New memorable randarts
HP above 1200 has diminishing returns, since that is the max effect of *Healing*. So your point is well taken. -
. 60%HP of HP isn't actually that bad in Theme since there are rings (amulets?) which provide up to +100%HP (IIRC). So it could be possible to get up to +40%HP eventually. (Of course you're missing out on even more HP, but...)
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Random teleportation would eventually prove fatal, I fear, and losing 60% of HP is pretty brutal, even in ToME.Leave a comment:
I have had a character who actually used such a thing; the HP penalty was less though, and the other curse effects were harmless (no aggravation iirc).
Those cursed armours are incredibly rare though (at least in tome2).Leave a comment:
(This is from my branch of ToME 2.x/Theme: )
Code:The Robe of Rhuenna (+68, +49) [2, +9] (-60%) {cursed} It decreases hit points 60%. It sustains your wisdom. It provides resistance to sound. It drains experience. It induces random teleportation. It aggravates nearby creatures. It it heavily cursed.
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Interesting ring...
p) the Black Ring of Power of Barech <+3>
Dropped by Ji Indur Dawndeath at 2900 feet (level 58).
+3 wisdom.
Provides immunity to acid, lightning, cold.
Provides resistance to dark.
Provides protection from fear.
Cannot be harmed by lightning.
Slows your metabolism. Aggravates nearby creatures.Leave a comment:
My spellcaster just got this...
s) the **** Sword 'Mithalir' (3d7) (+11,+11) [+7] <+4, +2>
Dropped by Ar-PharazĂ´n the Golden at 2950 feet (level 59).
+4 intelligence.
+4 constitution.
+2 speed.
Slays giants, animals.
Provides immunity to acid.
Provides resistance to fire, light.
Cannot be harmed by acid.
Sustains constitution.
Makes you fall like a feather. Grants the ability to see invisible
things. ******* ** ****-***** *****.
Grants telepathy.
Combat info:
4.0 blows/round.
Average damage/round: 180.8 vs. animals, 231.6 vs. giants, and 129.6 vs.
Guess what type of sword this is (hint: I'm NOT playing V)...Leave a comment:
Just found a randart chain mail with +1 infravision and nothing else. Of course, it has +37 to ac...Leave a comment:
Just found this little gem...luckily @ is a Dunadan Priest.
the Mace 'Olion' (2d4) (+10,+12) <+8>
+8 wisdom.
+8 speed.
Slays undead (powerfully).
Branded with acid.
Provides resistance to fire, poison gas.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
Prevents paralysis.
Min Level 54, Max Level 127, Generation chance 7, Power 343, 12.0 lbs
Based on Balli Stonehand.Leave a comment:
Ok, so I didn't find this...yet...but was looking at the spoiler file for randarts character (a dundadan priest) I've begun playing after a recent win.
the Ring of Fire 'Ellon' (+10,+16) <+3, +1>
+3 strength.
+3 intelligence.
+3 wisdom.
+3 dexterity.
+3 constitution.
+1 light.
Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, light, dark.
Cannot be harmed by lightning.
Slows your metabolism. Feather Falling. Prevents paralysis.
Radius 1 light.
Min Level 67, Max Level 127, Generation chance 1, Power 399, 0.2 lbs
Based on Narya.
I wish I had this ring when I played my fists only challenge....but geez what a damage boosting ring.Leave a comment:
Just found this: the Rapier 'Dinurum' (7d6) (+7,+13) [+9]. Nothing else except the huge dice and small AC boost.Leave a comment:
You might wish you got Razorback inste, but you wouldn't get it. Because so many of the highest power artifacts are assigned to rare base items, they are by and large far more common when rerolled as random artifacts. In this case, cloaks are vastly more common than higher DSM.Leave a comment:
You might wish you got Razorback inste, but you wouldn't get it. Because so many of the highest power artifacts are assigned to rare base items, they are by and large far more common when rerolled as random artifacts. In this case, cloaks are vastly more common than higher DSM.
Also, are you sure that it works that way ? If the game created a base item and assigned a chance for arrtifact based on said item, it should be very easy to find bladeturner if it happened to be based on, say, a full plate mail. From my experience, bladeturner is always hard to find, regardless of the base item it gets transformed into.
From very dim memories, a found pdsm in a standart game has about 1/3 chance to be bladeturner. I am fairly sure that finding a full plate mail wont give you bladeturner with that chance, when thats what its based on and there is no other full plate artifact.Leave a comment:
You might wish you got Razorback inste, but you wouldn't get it. Because so many of the highest power artifacts are assigned to rare base items, they are by and large far more common when rerolled as random artifacts. In this case, cloaks are vastly more common than higher DSM.Leave a comment:
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