FAangband 2.0beta

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  • dhouseholder
    • Aug 2012
    • 7

    Please find attached the correct randart for rodent's report.
    Attached Files


    • Sideways
      • Nov 2008
      • 886

      Managed to continue play by avoiding the recall to Ephel Brandir, and got a weird situation somewhat later where the object list displayed one "unknown item" separately from the other unknown items and without highlighting it in red, although it did still use the red * symbol for it. When I went over to inspect the item it was not there, so it had been either destroyed or picked up in the meantime (or had never really been there in the first place). I verified that it was not an item being ignored, but other than that I don't know what the issue was. There was a Maia of Oromë on the same square.
      The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


      • Sideways
        • Nov 2008
        • 886

        Rhukath scored a Ring of Utility on DL 6 with +6 strength, intelligence, dexterity, damage reduction and movement speed. I think that has to be a bug somehow. (Are movement speed and damage reduction even supposed to generate on rings?)
        The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


        • backwardsEric
          • Aug 2019
          • 533

          Originally posted by Nick
          OK, thanks. I have added more checks for when monsters (and now objects!) are generated in the walls, but I would really like to understand how it's happening in the first place. Has anyone noticed whether it's particular types of level? Or if it's just at the top boundary (which is the only place I've seen it) or others?
          So far there's been two, the object one reported earlier and one with a monster, both at the top boundary in wilderness areas (Hithaeglir 2 and Eriador 6). The second one was after recompiling with the added checks.

          Also, the evasion special ability triggers on the Complainer's complaints so one gets the occasional "You evade the attack!" intermixed with his rambling.


          • Sideways
            • Nov 2008
            • 886

            Morgoth does not generate on Angband 100 reliably; I needed 3 tries to get him to generate. He also did not drop Grond or his hat when I killed him. I did get tagged as a winner, and the stairs to Angband 101 generated properly.
            The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


            • MITZE
              • Jan 2017
              • 295

              Adamantite Plate Mail

              Should probably have flat damage reduction on it; I was surprised it didn't already, given its theme.
              Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

              I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.


              • backwardsEric
                • Aug 2019
                • 533

                Originally posted by Nick
                OK, thanks. I have added more checks for when monsters (and now objects!) are generated in the walls, but I would really like to understand how it's happening in the first place.
                It looks like the ragged option in make_edges() allows for the boundary wall to be zero elements thick. So a monster or object could be added there and then the paranoid rebuilding of the boundary in populate() would put a permanent wall on top of the monster or object. Changing the

                if (i < 0) i = 0;
                parts in the ragged part of make_edges() to

                if (i < 1) i = 1;
                should fix that if I'm understanding things correctly.


                • Nick
                  Vanilla maintainer
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 9353

                  Originally posted by backwardsEric
                  It looks like the ragged option in make_edges() allows for the boundary wall to be zero elements thick. So a monster or object could be added there and then the paranoid rebuilding of the boundary in populate() would put a permanent wall on top of the monster or object. Changing the

                  if (i < 0) i = 0;
                  parts in the ragged part of make_edges() to

                  if (i < 1) i = 1;
                  should fix that if I'm understanding things correctly.
                  Yes, that looks right. Thanks
                  One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                  In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                  • wobbly
                    • May 2012
                    • 2577

                    Some minor cosmetic issues:

                    "You see a grass." "You are on a grass." "You are on a lowland trees."


                    • wobbly
                      • May 2012
                      • 2577

                      [20:09] Rhukath: ooo crash
                      [20:09] Rhukath: when I activate my bow
                      [20:09] Rhukath: it works fine on arrows
                      [20:13] Rhukath: ok it only crashes if you use it in a shop
                      [20:13] Rhukath: nope there we go
                      [20:13] Rhukath: it's if it tries to brand with poison

                      Crash on activate to brand ammo.


