FAangband 2.0beta

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  • Holy_Rage
    • Aug 2016
    • 37

    Read Minds (necromancer spell, book 1, spell #5) is supposed to map the area around the spirit detected, but does not do so.


    • MITZE
      • Jan 2017
      • 295

      Rune Knowledge Bug Update

      Narrowed down the rune knowledge bug a bit for you.

      Just sold an unidentified potion in town and bought it back identified (EDIT: Just confirmed that AFAICT it's selling an unknown flavor to the store that seems to trigger the bug), something in that seems to have caused me to forget specifically the % resists on equipment--but not pvals or binary flags, like sustains or protections.

      AFAICT it only applies when [I]nspecting equipment; the rune knowledge menu itself still claims you know the resist flags, and if you look at the character sheet it'll still show you your resist totals as they should be.
      Last edited by MITZE; July 19, 2020, 20:53. Reason: Added more info.
      Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

      I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.


      • MITZE
        • Jan 2017
        • 295

        "You have no room for 2 Dagger 'Nimthanc' (1d5) (+8,+5)."

        Nimthanc just generated for me--in a stack of two. Further, once I broke up the pile of Nimthanc they refused to stack again.
        Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

        I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.


        • Nick
          Vanilla maintainer
          • Apr 2007
          • 9353

          OK, I think everything reported so far has either been captured on the issues page or fixed (possibly only in development). A few other notes:

          Originally posted by Sideways
          Racial resistances seem to be off somehow, Grey-Elves start with 79% light resistance (even though the files seemingly specify 40%), and Ents start with -119% fire resistance (the file says -30%).
          This should be fixed now; it was only ever a display problem.

          Originally posted by Holy_Rage
          Could a "rest until the sun sets/rises" button be implemented? (it was "$" in FAangband)
          That will happen some time.

          Originally posted by Holy_Rage
          Read Minds (necromancer spell, book 1, spell #5) is supposed to map the area around the spirit detected, but does not do so.
          The area mapped starts at just the spirit, but then expands with character level.
          One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
          In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


          • MITZE
            • Jan 2017
            • 295

            Throwing Damage

            Not absolutely positive that this is a bug, but the way things tally up for the throwing damage of various objects according to the game don't seem right to me.

            Nimthanc: (1d5), +5 deadliness, perfectly balanced: 89.7 branded, 35.2 otherwise

            Well-balanced Dagger of Melting: (1d4), +10 deadliness, perfectly balanced: 81.6 branded, 32.1 otherwise

            Spear of Shocking: (1d6), +8 deadliness, normal throwing balance: 128.5 branded, 51.1 otherwise

            Basically, I would think that well-balanced throwing stuff would be more competitive, but it looks like the XdY (and/or maybe the weight, I saw the commit) of the weapon are far far more important for damage than the deadliness bonus or even being perfectly balanced. Maybe that's on purpose, but it feels wrong that a spear with +1 side and +3 deadliness over Nimthanc outstrips it by so much, despite being nominally worse for throwing.
            Last edited by MITZE; July 20, 2020, 04:34. Reason: Fixed formatting.
            Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

            I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.


            • Nick
              Vanilla maintainer
              • Apr 2007
              • 9353

              Originally posted by MITZE
              Not absolutely positive that this is a bug, but the way things tally up for the throwing damage of various objects according to the game don't seem right to me.
              I'll have to check it thoroughly; it's entirely possible that the shown damage is not the actual damage.
              One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
              In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


              • Sideways
                • Nov 2008
                • 886

                Entry 74 in history.txt (character description for ents) has one space too many at the end.

                The same monster was described as simply a "cutpurse" when it woke up and when it fled in terror, but as a "dwarf cutpurse" when I actually fought it; not sure if this is intentional, but it looks very strange.

