Poschengband game mechanic questions

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  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    I can't remember what arrows are made off (perhaps broken sticks) but to find out start a character, hit _ which will take you to the auto-pickup/destroy thingie & look for the archer in the default setup.

    Edit: Oh it says in the help file under archers, broken bones & skulls
    Edit 2: From memory the warg skeletons on warg quest would sometimes give ridiculously good arrows/bolts
    Last edited by wobbly; June 27, 2015, 18:15.


    • debo
      • Oct 2011
      • 2320

      Originally posted by Number Thirteen
      What is the difference between archers and snipers? I'm assuming archers get more attacks while snipers get fewer, harder hitting attacks. Are their ranges different? Can snipers create ammo?
      IIRC snipers are like the ninjas of archers -- there are abilities around shooting unwary enemies for huge damage, etc.
      Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


      • Regalia
        • Dec 2008
        • 85

        Originally posted by Number Thirteen
        Another few questions, this time about archers. What does the (7/8) after enchantment mean on ammo?

        16 arrows (1d4) (+0, +0) (7/8)

        What is the difference between archers and snipers? I'm assuming archers get more attacks while snipers get fewer, harder hitting attacks. Are their ranges different? Can snipers create ammo?

        Speaking of creating ammo how do you create arrows? I can make shots out of rubble but now arrows. Is there some way to create extra arrows in the dungeon reliably?
        You need levels to create more than shots. Afair all snipers can create is damage.

        As for the numbers afair they are some kind of average damage over the duration of a single move (at your current speed). One is with an "average" speed launcher and the other with the current launcher? Kind of, maybe .


        • Derakon
          • Dec 2009
          • 8820

          Originally posted by Regalia
          As for the numbers afair they are some kind of average damage over the duration of a single move (at your current speed). One is with an "average" speed launcher and the other with the current launcher? Kind of, maybe .
          Could it be damage per shot and damage per round? So you're apparently shooting about 1.15 shots per round.


          • Number Thirteen
            • Jun 2015
            • 26

            Ah, so I can make arrows from bones that enemies leave. That seems sustainable.

            As the for the numbers, they're related to damage? I was wondering if it was some sort of quiver mechanic.

            Thanks for the answers.


            • Jungle_Boy
              • Nov 2008
              • 428

              I found an artifact called 'Rubber Coat' that says it reminds me of the artifact of Merry when inspected. What does that mean?
              My first winner: http://angband.oook.cz/ladder-show.php?id=10138


              • Regalia
                • Dec 2008
                • 85

                Originally posted by Derakon
                Could it be damage per shot and damage per round? So you're apparently shooting about 1.15 shots per round.
                Yes, I think I was mistaken to think your actual speed affects this. It's only the launcher speed.

                Originally posted by Jungle_Boy
                I found an artifact called 'Rubber Coat' that says it reminds me of the artifact of Merry when inspected. What does that mean?
                It means Merry had a questionable hobby.

                Game-wise, this does not give your coat any new properties. Afaik it's generated when you were supposed to get that particular fixedart but you already found it in the dungeon so a replacement had to be made.


                • murphy
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 98

                  Unrelated, and relatively unimportant ... but i couldnt figure out where else to put a bug report.

                  For magic eater class, it seemed inconsistent to me that wand of light is in the 'utility' category but rod of light is in the 'offense' category.


                  • budswell
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 156

                    Originally posted by wobbly
                    Edit 2: From memory the warg skeletons on warg quest would sometimes give ridiculously good arrows/bolts
                    I think that was Tome2. The Warg quest in Lothlorien was full of skeletons


                    • Number Thirteen
                      • Jun 2015
                      • 26

                      I have a question about one of the human/demigod mutations, Fell Sorcery. I found the following in mut_a.c but am not literate enough in the code to understand what it does. Can someone explain it to me?

                      void fell_sorcery_mut(int cmd, variant *res)
                          switch (cmd)
                          case SPELL_NAME:
                              var_set_string(res, "Fell Sorcery");
                          case SPELL_MUT_DESC:
                              var_set_string(res, "Your spells are more powerful.");
                          case SPELL_GAIN_MUT:
                              msg_print("You feel your magic grow more powerful.");
                          case SPELL_LOSE_MUT:
                              msg_print("You feel your magic return to normal.");
                          case SPELL_HELP_DESC:
                              var_set_string(res, "Your spells will grow more powerful.");
                          case SPELL_CALC_BONUS:
                              default_spell(cmd, res);
                      From what it looks like you now add STR, DEX, and CON to spells? But what does spell_power++ do? What exactly are the in game mechanical changes upon taking this mutation?


                      • Derakon
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 8820

                        Originally posted by Number Thirteen
                        I have a question about one of the human/demigod mutations, Fell Sorcery. I found the following in mut_a.c but am not literate enough in the code to understand what it does. Can someone explain it to me?

                        void fell_sorcery_mut(int cmd, variant *res)
                            switch (cmd)
                            case SPELL_NAME:
                                var_set_string(res, "Fell Sorcery");
                            case SPELL_MUT_DESC:
                                var_set_string(res, "Your spells are more powerful.");
                            case SPELL_GAIN_MUT:
                                msg_print("You feel your magic grow more powerful.");
                            case SPELL_LOSE_MUT:
                                msg_print("You feel your magic return to normal.");
                            case SPELL_HELP_DESC:
                                var_set_string(res, "Your spells will grow more powerful.");
                            case SPELL_CALC_BONUS:
                                default_spell(cmd, res);
                        From what it looks like you now add STR, DEX, and CON to spells? But what does spell_power++ do? What exactly are the in game mechanical changes upon taking this mutation?
                        I'm not familiar with Poschengband at all, but my reading of that is that you actually trade off your STR, DEX, and CON in exchange for a boost to spell power. Note the "--" in the stat_add lines, which is decrementing those values, while spell_power gets a ++, to increment it by one.

                        spell_power, assuming it works like in other variants, improves the effectiveness of your spells in ways appropriate to the spell in question (better damage, duration, area of effect, etc.).


                        • Number Thirteen
                          • Jun 2015
                          • 26

                          Originally posted by Derakon
                          I'm not familiar with Poschengband at all, but my reading of that is that you actually trade off your STR, DEX, and CON in exchange for a boost to spell power. Note the "--" in the stat_add lines, which is decrementing those values, while spell_power gets a ++, to increment it by one.

                          spell_power, assuming it works like in other variants, improves the effectiveness of your spells in ways appropriate to the spell in question (better damage, duration, area of effect, etc.).
                          Thanks for the quick reply.

                          So say that I had 18 STR, DEX, and CON. Would this mean that I essentially have 17 on those scores now? Would this lower my carrying capacity, HP, etc?


                          • Derakon
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 8820

                            Originally posted by Number Thirteen
                            Thanks for the quick reply.

                            So say that I had 18 STR, DEX, and CON. Would this mean that I essentially have 17 on those scores now? Would this lower my carrying capacity, HP, etc?
                            I guess? I don't actually know what the stat_add structure refers to though, so it could be more complicated. Or, y'know, something completely different.


                            • Number Thirteen
                              • Jun 2015
                              • 26

                              Originally posted by Derakon
                              I guess? I don't actually know what the stat_add structure refers to though, so it could be more complicated. Or, y'know, something completely different.
                              Hmm, okay. I guess I'll have to dig around to see what these variables do.


                              • wobbly
                                • May 2012
                                • 2577

                                You could probably level a human paladin or rogue on munchkin to lvl 30 pretty easily if you want to take a look in-game.