                      • Sideways
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 886

                        Quick review of game balance after 2 deep runs, ent blackguard and drúadan druid. Will cover the latter combination in more detail since it is the less balanced one, ent blackguard seemed to have better balance though I might have just been unlucky with the loot.

                        Druid is an interesting class. There's a lot of nice and quite unusual synergy between the various spells, and even between the spells and items (e.g. Rods of Light and the Lightning Strike spell). I would say, though, that it all works a bit too well; while I was very lucky with loot, and had the benefit of a strong race (drúadan), and eventually leveled up all the way to CL 50 (which is now quite rare in V), I do also think druids are OP. (I also feel that FA, with its large and sprawling map, likely shouldn't be balanced around skipping almost all of that map en route to a CL 38 win like V is; but that consideration aside, druids are OP compared to other classes.)

                        What makes druids OP isn't a mystery. Their toolkit is just too complete: mage-worthy offensive spells; great utility (haste self, mapping, detect life, stone to mud, slow, confuse, repositioning); restoration; good stealth; good melee... my guy even had good HP, and while that might have been because of the drúadan (and the luck) their HP's definitely not a problem. Druids have the upsides of every other class without the downsides of any, and on top of that, their spellset's almost perfect for loscheese. About the only things the druid toolkit is missing are Teleport Other, an emergency healing spell and a Leap-into-Battle-style rush attack, and the last one isn't something they need.

                        Most of the above likely goes for V as well, but the specialities available in FAA (like Channeling and Heighten Magic) also go together well with the druid kit, which calls for using cheap offensive spells over and over again. In addition, finding highly effective resistances is very easy in FAA.

                        Suggested remedies:

                        - Massive nerfs to loscheese, which is both easy and unexciting
                        - Druid being jack of all trades is likely fine, as long as they are also the master of none; increase the mana costs on the early offensive spells, reduce the power and/or dramatically increase the mana costs of the book 5 offensive spells (!restoremana is super-common, so high mana costs are easily coped with if the spell is worth it), and maybe nerf their armed melee a bit. Possibly chuck out a few spells; druids could very easily get by with 4 books, although this would bring them out of line with the 5-book classes. (These changes need to go together with nerfs to loscheese; otherwise they simply encourage even more loscheese, and increase the tedium without increasing the difficulty.)
                        - It is too easy to accumulate resists; random objects (randarts, random jewelry, egos with random attributes) just generate with so many of them so often. Encourage them to either generate with fewer resists, or generate with (much) lower resist percentages, or both
                        - Nerf randarts in general
                        - Nerf loot in general. FA's old-school stinginess with loot was part of its charm and flavor, and knowing you might find a truly horribly bad object was part of the fun


                        All that detail about druids and randarts aside, the biggest imbalance in the game right now is the brokenness of the economy. Item valuation needs to be thoroughly revisited before any official release.
                        The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                        • Nick
                          Vanilla maintainer
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 9353

                          Originally posted by Sideways
                          Quick review of game balance
                          Thanks, very helpful.

                          Originally posted by Sideways
                          Massive nerfs to loscheese, which is both easy and unexciting
                          Any ideas how? I don't think it was OP in FA1.4, which has the same los rules. Is it the set if spells that druids have? Or do the monsters need to be smarter to deal with it?

                          Originally posted by Sideways
                          the biggest imbalance in the game right now is the brokenness of the economy. Item valuation needs to be thoroughly revisited before any official release.
                          I know ego ammunition is totally broken - where else is this a problem?
                          One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                          In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                          • Sideways
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 886

                            Originally posted by Nick
                            Any ideas how? I don't think it was OP in FA1.4, which has the same los rules. Is it the set if spells that druids have? Or do the monsters need to be smarter to deal with it?
                            The druid spellset really plays into it, but any class can exploit it, for some of them it's just a bit harder. Even on the blackguard my plan was to cheese Morgoth and I expected it to be very easy; but it's not something blackguards otherwise rely on, since they don't have as many ranged options as druids do and (even with Recharging) the charges on the best offensive devices are limited. But druids can rely on loscheese as a key tactic for most of the game; though they absolutely do not need to do so, I killed a lot of high-level uniques like Pazuzu and Sauron and the Tarrasque face-to-face.

