New memorable randarts
And this just seems wrong....
Long Bow of Tareth (x3) (+6 +15) (+1)
Slays dragons
Branded with poison
Immunity to acid
And it's activation is: makes you very hunger but restores strength and constitution.
The only fair thing about it is the lowish to hit/to dam.Comment
OK, here's one.
a) the Rapier 'Farost' (5d6) (+16,+12) <+2>
Dropped by Akhorahil the Blind at 2550 feet (level 51)
+2 strength.
+2 speed.
+2 attack speed.
Slays trolls, giants, undead (powerfully), demons (powerfully),
evil creatures, orcs.
Branded with weak fire, weak poison, acid.
Provides resistance to lightning.
Cannot be harmed by acid.
Blessed by the gods. Prevents paralysis.
When activated, it restores your constitution.
Takes 155 to 190 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 91.4%
Combat info:
7.5 blows/round.
With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 7.8 blows
This weapon may benefit from one or more off-weapon brands or
Average damage/round: 505 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, 505
vs. creatures not resistant to poison, 644.7 vs. creatures not
resistant to acid, 644.7 vs. trolls, 644.7 vs. giants, 924.8 vs.
undead, 924.8 vs. demons, 505 vs. evil creatures, 644.7 vs. orcs,
924.8 vs. undead, and 364.6 vs. others.
Bit of a step up from Halberd of WesternesseComment
the Mattock 'Lingrin' (6d8) (+10,+40) [+34] <-10>
-10 strength.
-10 intelligence.
-10 wisdom.
-10 dexterity.
-10 constitution.
-10 stealth.
-10 infravision.
-10 tunneling.
-10 speed.
Slays orcs, demons (powerfully), giants, animals, dragons (powerfully), trolls,
evil creatures, undead (powerfully).
Branded with lightning, fire, acid, poison, cold.
Provides immunity to frost.
Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, light, sound, shards, chaos,
Provides protection from blindness.
Blessed by the gods. Slows your metabolism. Speeds regeneration. Prevents
paralysis. Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things.
When activated, it allows you to breathe the elements for 250 damage.
Takes 164 to 240 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 71.7%
Min Level 50, Max Level 127, Generation chance 5, Power 310, 20.2 lbs
Based on Dor-Lómin.
If I had Morgoth´s crown and a RoS +20, I´d probably use this.Comment
the Mattock 'Lingrin' (6d8) (+10,+40) [+34] <-10>
-10 strength.
-10 intelligence.
-10 wisdom.
-10 dexterity.
-10 constitution.
-10 stealth.
-10 infravision.
-10 tunneling.
-10 speed.
Slays orcs, demons (powerfully), giants, animals, dragons (powerfully), trolls,
evil creatures, undead (powerfully).
Branded with lightning, fire, acid, poison, cold.
Provides immunity to frost.
Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, light, sound, shards, chaos,
Provides protection from blindness.
Blessed by the gods. Slows your metabolism. Speeds regeneration. Prevents
paralysis. Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things.
When activated, it allows you to breathe the elements for 250 damage.
Takes 164 to 240 turns to recharge.
Your chance of success is 71.7%
Min Level 50, Max Level 127, Generation chance 5, Power 310, 20.2 lbs
Based on Dor-Lómin.
If I had Morgoth´s crown and a RoS +20, I´d probably use this.
My arbitrary count of points / ability gives that around -400. -700 from speed and stats, +300 from resistances, immunity, slays/brands and big dice & damage.Comment
Based on Dor-Lomin and gets positive power rating with that bad stat, speed etc. penalties?? Something is wrong with randart generator. That should be far in negative rating.
My arbitrary count of points / ability gives that around -400. -700 from speed and stats, +300 from resistances, immunity, slays/brands and big dice & damage.PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!Comment
That's the problem with the randart generator: it took the only negative modifier (-1 to stealth) to generate its pval, overcharged the negative value (since only positive values trigger power/inhibit checks), then overcompensated with a ton of positive stuff to reach the desired power.One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
This is extremely nitpicky of the smallest details, but something that both aids vision (See Invis) and reduces infravision seems weird.Comment
Honestly, I'd be tempted to try to figure out how to use that weapon anyway. 6d8 + 40 damage and it slays basically everything, plus tons of useful intrinsics -- if you could make that work despite the massive stat penalties, you'd have a pretty awesome character. (EDIT: for example, if you could hit 5 blows/round, this weapon would on average deal 470 damage/round on average against evil enemies, purely on its own before off-weapon damage bonuses are considered). Grond itself is 9d9 but only +25. Plus, Grond aggravates and is therefore completely useless.
Without the crown, it will be hard; the str/dex loss alone means youre probably not getting anyhere near max blows.The One Ring would help with balancing the stats, but then youre again aggravatingComment