos.  It sustains your strength.  It usually
   provides light of radius 4.  It slows your metabolism.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
g) The Elfstone 'Vanta' (+2) {Sound}
   It increases your strength and wisdom by 2.  It provides resistance
   to sound.  It sustains your strength and wisdom.  It activates for 
   heal (500) every 200 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) a Crystal Amulet of Devotion (+3)
   It increases your wisdom and charisma by 3.  It provides resistance
   to fire, light, dark, and life draining.  It sustains your wisdom 
   and charisma.  It usually provides light of radius 1.  
i) an Adamant Amulet of Trickery (+4)
   It increases your dexterity by 4.  It increases your stealth, 
   searching, infravision, and speed by 4.  It provides resistance to 
   poison and nexus.  It sustains your dexterity.  
j) The Arkenstone 'Lador' (+3)
   It increases your stealth and infravision by 3.  It provides
   resistance to sound and shards.  It usually provides light of radius 
   3.  It grants you the ability to see invisible things.  It activates
   for detection every 30+d30 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the
k) Balance Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+17]
   It provides resistance to sound, shards, chaos, and disenchantment.  
   It activates for breathe balance (250) every 300+d300 turns.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  
l) The Metal Scale Mail 'Eldor' (-2) [13,+16] (+1) {ElecColdConfDisn}
   It increases your wisdom and constitution by 1.  It provides
   resistance to lightning, cold, confusion, disenchantment, and life
   draining.  It sustains your wisdom and constitution.  It grants you 
   immunity to paralysis.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
m) The Adamantite Plate Mail of Mengin (-4) [40,+32] (+1)
   It increases your wisdom by 1.  It provides resistance to acid, 
   lightning, fire, cold, and life draining.  It sustains your wisdom, 
   dexterity, and constitution.  It slows your metabolism.  It
   activates for starlight (10d8) every 100 turns.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
n) The Cloak of Mahauglos [1,+23] (+4) {fireConfSI}
   It increases your constitution by 4.  It increases your searching by
   4.  It provides resistance to fire and confusion.  It sustains your 
   constitution.  It grants you the ability to see invisible things.  
   It activates for fire branding of bolts every 999 turns.  It cannot
   be harmed by the elements.  
o) a Small Leather Shield of Preservation [2,+24] {Nexus}
   It provides resistance to nexus, disenchantment, and life draining.  
   It sustains your strength, dexterity, and constitution.  It cannot
   be harmed by the elements.  
p) a Large Metal Shield of Elvenkind [5,+19] (+1 to stealth) {Chaos}
   It increases your stealth by 1.  It provides resistance to acid, 
   lightning, fire, cold, and chaos.  It cannot be harmed by the
q) The Iron Helm of Obelegin [5,+14] (+2)
   It increases your intelligence and wisdom by 2.  It provides
   resistance to blindness and shards.  It speeds your regeneration.  
   It grants you immunity to paralysis and the ability to see invisible
   things.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
r) The Steel Helm 'Londorgel' [6,+13] (+1) {ColdDarkBlind}
   It increases your strength by 1.  It provides resistance to cold, 
   dark, and blindness.  It sustains your strength.  It usually
   provides light of radius 4.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
s) The Set of Cesti 'Mancalach' (+4,+3) [5,+22] (+3)
   It increases your wisdom by 3.  It increases your stealth and 
   infravision by 3.  It sustains your intelligence and wisdom.  It
   activates for a magical arrow (150) every 30+d30 turns.  It cannot
   be harmed by the elements.  
t) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots 'Salais' [3,+20] (+3) {Disn}
   It increases your stealth by 3.  It provides resistance to 
   disenchantment.  It usually provides light of radius 4.  It slows
   your metabolism and makes you fall like a feather.  It grants you 
   immunity to paralysis.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
u) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Adilos [6,+16] (+5) {Conf}
   It increases your stealth and searching by 5.  It provides
   resistance to confusion.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
v) The Two-Handed Sword of Elethil (3d6) (+10,+15) (+1) {AcidBlind}
   It increases your attack speed by 1.  It provides resistance to acid 
   and blindness.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
w) The Blade of Chaos 'Oionar' (6d5) (+9,+11) (+2)
   It increases your dexterity by 2.  It increases your searching by 2.
   It provides resistance to nexus and chaos.  It grants you immunity
   to paralysis and the power of telepathy.  It activates for 
   banishment every 500 turns.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
x) The Spear of Ainyamlar (1d6) (+28,+26) (+1)
   It increases your dexterity and charisma by 1.  It slays animals, 
   orcs, trolls, giants, dragons, and all evil creatures.  It is
   branded with electricity.  It provides resistance to fire and cold.  
   It sustains your strength, intelligence, dexterity, and charisma.  
   It makes you fall like a feather.  It grants you immunity to
   paralysis.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  


Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): yes (adult_randarts)
Adult: Auto-scum for good levels             : yes (adult_autoscum)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : no  (adult_no_preserve)
Adult: Don't generate connected stairs       : no  (adult_no_stairs)
Adult: Monsters chase current location       : yes (adult_ai_sound)
Adult: Monsters chase recent locations       : yes (adult_ai_smell)
Adult: Monsters act smarter in groups        : no  (adult_ai_packs)
Adult: Monsters learn from their mistakes    : no  (adult_ai_learn)
Adult: Monsters exploit players weaknesses   : no  (adult_ai_cheat)
Adult: Monsters behave more intelligently (broken): no  (adult_ai_smart)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 23.4.2008 22:03
Last updated on 25.4.2008 17:34

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3488. on the Ladder (of 19145)
937. on the Angband Ladder (of 6586)
25. for this player (


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On 23.4.2008 22:03 wrote:
The paladin is dead, Long live the paladin.

Next try, posting while trying to decide what to equip.
What would you choose ? Especially the weapons give me the headache.

On 24.4.2008 02:35 wrote:
Found this nice amulet with res nether, but still not sure which weapon is best. Curently using the one with ESP which frees the helm slot.
Is the spear any good ? It sure has nice enchantments, but slay/brand isnt much use with 1d6 base damge. Why couldnt it have been a 2handed sword or something similary deadly :/

On 24.4.2008 23:42 wrote:
Another character not finding good items :/
From what I have seen with my dozen or so high level toons, the random artifacts seem to be worse than the standard ones on average.

On 25.4.2008 03:04 wrote:
Found this excellent shooter, complete with ammo in the same pit. Sure it aggravates, but the first hit on Faegwath took out 2 stars :)

On 25.4.2008 14:05 wrote:
Nice AC on that armor. low on speed and immunities, but I guess im ready for the last fight.

On 25.4.2008 17:34 wrote:

On 25.4.2008 17:42 wrote:
Oh, unique summons of the day: Tom and Ulfang. I never check the list as it would spoil the surprise.

On 26.4.2008 00:13 Wraitheist wrote:
I thought that wearing 2 rings of speed didn't do anything for your character? Or has that changed?

On 26.4.2008 03:55 wrote:
Huh ? Never heard of that. All sources of speed stack (ok, only 1 buff will).

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