My @ is a half-orc blackguard with no stealth.
The -2 to stealth is bad - yes - but the resist fear is great
I can cast berserk strength or quaff heroism yes, but it takes a turn and there's no guarantee I will have the mana or that the ritual will succeed.
If I can resist fear/blindness and confusion I always have all of my options available to me.
New memorable randarts
Oh you want stupid do you?
I give you the other end of the spectrum
c) the Band of Gorth
Dropped by Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief at 750 feet (level 15)
Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
Aggravates creatures nearby.
That's it. Some would argue that a weapon like Mormegil with a dozen negatives is worse - and they have a point. But honestly, this is just as useless/pointless. I was hoping for at least a modest upgrade from my ring of the dog/reckless attacks combo.Leave a comment:
yet there is no guarantee you will have such an artifact in your randart set, nor that you will find it. Oh how many randart games i have played with rangers that didnt have a single randart bow in them ..Leave a comment:
a) the Blade of Chaos 'Feariona' (15d5) (+15,+15) [+10] <+2, +1>
Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97)
+2 intelligence.
+1 wisdom.
+1 attack speed.
+1 light.
Slays dragons (powerfully), undead, demons, giants, orcs.
Branded with weak fire.
Provides resistance to Cold, Chaos.
Cannot be harmed by Acid.
Prevents paralysis. Blessed by the gods (combat bonuses for holy
Combat info:
5.0 blows/round.
This weapon may benefit from one or more off-weapon brands or
Average damage/round: 1819.5 vs dragons and demons, 1252.5 vs
undead, demons, giants, and orcs, 969 vs evil creatures and
creatures not resistant to fire, and 685.5 vs. others.
This might be the best non-MoD randart weapon I have seen yet, found by a priest.
These kinds of arts are plain stupid...Leave a comment:
Oh my. I guess you'll be meleeing M. No Wands of annihilation necessary. That thing is ridonculous.Leave a comment:
Now that is one wicked blade!
I don't remember this high damage on any melee weapon, certainly not with 5 attacks. Things like Scatha and Balrog of Moria get killed in two turns, if they are lucky.Leave a comment:
a) the Blade of Chaos 'Feariona' (15d5) (+15,+15) [+10] <+2, +1>
Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97)
+2 intelligence.
+1 wisdom.
+1 attack speed.
+1 light.
Slays dragons (powerfully), undead, demons, giants, orcs.
Branded with weak fire.
Provides resistance to Cold, Chaos.
Cannot be harmed by Acid.
Prevents paralysis. Blessed by the gods (combat bonuses for holy
Combat info:
5.0 blows/round.
This weapon may benefit from one or more off-weapon brands or
Average damage/round: 1819.5 vs dragons and demons, 1252.5 vs
undead, demons, giants, and orcs, 969 vs evil creatures and
creatures not resistant to fire, and 685.5 vs. others.
This might be the best non-MoD randart weapon I have seen yet, found by a priest.Leave a comment:
4.1 will feel familiar. 4.2 includes a major rewrite of spell sets and more powerful monsters, with 4 added classes. I'd have called it 5.0👍 1Leave a comment:
Thats a sweet ring - almost everything on it is useful. What race is your paladin ?Leave a comment:
My current paladin just found this... Version 4.2.1. Check out the activation too! He already found boots of speed +10 on the floor at 500'.
d) the Ring 'Antil' <+4, +5, +2>
Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1300 feet (level 26)
+4 strength.
+5 dexterity.
+2 stealth.
+5 speed.
Provides resistance to Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Dark, Sound,
Nexus, Chaos, Disenchantment.
Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
Sustains strength.
Slows your metabolism.
When activated, it hastens you for d75+75 turns.
Takes 339 to 416 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 93.1%Leave a comment:
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