                A giant black louse just generated inside the northern boundary wall of a wilderness level. The square displays as a normal permanent wall when I'm not close enough to see the louse. I cannot actually inspect either the louse or the wall because they're outside the intended play area, but the louse shows up normally on the '[' monster list. (The game eventually crashed on this level, I think that happened either when the [sleeping] louse tried to wake up, or when it had already woken up and tried to multiply.) I guess MITZE already reported this bug.

                Would be nice if kin summons from green-elf priests and the like would summon more green-elves, or at a minimum more elves, rather than just other monsters with the character p.

                Sometimes the game just chucks me out for no apparent reason. Not completely sure if that's firstage or angband.live, but I haven't seen any other variants do the same.

                Spirit nagas should be worth way more XP.
                Last edited by Sideways; July 20, 2020, 16:55.
                The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                • Holy_Rage
                  • Aug 2016
                  • 37

                  In Belegost's Black Market ("7"), the number of scrolls of Identify Rune shown to be available for sale is superior to the ones actually available.

                  Buying and using scrolls of Identify Rune on an unIDed item does not always reveal the targetted rune. Used three scrolls to manage to get results on a single rune.


                  • Holy_Rage
                    • Aug 2016
                    • 37

                    Casting offensive spells against enemies occupying a tree or rubble square does not trigger a miss chance due to them hiding behind a tree or a boulder. Intentional perhaps?

                    While in wilderness (Thargelion 11), once nighttime fell, a skeleton kobold spawned right in the same square as @. Casting See Invisible didn't reveal it, it kept attacking until I actually moved away from the said square. Very thematic if intended, an undead clutching @'s foot and clawing :P


                    • Sideways
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 886

                      The game (apparently) crashes or gets stuck when I try to give-ID a resistance armour with some unknown rune on it. This seems to be reproducible, maybe dhouseholder can get you the files.
                      The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                      • dhouseholder
                        • Aug 2012
                        • 7

                        crash when giving items to shop for ID

                        Rodent has reported a bug. When he tries to give his armor of resistance to a shop to ID the runes it crashes. He says it is reproducible.

                        Here is his save file & the eight most-recent randart files.
                        Attached Files


                        • Nick
                          Vanilla maintainer
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 9353

                          I've just pushed a fix to Github and angband.live which disables the store and home inventories from the knowledge menus, and fixes dhouseholder's crash - which was a dumb mistake in generating the levels with the entrances to Nargothrond and Tol-In-Gaurhoth.

                          I'm assuming this thread will continue to outgrow my fixes, at least until the weekend. I hope the bug-finding is fun and rewarding
                          One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                          In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                          • dhouseholder
                            • Aug 2012
                            • 7

                            Hi Nick,

                            I am able to enter Talath Dirnen 29, but I could not find a dungeon entrance after magic-mapping the whole level twice.

                            I also tried to go into Sirion Vale 36 but I am getting a repeatable crash. That's where the attached save is at.
                            Attached Files


                            • MITZE
                              • Jan 2017
                              • 295

                              Report Batch #5

                              Prices: May in fact not actually be a bug, but curses don't appear to have an effect on pricing; I checked what I would get for a cursed amulet I was carrying, completely uncursed it, and it fetched the same price afterwards.

                              Object Destructibility: Certain objects should maybe be immune to elements that their base type otherwise wouldn't be--wands/rods of lightning bolts vs. lightning attacks, for example.

                              Monster Confusion: Confusion doesn't seem to stop monsters from at least breathing (maybe casting spells too, I didn't notice that). Should it?

                              Monster Tracking: Probably unwanted behavior in regards to monster tracking and player traps; if the player, monster, and trap are in the right spot the monster will continually walk over a trap trying to get to a player. This worked to my benefit against Lokkak.
                              Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

                              I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.


                              • MITZE
                                • Jan 2017
                                • 295


                                Player Traps: Make the info for player traps display what element they do and the damage, where applicable.

                                Resist Potions: Make the info for the resist potions display how much % resist they give, or if it's a non-set amount give some indication of what you can expect.
                                Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

                                I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.

