Poschengband game mechanic questions

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  • debo
    • Oct 2011
    • 2320

    Originally posted by ranger jeff
    "only slightly more tedious than the current endgame"
    Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


    • HugoVirtuoso
      • Jan 2012
      • 1132

      I think chris is inclined to take any suggestion that would make the game tad harder.
      My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

      If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

      As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


      • debo
        • Oct 2011
        • 2320

        I think the problem is not the endgame, it's that I'm the wrong person to play that endgame.

        The zangband variant endgame philosophy seems to be "take everything that made the endgame predictable and make it completely unreliable", and the result is that it is also incredibly annoying to play. The endless charge-draining+summoning uniques are the worst, and I'm guessing that's why most winners generally skip the endgame entirely and try to from DL75 to taking a hail-mary at killing the serpent. I would probably rather do data entry than play a character at Angband DL98.

        If you took away charge-draining, though, I'm guessing the game would be made a fair amount easier also, which sort of goes against the philosophy.

        It's more or less super fun until that point, though, and I'm pretty happy to play the rest of the game over and over again with different builds, etc.
        Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


        • HugoVirtuoso
          • Jan 2012
          • 1132

          PosChengband = Zangband on steroids. 'nuff said.
          My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

          If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

          As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


          • youtoo
            • Aug 2013
            • 31

            is there a way to hotkey spells? I need 4 key strokes for offensive spells

            m - > pick spell book -> pick spell -> pick target.


            • Arjen
              • Dec 2010
              • 237

              You can macro stuff with shft 2 -> 4) create macro.


              • OmniNegro
                • Jul 2014
                • 37

                Do not forget to inscribe your spellbooks with { and make them something like a number. The way it works is like this.
                Example Spellbook is in slot a. But as I pick up stuff, I have no way to keep it in that slot. So I type "{am@1" minus the quotes for the spellbook to be inscribed with "m@1".

                Then if I ever need to cast from it, after pressing m to cast a spell, I need not worry where in my inventory it is. I just press 1 to select the book.

                And so when I make my macro, it will likely be little more than m1a. (Or whatever spell letter I use.)

                You can use inscriptions for other benefits too, like doing !d!s!v!k to prevent dropping, selling, throwing (The v) or destroying it. (The k)

                And you can easily bind these together and inscribe books like the following. "!s!d!v!k m@1" and have a book easily found anywhere in your inventory that you will not ever accidentally do any of the things you put a ! before. And this does not only apply to books. *ANYTHING* can be inscribed for quick and easy use. You can inscribe potions, equipment, scrolls, and everything else. It is common for players to inscribe !* on things like scrolls of Genocide since they are very situational, valuable, and will absolutely destroy you if accidentally used. That inscription prevents *ANY* action from being taken with the object without you confirming it.

                I think the aforementioned scrolls now automatically come with that inscription. Chris is making us lazy.
                Last edited by OmniNegro; October 12, 2014, 00:57. Reason: Wrong sysmbol used. Fixed.


                • JohnCW9
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 114

                  Originally posted by OmniNegro
                  Do not forget to inscribe your spellbooks with { and make them something like a number. The way it works is like this.
                  Example Spellbook is in slot a. But as I pick up stuff, I have no way to keep it in that slot. So I type "{am@1" minus the quotes for the spellbook to be inscribed with "m@1".

                  Then if I ever need to cast from it, after pressing m to cast a spell, I need not worry where in my inventory it is. I just press 1 to select the book.

                  And so when I make my macro, it will likely be little more than m1a. (Or whatever spell letter I use.)

                  You can use inscriptions for other benefits too, like doing !d!s!v!k to prevent dropping, selling, throwing (The v) or destroying it. (The k)

                  And you can easily bind these together and inscribe books like the following. "!s!d!v!k m@1" and have a book easily found anywhere in your inventory that you will not ever accidentally do any of the things you put a ! before. And this does not only apply to books. *ANYTHING* can be inscribed for quick and easy use. You can inscribe potions, equipment, scrolls, and everything else. It is common for players to inscribe !* on things like scrolls of Genocide since they are very situational, valuable, and will absolutely destroy you if accidentally used. That inscription prevents *ANY* action from being taken with the object without you confirming it.

                  I think the aforementioned scrolls now automatically come with that inscription. Chris is making us lazy.
                  I learned long time to used "@m1........" for books and "@z1........." for rods.
                  My first legit winner http://angband.oook.cz/ladder-show.php?id=5114


                  • youtoo
                    • Aug 2013
                    • 31

                    What I hit ? at character creation I see each race has a 'BHP', what is this?


