Poschengband game mechanic questions

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  • Number Thirteen
    • Jun 2015
    • 26

    Didn't want to make a new thread and instead will just add my question to this one.

    Death Swords. How do you gain nutrition? I am all of a sudden hungry even though I have been absorbing weapons. The food of mortals offers me no sustenance. Should I just ignore it since I don't actually eat?


    • Cold_Heart
      • Mar 2012
      • 138

      Originally posted by Number Thirteen
      Didn't want to make a new thread and instead will just add my question to this one.

      Death Swords. How do you gain nutrition? I am all of a sudden hungry even though I have been absorbing weapons. The food of mortals offers me no sustenance. Should I just ignore it since I don't actually eat?
      Try to munch on a wand or a staff. Some are yummy!


      • Cold_Heart
        • Mar 2012
        • 138

        Does anyone know a way to reroll/increase the max amount of gold that any given shop has ?


        • Regalia
          • Dec 2008
          • 85

          I recall that buying out a few times was the way to go in some variants.

          I've never seen it happen in PosCheng.

          And I feel your pain. I tend to restart each character a dozen of times just to make sure that at least one town has decent prices. Even then, since my "base of operations" is Morivant, I restart if prices are <10000 there (sometimes after 15-20 minutes of playing).

          I'd *love* to see minimum prices fixed at 15000.


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2577

            I just keep a mental note of which town has a 30000 gp weapon or armour shop & dump egos in the home till I visit. I too tend to operate out of Morivant but it's realistically only 1000 gp to teleport to another town then teleport back & gives you a chance to check the black market in another town.

            Re buyout, I've seen the shop owner change before in Poscheng, unsure whether the max. gold changed.


            • hjklyubn
              • Jan 2014
              • 19

              Originally posted by wobbly
              I just keep a mental note of which town has a 30000 gp weapon or armour shop & dump egos in the home till I visit. I too tend to operate out of Morivant but it's realistically only 1000 gp to teleport to another town then teleport back & gives you a chance to check the black market in another town.
              I really wish the selling limits were the same at least in every town per game and type of store, but preferably just the same for all stores in all games (say 20000). The routine of go to sell item -> oops it's over the selling cap in this town -> teleport to the best town to sell item is totally uninteresting, and poschengband does give you enough ways to spend large amounts of money late in the game that the amount of money you get from selling things does (at least seem to) matter.


              • Regalia
                • Dec 2008
                • 85

                Originally posted by wobbly
                I just keep a mental note of which town has a 30000 gp weapon or armour shop & dump egos in the home till I visit.
                Granted, but you don't get a guaranteed 30k shop in any of the 3 main cities (Angwil is a pain to navigate, so I don't even count the shops there). Or 25k, or 20k, or even 15k. And midgame, when you get a bag full of egos in <5 mins, time spent on town switching adds up fast.

                My point is, it's mildly boring and little past that.

                Sure, you can always get 30k shops in Outpost (keep restarting until it does) but their customer service gets one star out of five (no recharge, no restoration, no mass id, no *id*).

                Originally posted by wobbly
                Re buyout, I've seen the shop owner change before in Poscheng, unsure whether the max. gold changed.
                Afair, gold is tied to the owner, so if they changed, then gold likely changed as well.

                Edit: seems like the chance is 1/21 atm. Just make sure you don't start buying out the moment you sold a Death Scythe.
                Last edited by Regalia; June 20, 2015, 12:03.


                • Number Thirteen
                  • Jun 2015
                  • 26

                  Originally posted by Cold_Heart
                  Try to munch on a wand or a staff. Some are yummy!
                  Thanks for the information.

                  So what does absorbing a weapon do? I completed the Thieves Quest and received a long sword reward. I read that absorbing it without IDing it might have some benefit.

                  Before the adsorb I was a broken sword +3 +5 and after the absorb I was the same.

                  What exactly does absorbing weapons do as a Death Sword?


                  • Regalia
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 85

                    Originally posted by Number Thirteen
                    What exactly does absorbing weapons do as a Death Sword?
                    You gain "essences" of (most) effects the weapon had/gave. For example, if it gave acid resistance, you gain an acid resistance essence. Gain enough essences of the same type and you get the effect yourself.

                    If an effect can normally be gained more than once for additional power, then you also can do that by gaining more essences. It is nonlinear though (and sadly, in the bad sense) and for some abilities it also depends on your current evolution (so you can lose an effect when you evolve).

