New memorable randarts

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  • bdgamer
    Guessing this has to be based off of one of the rings of power. Will have to look at spoilers after the game though...

    d) the Ring 'Pereluin' <+6, +1, +5>
         Found lying on the floor in a pit at 2650 feet (level 53)
         +6 strength.
         +1 wisdom.
         +5 constitution.
         +1 light.
         Provides immunity to lightning, fire.
         Provides resistance to acid, cold, light, chaos.
         Provides protection from fear, blindness.
         Cannot be harmed by lightning.
         Sustains dexterity.
         Slows your metabolism.  Prevents paralysis.  
         Radius 1 light.
         When activated, it inflicts damage on evil creatures you can see,
         heals 50 hit points, cures all temporary negative effects and
         grants you protection from evil.
         Takes 176 to 216 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 96.4%

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  • bdgamer
    If all I needed was some AC... wow.

    s) the Leather Shield of Nuvalda [8,+47] <+1, +3>
         Found lying on the floor at 2300 feet (level 46)
         +1 intelligence.
         +3 infravision.
         Cannot be harmed by acid.

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  • Thraalbee
    The War Hammer of Morgoth

    Didn't know Grond had a litte brother but this one is a great upgrade for me albeit less impressive than Grond.

    a) the War Hammer of Morgoth (5d3) (+13,+15) <+2, +5, +3>
    Dropped by a mind flayer at 3100 feet (level 62)

    +2 strength.
    +5 intelligence.
    +3 dexterity.
    Slays dragons (powerfully), demons (powerfully).
    Branded with fire, lightning.
    Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, dark.
    Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
    Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things.
    Blessed by the gods.

    Combat info:
    4.7 blows/round.
    With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would get 5.0 blows
    With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 5.0 blows
    This weapon may benefit from one or more off-weapon brands or
    Average damage/round: 296 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, 296
    vs. creatures not resistant to lightning, 399.8 vs. dragons, 399.8
    vs. demons, and 192.3 vs. others.

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  • Estie
    j) the Steel Helm 'Fauglith' [9,+10] <+6>
    Dropped by Uldor the Accursed at 1400 feet (level 28)

    +6 wisdom.
    Provides protection from blindness, confusion.
    Cannot be harmed by acid.

    This made the day for my priest; it upgraded a helm of infravision.

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  • kandrc
    I've had countless mage winners who wielded Calris immediately upon finding it. +5 to con in the weapon slot is nothing to sneeze at, and even at -20 to hit, it makes short work of d's and early D's.

    It doesn't suit my play style these days, but the way I played in the 90s and early oughts, sure thing.

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  • Estie
    Yes, as a warrior, just read scrolls as you come by them if you happen to wield a lowly enchanted weapon; but other classes get the spell, and if high enough level, its a matter of macroing the cast to get to +15 in no time. Not something you want to do when in a competition for low turncount, but otherwise hardly an effort.

    On that note, with enchant scrolls gone from the alchemist, I think it would be better if they just gave a plain +1, without any chance of failure, up to the +15 cap. To to-hit, to-dam, or both, depending on scroll type.

    As for Calris, I used to collect scrolls when I found it and love it. In hindsight, I agree its not good enough a weapon to bother, but Calris is my all time favourite cursed artifact. It is the thing I measure all curse mechanics against.

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  • Derakon
    Originally posted by Sky
    all artifacts are at least (+15,+15) if you have the patience.
    No way, no how do I have the patience to sit there scumming for enchant scrolls to make an artifact finally be worth using. Why do that when I can just keep playing the game and find artifacts that are naturally worth using without any enchantment, instead?

    I never used Calris either.

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  • Sky
    all artifacts are at least (+15,+15) if you have the patience.

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  • PowerWyrm
    Well it's only +5 to-dam...

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  • kandrc
    Originally posted by Thraalbee
    Me want, but this sword deserves a better name!
    the Short Sword 'Amoron' (6d7) (+9,+5) <+3, +2>
    +3 intelligence.
    Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

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  • Estie
    Originally posted by Thraalbee
    And I see I'm also gettin insanely fast Dragon armour generated although not found (playing the latest nightlies). This is just TOO good even for a randart. And Min Level is "only" 90.
    the Gold Dragon Scale Mail of Nargilwil (-2) [28,+28] <+5, +15>
    +5 constitution.
    +15 speed.
    Provides resistance to lightning, poison, dark, sound, nexus.
    Sustains constitution.
    When aimed, it breathes a cone of sound with width 20 degrees, dealing 150
    damage at the source, which your device skill increases by 42 per cent.
    Takes 50 turns to recharge.
    Your chance of success is 92.6%
    Min Level 90, Max Level 127, Generation chance 19, Power 623, 18.0 lbs
    Random dragon armor of power 623.
    It has power 623 which seems about right. That high a power number rarely gets created in randart sets.
    You can keep maximum randart power at a smaller value of course if you like, but note that both con and speed benefits are capped, so under the right circumstances an armor with (+5,+5) slay bonus, for example, would be prefered over that wondermail.

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  • Thraalbee
    And I see I'm also gettin insanely fast Dragon armour generated although not found (playing the latest nightlies). This is just TOO good even for a randart. And Min Level is "only" 90.
    the Gold Dragon Scale Mail of Nargilwil (-2) [28,+28] <+5, +15>
    +5 constitution.
    +15 speed.
    Provides resistance to lightning, poison, dark, sound, nexus.
    Sustains constitution.
    When aimed, it breathes a cone of sound with width 20 degrees, dealing 150
    damage at the source, which your device skill increases by 42 per cent.
    Takes 50 turns to recharge.
    Your chance of success is 92.6%
    Min Level 90, Max Level 127, Generation chance 19, Power 623, 18.0 lbs
    Random dragon armor of power 623.

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  • Thraalbee
    Me want, but this sword deserves a better name!
    the Short Sword 'Amoron' (6d7) (+9,+5) <+3, +2>
    +3 intelligence.
    +2 attack speed.
    Slays undead, dragons, trolls, evil creatures.
    Cannot be harmed by acid.
    Feather Falling.  Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
    Min Level 53, Max Level 127, Generation chance 11, Power 329, 8.0 lbs
    Random sword of power 329.

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  • Estie
    s) the Ring of Power 'The One Ring' (+15,+15) <+5> {??}
    Dropped by Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief at 4550 feet (level 91)

    Must have plundered the mathom house.

    This, btw, is why I avoid killing early uniques early.

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  • Sky
    the Gold Dragon Scale Mail of Ithimo (+0,+1) [28,+35] <+2, +3, +12, +1>
    +2 strength.
    +3 constitution.
    +12 speed.
    +1 light.
    Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light, sound,
    Prevents paralysis.
    Radius 1 light.

    When activated, it allows you to breathe chaos or disenchantment for 220
    Takes 188 to 276 turns to recharge.
    Your chance of success is 94.0%

    Min Level 93, Max Level 127, Generation chance 2, Power 651, 14.5 lbs
    Random dragon armor of power 651.

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