                    • youtoo
                      • Aug 2013
                      • 31

                      what are race/class combos you have use? Vampire/ninja works well. Its the only one I have tried.

                      if you have one that uses magic/archery, which spells do you like and which things do you macro to make the game more efficient.


                      • wobbly
                        • May 2012
                        • 2577

                        Is there any way to protect gear from fire damage? I'm on a fire resistant mount (carrion) & trailing 2 fire breathers (baby reds). I'm pretty tempted to stack fire resistance, turn on friendly fire & just let them rip but having all my gear toasted would get annoying.


                        • debo
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 2320

                          You should be completely safe with rF+++ or better. (I think it checks 1d66 >rF%.)

                          This extends more generally to other elemental inventory damage (e.g. having staves blown up by acid checks 1d66 > rAcid%)
                          Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


                          • budswell
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 156

                            Thanks for this Variant, I'm new to this after playing Z+ for a while. It reminds me a fair bit of Tome2 which is the variant I've played the most, a years ago. I assume it'll get a bit easier as I get more familiar the way tome did. Although I'm crap at all of them...

                            I'm just messing with camelot for the time being, although this thread implies that's not a good strategy

                            So just starting out and trying some things, I usually prefer spellcasters. A couple of questions:
                            - Is is possibly to get a monster list window like in other bands? (I'm a multi window player). Didn't think I used it much, but I really miss it now its gone, was a good tool for avoiding suprises (I do know about [, just not disciplined enough to use it often)
                            - What is with the weapon skills? With my priest I noticed I missed a lot more when I switched from my mace to a warhammer. Is that just because my skill was lower? Or is there a special priest+mace bonus like I read there was with rogue+sling?
                            - Similarily, what are the spell skills about? Is it just the more I use the spells the fail rates drop a bit?

                            Edit: Removed dumb question that I worked out myself
                            Last edited by budswell; March 4, 2015, 13:09.


                            • wobbly
                              • May 2012
                              • 2577

                              Originally posted by budswell
                              I'm just messing with camelot for the time being, although this thread implies that's not a good strategy
                              My own order is thieves quest - warg quest - poke head into icky caves (for ease of recall) - poke head in orc caves (same reason) - morivant (1000 gold restore/600 gold id all) - angband etc. but just do what works for you.

                              Originally posted by budswell
                              So just starting out and trying some things, I usually prefer spellcasters. A couple of questions:
                              - Is is possibly to get a monster list window like in other bands? (I'm a multi window player). Didn't think I used it much, but I really miss it now its gone, was a good tool for avoiding suprises (I do know about [, just not disciplined enough to use it often)
                              - What is with the weapon skills? With my priest I noticed I missed a lot more when I switched from my mace to a warhammer. Is that just because my skill was lower? Or is there a special priest+mace bonus like I read there was with rogue+sling?
                              - Similarily, what are the spell skills about? Is it just the more I use the spells the fail rates drop a bit?

                              Edit: Removed dumb question that I worked out myself
                              You'll usually have trouble hitting with a weapon you haven't used before (unskilled), & your class will have max. skills in various weapons. Use bless when first switching weapons if it's an issue. Hit C then w to check the to-hit. Also if you want to ride as a priest the warhammer seems to be the only mount-usable blunt weapon. For the rest I'll let someone who knows better answer.


                              • Nivim
                                • Jan 2014
                                • 60

                                My order is to use the interesting rooms birth option so all dungeons are super-dangerous, then get my first few levels in wilderness (vaults) before raiding the dungeon greater vaults for highest risk/reward ratio.

                                Originally posted by budswell
                                So just starting out and trying some things, I usually prefer spellcasters. A couple of questions:
                                - Is is possibly to get a monster list window like in other bands? (I'm a multi window player). Didn't think I used it much, but I really miss it now its gone, was a good tool for avoiding suprises (I do know about [, just not disciplined enough to use it often)
                                The window options are in =w, but sadly, there isn't an option for monster list yet! It will probably get added whenever chris or someone has time, since it's a pretty good feature.

                                Originally posted by budswell
                                - Similarily, what are the spell skills about? Is it just the more I use the spells the fail rates drop a bit?
                                Also cost, I think; I've only played one character with a book so far, and I didn't actually practice any of the spells-- I just used my huge buildup of extra spell levels to [G]ain spells more than once (which increases their mastery by a tier) until I maxed the ones I cared about.