                            Loscheese also trivializes some high-level uniques, like Wiruin and Qlzqqlzuup, in an extremely boring way; they're the special cases always best killed with loscheese, even on classes with limited ranged options.

                            My main suggestions for nerfing loscheese:
                            - Allow monsters to cast some types of spells without requiring LOS on the player if they've been hurt by the player since their last move. Obviously not all spells are suitable for this; suitable spells include summons, heal-self and possibly blink-self/tele-self (I'm somewhat unsure about the wisdom of allowing the latter two)
                            - Tweak monster AI so that monsters with breath/spell attacks will always try to get @ in their own LOS

                            Implementing both of these would massively nerf loscheese, and would seriously discourage attempts to kill any of the big bosses (Mîm, Glaurung, Ungoliant, Sauron or Morgoth) through an entirely cheese-based approach. It would not eliminate loscheese entirely, though; many high-level monsters, including summonless dragons and especially hand drujs, would remain highly cheeseable. (It would also allow partial cheese against healers and summoners, as well as other LOS-based tactics like using LOS to guarantee a safe teleother, which are not necessarily undesirable.)

                            Additional (less powerful, more coding-intensive) possible nerfs would be:

                            - Change LOS and/or projection mechanics to reduce asymmetry, perhaps allowing multiple paths between squares. Eliminating LOS asymmetry altogether isn't required (or even very helpful since loscheese doesn't necessarily require LOS asymmetry), but it would limit the power of hockeystick-based tactics
                            - Allow monsters to hit the player with splash damage from ball (and possibly breath) spells; this would also nerf hockeysticks by allowing a monster like Sauron (a frequent hockeystick target in V) to fire darkness storms and nether balls at the square next to you

                            There's no way to eliminate LOS exploits completely, but as long as they're not game-breaking or encourage unfun ways to play that's okay.

                            I know ego ammunition is totally broken - where else is this a problem?
                            Ego ammo is the big one, just fixing that will go a long way. But there's a fair bit of other very weird stuff, like the Iron Helm of Gorlim selling for >130K even though it has -25 INT/WIS and aggravation on it.

                            The ego ammo issue, though, is symptomatic of a larger underlying problem; ego ammo's just the place where it's most noticeable and most easily exploited. The value of egos and ego attributes doesn't properly account for the item they're on; a whip of shocking is worth about the same as a lochaber axe of shocking, even though with O combat the former is worthless and the latter's potentially a Glaurung-killer. Valuation is also extremely arbitrary. Apart from the ammo thing it isn't too bad - especially with selling off as the default - because while it is deeply flawed, people will seldom either buy or sell any ego item, so their pricing barely matters. But solving the underlying problem and bringing items' nominal values closer to their practical values would be ideal, and doing so could also help elsewhere (like with the OP randarts problem) by allowing item-power sanity checks based on accurate valuation.
                            Last edited by Sideways; August 3, 2020, 23:46.
                            The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                            • MITZE
                              • Jan 2017
                              • 295

                              Shooter Egos

                              Was going through the code to check, and discovered that slings and crossbows don't get any special egos to them. Moreover, Extra Might looks like it used to be +1d2 multiplier in old FA whereas in new FA it looks like it's a straight +1--which really limits how useful slings can be in the current state.

                              EDIT: Apparently there aren't any sling standarts either
                              Last edited by MITZE; August 4, 2020, 02:24. Reason: Added more info.
                              Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

                              I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.


                              • wobbly
                                • May 2012
                                • 2577

                                Just to add to Sideways comments, the AI for killwall actually approaches along the line of cheese. I tend to not really set up cheese. I'm just waiting at a sensible looking spot and... the target is just very cheesable, so I cheese it.