                    You can gain a lot of things this way: stats, ac, speed, resistances, brands... sadly, you can never get time resistance (there are not enough fixedarts and no ego/randart swords give that particular resistance).


                    • Number Thirteen
                      • Jun 2015
                      • 26

                      Originally posted by Regalia
                      You gain "essences" of (most) effects the weapon had/gave. For example, if it gave acid resistance, you gain an acid resistance essence. Gain enough essences of the same type and you get the effect yourself.

                      If an effect can normally be gained more than once for additional power, then you also can do that by gaining more essences. It is nonlinear though (and sadly, in the bad sense) and for some abilities it also depends on your current evolution (so you can lose an effect when you evolve).

                      You can gain a lot of things this way: stats, ac, speed, resistances, brands... sadly, you can never get time resistance (there are not enough fixedarts and no ego/randart swords give that particular resistance).
                      So what would, say, a longsword +2 +2 give me? A change to gain attack and damage role? Or would it be better off to sell this item? What about the average +0 club I just found, should I sell/drop it since it's not worth absorbing?

                      Basically are only ego weapons worth absorbing?

                      Also is it possible to see this essence?


                      • Regalia
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 85

                        Originally posted by Number Thirteen
                        So what would, say, a longsword +2 +2 give me?
                        It would give you to hit and to dmg essences. Depending on how many you have already, it might raise your actual to hit and to dmg.

                        Absorb all weapons. Set autodestroyer to absorb all weapons on pickup if you're lazy. It's not worth the time to differentiate between what you'll absorb and what you'll sell. Just absorb all.

                        A single exception might be with weapons that resist disenchantment, you might want to keep those and use them up all at once. Why? Because disenchantment is devastating for death-swords (and afair you need a triple! resistance to be immune to the effect).

                        Originally posted by Number Thirteen
                        Also is it possible to see this essence?
                        Yes, somewhere in the info screens (press ~ then some numbers or space if you will).

                        Edit: cleanup.


                        • Number Thirteen
                          • Jun 2015
                          • 26

                          Originally posted by Regalia
                          It would give you to hit and to dmg essences. Depending on how many you have already, it might raise your actual to hit and to dmg.

                          Absorb all weapons. Set autodestroyer to absorb all weapons on pickup if you're lazy. It's not worth the time to differentiate between what you'll absorb and what you'll sell. Just absorb all.

                          A single exception might be with weapons that resist disenchantment, you might want to keep those and use them up all at once. Why? Because disenchantment is devastating for death-swords (and afair you need a triple! resistance to be immune to the effect).

                          Yes, somewhere in the info screens (press ~ then some numbers or space if you will).

                          Edit: cleanup.
                          Thanks for the good information.

                          Why save up the disenchant resist weapons? Wouldn't you want to absorb them in order to build up essence? Or does saving them up and absorbing them all at once give you more essence and hence more change to get better resist?


                          • Regalia
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 85

                            Originally posted by Number Thirteen
                            Thanks for the good information.

                            Why save up the disenchant resist weapons? Wouldn't you want to absorb them in order to build up essence? Or does saving them up and absorbing them all at once give you more essence and hence more change to get better resist?
                            Because getting hit by disenchantment steals your essences. Amongst other, it can steal those responsible for disenchantment resistance. If you absorb enough of them to get triple resDis all at once... well, no risk to lose them on items lying at home.


                            • Number Thirteen
                              • Jun 2015
                              • 26

                              Originally posted by Regalia
                              Because getting hit by disenchantment steals your essences. Amongst other, it can steal those responsible for disenchantment resistance. If you absorb enough of them to get triple resDis all at once... well, no risk to lose them on items lying at home.
                              Very good tip. Thanks for the assistance.


                              • Number Thirteen
                                • Jun 2015
                                • 26

                                Another few questions, this time about archers. What does the (7/8) after enchantment mean on ammo?

                                16 arrows (1d4) (+0, +0) (7/8)

                                What is the difference between archers and snipers? I'm assuming archers get more attacks while snipers get fewer, harder hitting attacks. Are their ranges different? Can snipers create ammo?

                                Speaking of creating ammo how do you create arrows? I can make shots out of rubble but now arrows. Is there some way to create extra arrows in the dungeon reliably?

