Rings of Mobility do not always offer Free Action; please check out the runes/item properties before wearing one!
FAangband 2.0beta
I'm getting weird coloring and bad formatting on the birth screen while playing on angband.live. I'm pretty sure I know what's causing this, since Frog used to have the same bug: the early screens are displayed before various Angband-specific things like the proper colors are loaded (and before the first call to TERM_XTRA_REACT), so they use the system's default colors and settings instead.
Winged dragon of powers should be pluralized as winged dragons of powerSame for winged dragon of Ilmens.
Is that one-way connection between Nan Dungortheb 70 and Doriath 24 supposed to be like that?
Update on #53: I'm also getting extra @s on levels with dungeon entrances, it seems to happen when I recall to such a level but I've yet to see it when I get there by stairs. The extra @ changes color with regular @ if my HP takes a hit.Last edited by Sideways; July 28, 2020, 19:16.The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.Comment
FirstAge Archery
I'm going to be starting a Ranger so I'll probably get a better feel for it with a class that's supposed to specialize in ranged damage, but my experience with the rogue tells me--and rodent/Sideways agrees, I think--that the current state of archery feels pretty underpowered; shooting doesn't feel like it does competitive damage, my best numbers have been with branded multiple shots a round, and even then it felt subpar.
Something that I think might be affecting it--though I might be remembering wrongly--is that as per old FA O-style combat deadliness from non-shooter non-ammo equipment applied to shooting as well as melee, whereas currently it only applies to melee (I'm guessing as a consequence of non-O mechanics).Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:
I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.Comment
Something that I think might be affecting it--though I might be remembering wrongly--is that as per old FA O-style combat deadliness from non-shooter non-ammo equipment applied to shooting as well as melee, whereas currently it only applies to melee (I'm guessing as a consequence of non-O mechanics).One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
I'm getting a reproducible crash on trying to re-enter Ephel Brandir here. You can download the files below (thanks to dhouseholder for getting them!) but I think they're probably unnecessary, it seems trying to re-enter any town at night causes a reproducible crash now.Attached FilesThe Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.Comment
RFE: Missing FA stuff
Didn't see any of this in the existing issues or in the 2.0 milestone stuff on Git, so for the record:
There are some things from old FA still absent from FirstAge; uniques like The Desperate Adventurer and artifacts like the art devices among them (EDIT: also wands of shrapnel).Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:
I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.Comment
Running frequently works in unexpected and often counterproductive ways, especially in the wilderness. It runs past items, runs past road intersections, successfully follows a road if and only if I don't want it to follow that road, and sometimes changes direction by 45 degrees in the middle of nowhere
Spider webs don't seem to work in tree areas.
Dagmor should be buffed somehow, it's really, really weak with O combat.
The average damage/round for unarmed combat doesn't seem to be displayed anywhere, which makes it very hard to compare armed and unarmed options, especially if show_damage is not on.
A few things that would be very nice to have:
- digging not auto-repeating if the player has a 0% chance of clearing the obstacle
- more transparency in the speciality selection menu (I've had to code-dive to figure out which ones I actually want)
- some way to highlight unidentified items on the object list, either through special coloring or by moving them to the top of the list (some way to travel to them automatically would be doubly nice!)
- item origins including the location (e.g. Nargothrond or West Beleriand) in addition to the depthThe Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.Comment
Report Batch #13
Dark Nagas: "hurt by cold, but resists cold and poison"
Jewellery: I've occasionally seen jewellery that have no bonuses or maluses. Rings of Hindrance should probably have their flavor text reworked or be guaranteed to have maluses.Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:
I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.Comment
Issues page now fully updated, I believe.One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
I disagree. It makes sense for the now empty lantern to drop. I think that is far more intuitive then random item you didn't touch falling out. I certainly expected the empty lantern to drop. I suspect it is what most people would expect too. It is also how things behaved when devices used to unstack. The device droped out, not your healing potions or your scrolls of destruct.Comment
Exo's patch (originally written by a user called Exo) is the code for automatically producing output like this every time the game is saved and/or the player's details otherwise change (e.g. they move to a new area - though I think that triggers auto-save in FAA). This is what allows angband.live to show the player's race, class, level and current location and display a red death message when they die.
Gwarl is claiming FAA does not actually need Exo's patch since it has V-like savefiles, which in this particular respect are more "readable" than most variant savefiles - but there are some big disadvantages with that approach. Firstly, V doesn't need to include any information about the location besides the depth, and consequently FAA savefiles don't display the full location in plaintext either; but CharOutput would. Secondly, it requires Gwarl to actively do things, and apparently to do them again every time there's a new release - at least one of the recent V releases (4.2.0 or 4.2.1 or maybe both) was missing this information for weeks despite having fully V-like savefiles. Thirdly, including Exo's patch in the game itself allows updating CharOutput more often than the savefile if desirable. Fourthly, Gwarl's approach does not actually include producing a CharOutput.txt, but it's a nice file to have; on angband.live players' CharOutput files are publicly accessible but their savefiles are not, so the CharOutput files allow you to check how other players are doing even if they're not currently online (this would be even more convenient in V, since V does not support checking users' progress through the Hall of Fame).
I think I found some use for them offline too debugging something or other, but I forget what that was - maybe I was just debugging CharOutput itself... or it might have been related to possessor code or to discrepancies in what monsters were displayed as having killed the player.
The Frog version of Exo's patch (updated by me) is here (it gets called from the save routine and separately on game start), you should be able to adapt it easily or to write new code with the same formatting.
I disagree. It makes sense for the now empty lantern to drop. I think that is far more intuitive then random item you didn't touch falling out. I certainly expected the empty lantern to drop. I suspect it is what most people would expect too. It is also how things behaved when devices used to unstack. The device droped out, not your healing potions or your scrolls of destruct.The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.Comment
EDIT: Actually unfixed bug, still not fixed.One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment