Poschengband game mechanic questions

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  • GenericPseudonym
    • Jan 2016
    • 91

    Originally posted by budswell
    OK, thanks for that.

    Next question: My current character is a weaponsmith. I was wondering if anyone knows of any useful macros or mogaminator settings which would help extract the essenses of stuff.

    Basically I'd like hte mogaminator to automatically extract the essense and then destroy good items.
    Or to define a macro where I would just be prompted for the item and it would do the rest (can you accept input in macros or keymaps?).

    I'm after something more convienient than:
    m b <select> space k <select> y

    Also: I am playing with randarts only (found I had very similar kit most of the time). A lot of the artifacts have another artifact in inscription, .e.g { Thranduil}
    And when Inspect it it says

    What is the point of this. The abilities seem different and it just adds clutter. Is there any way to turn it off (but keep the rest of the inscriptions).
    Looking at the code, it appears that weaponmasters will automatically extract essences from any object they destroy. So you can simply autodestroy any unwanted objects without writing any special macros.

    Just add
    !nameless common objects
    to autodestroy everything without an ego (but keep any +0 falcon blades or diamond edges you find!)


    • budswell
      • Jun 2008
      • 156

      Hi, my current character is a devicemaster (so many classes monsters, I haven't tried them all yet). I have a question and a "wishlist" item.

      What is the point of "Transfer effect". All it seems to do is destroy the source item and effectively make the dest item what the source was. So I really don't get what is meant to be used for. Is it a leftover from 3 (I play 4.0.1) which let you move effects between rods and wands? (I haven't found any rods yet, not that there's any point now that wands recharge themselves and so are effectively the same thing as rods).

      Now that wands and staves don't stack, its annoying that the inscriptions don't work on multiple. e.g. If I have 2 (or more) Magic Missile wands, I want to inscribe them both with @a1, which I then bind to the F1 key. But the problem is this just maps to the "first" one in the inventory, so incription is effectively wasted on the 2nd.
      Now I expect that have "a1" find the first wand with @a1 that has charges left will not work with the generic way lists operate. So instead could we sort (within type) wands and staves and rods by charges remaining in descending order (it currently appears to sort by charge capacity in ascending order). That way the the "first" one in the list will always have charges remaining (unless they're all empty), and so F1 will do what I want. This is the way staves worked in 3.X.

      Hope I have explained that in an understandable way.

      Edit: Ok, seems my 2 points are actually related. When using the "transfer effect" ability with wands of the same type, it *sometimes* increases the charges of the dest item. Is there a maximum number of charges allowed. Not got past 24 yet.
      I now see the point, and reduces the need for my wishlist item (for device masters only, other classes would still benefit).

      Edit2: OK, that sucks. I did the "transfer affect" and the charges in the dest item went down from 24 to 16. What is going on with this?
      Edit: In fact it seems to go down a lot more than up. Guess I just got lucky the first time.
      Last edited by budswell; June 2, 2016, 07:08.


      • Cold_Heart
        • Mar 2012
        • 138

        4.0.2: so if remove curse (and ** variant and spells) only affects the equipped gear, how exactly do you remove curse from devices (e.g. a cursed staff) ?


        • wobbly
          • May 2012
          • 2577

          You don't as far as I understand it. Just dump them or sell them


          • krazyhades
            • Jun 2013
            • 406

            Originally posted by budswell
            Hi, my current character is a devicemaster (so many classes monsters, I haven't tried them all yet). I have a question and a "wishlist" item.

            What is the point of "Transfer effect"
            I think you are more likely to gain more charges if you are moving from a high-tier device to a lower one.


            • GenericPseudonym
              • Jan 2016
              • 91

              Originally posted by budswell
              Hi, my current character is a devicemaster (so many classes monsters, I haven't tried them all yet). I have a question and a "wishlist" item.

              What is the point of "Transfer effect". All it seems to do is destroy the source item and effectively make the dest item what the source was. So I really don't get what is meant to be used for. Is it a leftover from 3 (I play 4.0.1) which let you move effects between rods and wands? (I haven't found any rods yet, not that there's any point now that wands recharge themselves and so are effectively the same thing as rods).

              Now that wands and staves don't stack, its annoying that the inscriptions don't work on multiple. e.g. If I have 2 (or more) Magic Missile wands, I want to inscribe them both with @a1, which I then bind to the F1 key. But the problem is this just maps to the "first" one in the inventory, so incription is effectively wasted on the 2nd.
              Now I expect that have "a1" find the first wand with @a1 that has charges left will not work with the generic way lists operate. So instead could we sort (within type) wands and staves and rods by charges remaining in descending order (it currently appears to sort by charge capacity in ascending order). That way the the "first" one in the list will always have charges remaining (unless they're all empty), and so F1 will do what I want. This is the way staves worked in 3.X.

              Hope I have explained that in an understandable way.

              Edit: Ok, seems my 2 points are actually related. When using the "transfer effect" ability with wands of the same type, it *sometimes* increases the charges of the dest item. Is there a maximum number of charges allowed. Not got past 24 yet.
              I now see the point, and reduces the need for my wishlist item (for device masters only, other classes would still benefit).

              Edit2: OK, that sucks. I did the "transfer affect" and the charges in the dest item went down from 24 to 16. What is going on with this?
              Edit: In fact it seems to go down a lot more than up. Guess I just got lucky the first time.

              If you *identify* a staff you can see its mana capacity and the mana cost of its effect.

              The number of charges is really just max mana / activation cost, so if you transfer in a high-cost activation like destruction it will have fewer uses before running out of mana.


              • Cold_Heart
                • Mar 2012
                • 138

                What is the point of "rest for the night" option at thieves guilds when inns offer that 5 times cheaper?


                • Pete Mack
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 6697

                  Pos newbie questions

                  * Poschengband started spamming messages at me: "Moderation in all things." What is the point of this? (I just finished the wargs quest, so I am at cl 12, dl 9 in stronghold.)
                  * Where is the arena? (and the other extra stores?) It was in town when I tried in "beginner" mode. Now it is no longer there.
                  * How to make a character dump? ')' does something else.
                  Last edited by Pete Mack; July 29, 2016, 04:17.


                  • Pete Mack
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 6697

                    It's free if you are a burglar ("agent of the black market")
                    What is the point of "rest for the night" option at thieves guilds when inns offer that 5 times cheaper?


                    • debo
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 2320

                      Re: the virtues spam, just turn off virtues in birth options. They're the stupidest thing in the universe and Chris tried to remove them once and someone lost their half-baked shit and he put them back in.

                      The duel arena is in Telmora, if you're playing in wilderness mode.
                      Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


                      • nikheizen
                        • Jul 2015
                        • 137

                        Originally posted by Pete Mack
                        How to make a character dump? ')' does something else.
                        Press "C" to enter character sheet, then "|" to capture it.
                        You can save it as .html in the newer versions too!

                        EDIT: I should mention that | works in a lot of places.


                        • HugoVirtuoso
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 1132

                          Originally posted by debo
                          Re: the virtues spam, just turn off virtues in birth options. They're the stupidest thing in the universe and Chris tried to remove them once and someone lost their half-baked shit and he put them back in.

                          The duel arena is in Telmora, if you're playing in wilderness mode.
                          Bhahaha. I gotta say. I really like the Virtues. It adds a unique flavour.
                          My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                          If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                          As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                          • Cold_Heart
                            • Mar 2012
                            • 138

                            Originally posted by Pete Mack
                            * Poschengband started spamming messages at me: "Moderation in all things." What is the point of this?
                            It's the Temperance virtue iirc. You get a + to it when you're hungry.

                            Some virtues are basically useless but high Patience decreases the amount of monsters that respawn in a dungeon, high Temperance reduces food level consumption so they have at least some usefulness, Justice and a couple others influence alignment, which in turn influences a couple other things...


                            • HugoVirtuoso
                              • Jan 2012
                              • 1132

                              Moreover, virtues do have an impact on whether you can summon Good / Evil monsters, etc as your pets.

                              Yep. ^ Virtues make the game more interesting.
                              My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                              If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                              As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                              • wobbly
                                • May 2012
                                • 2577

                                & which ever one changes when you buy from the BM reduces prices in the BM. I'm ambivalent about them. I play with them on but mostly ignore them. You only really need to pay attention if you're some kind of summoner.

