Sil: compilation of annoying deaths

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  • half
    • Jan 2009
    • 886

    Originally posted by sudaj
    After losing a couple of @'s to blindness and entrancement ( shadow spiders and big red ones respectively ), just to clarify, resist fear and resist entracement don't stack like the elemental resistances?
    So like for the elemental serpents, if @ does not have the requisite resists don't bother the spiders?
    I'm not sure if the +10 bonuses stack in 1.1.1. They will in the next version (I've already coded this) and have made the stacking rules very clear and consistent, so it is not worth spending too much time memorising the current rules for this.


    • BlueFish
      • Aug 2011
      • 414

      Just had the following round of melee against an Orc Soldier:

      Orc's melee roll: 20
      My evasion roll: 1
      Orc's damage roll (3d7): 20
      My protection roll (3-15): 3

      Damage done: 17
      My HP at the time: 17

      One lousy side away from a procession of perfection.

      Back of the envelope calculation of odds:

      .05 * .05 * .15 * .15 * .3 * .25 * .25 * .14 = 0.00000015

      That's roughly one in 7 million. Not even counting the perfect reduction of HP to 0.

      I haven't played *that* much Sil, have I??


      • wobbly
        • May 2012
        • 2577

        Anyway this guy made the throne room:

        before being one-hit by a breath attack. Probably shouldn't be surprised, he was a bit of a ridiculous build.

        What's most annoying is his bow - shortbow of radiance (+0,1d8) 1.5 lb. That is actually the best bow that appeared all game. I had weapon-smithing so I guess I can't really complain, still it's quite frustrating on an archer.

        On the plus side the sword is quite nice, though I probably should of build a good bow instead. I think I was so used to melee-ing everything (versatility archer) that I settled on a good sword instead.


        • taptap
          • Jan 2013
          • 677

          Originally posted by wobbly
          Probably shouldn't be surprised, he was a bit of a ridiculous build.
          What is weird is that you took all the melee abilities (I mean charge, riposte and whatnot as an archer, but no focus, no concentration, no listen!), but put the skill points into archery nonetheless. And even your smithing seems to be melee smithing. You could easily have made a damage ring instead of strength for example or a bow instead of this sword (trade danger and constitution for fire/cold resist?) or archery gloves instead of wearing smithing gear. (In 1.1 I killed Morgoth with a simple selfmade 1d8 2lb shortbow once.)

          There is nothing wrong with being an archer!


          • locus
            • Nov 2012
            • 165

            Stairs down in the starting room, a band of orc soldiers comes up them in the first few turns of the game, surrounds me, and beats me to death. Not *all* that annoying since it's pretty easy to just restart the character at that point, but in terms of unavoidable deaths that has to rank pretty high.


            • wobbly
              • May 2012
              • 2577

              Is there something about a lucky start that means certain death? My latest smith 1st found a free round shield of deflection in the starting room, then had double forges generate at 100'. Course he never got to use them. Opened the wrong door at the wrong time & is now a white wolf's breakfast. Why didn't I just wait to heal??


              • locus
                • Nov 2012
                • 165

                Originally posted by wobbly
                Is there something about a lucky start that means certain death? My latest smith 1st found a free round shield of deflection in the starting room, then had double forges generate at 100'. Course he never got to use them. Opened the wrong door at the wrong time & is now a white wolf's breakfast. Why didn't I just wait to heal??
                Luck leads to hubris, hubris leads to death. This has been the underlying dynamic of roguelikes since they were actually Rogue.


                • BlueFish
                  • Aug 2011
                  • 414

                  Just had a decent game to 600. No great finds and very few forges - I'd found two till I found my third at 600. Just playing pretty well and carefully and surviving. After I found my third I thought I might explore just a little around the forge, but after I got one room away I realized I might fall through a false floor so backtracked. But not apparently exactly on the same path I used to get there. For, I fell through a false floor three steps into my backtrack.

                  Then I died about 50 moves later. I was already weak for the dungeon level I had fallen from. I needed that forge.

                  I'm becoming less shy about changing the game to make it more fun for me personally. I recently removed maprot from Mewlips and I thank myself for it every time I encounter them now. I would remove false floors from the game if I could. But I don't think it's possible in the edit files.

                  They are unfairly more destructive for smiths than for any other character. Even if the smith hasn't yet found the forge on the level. False floors were not balanced for smiths, they were balanced for every other sort of character, for whom changing levels isn't really that big a deal.

                  The analog for a smith would be a trap which gave you temporary "encounter more dangerous creatures" for the rest of the level. Which would be fine.


                  • locus
                    • Nov 2012
                    • 165

                    Part of balancing for multiple different sorts of characters is including things which are more threatening to one sort of character than to another. If there is nothing like that, you effectively only have one sort of character.


                    • Nick
                      Vanilla maintainer
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 9353

                      Originally posted by BlueFish
                      I'm becoming less shy about changing the game to make it more fun for me personally. I recently removed maprot from Mewlips and I thank myself for it every time I encounter them now. I would remove false floors from the game if I could.
                      To celebrate 50 years of the BASIC language, I've written a BlueFish bot
                      10 Play Sil
                      20 Find least liked feature
                      30 Remove
                      40 GOTO 10
                      One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                      In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                      • BlueFish
                        • Aug 2011
                        • 414

                        Originally posted by Nick
                        To celebrate 50 years of the BASIC language, I've written a BlueFish bot
                        10 Play Sil
                        20 Find least liked feature
                        30 Remove
                        40 GOTO 10
                        Thus NPP 'band was born.

                        There was much to remove.


                        • BlueFish
                          • Aug 2011
                          • 414

                          Originally posted by Nick
                          To celebrate 50 years of the BASIC language, I've written a BlueFish bot
                          10 Play Sil
                          20 Find least liked feature
                          30 Remove
                          40 GOTO 10
                          Just had another super-fun experience with a false floor. Found a forge I needed, but recognized it was in a "courtyard rooms" mini-vault. (A large percentage of forges are found in such rooms in the early-mid game.) I know that mini-vault often contains breeders so I wanted to venture out into it to nip any of those guys in the bud. Two steps from the forge, I fell through a false floor. My first one, after maybe 10k turns that game. Awesome. Love how vaults tend to contain both forges and lots of traps. Way to emphasize that super fun mechanic.

                          That was a fun game, other than that. I think that was at about at 600'. I'd found few forges for the turncount, and I needed that one. The most remarkable thing about that game was that I'd found lots of mithril items. I was really excited about forging some stuff.

                          I didn't give up after the false floor. I "forged" on, but never found another forge. Ended up dying to a room with 9 cats in it. They somehow managed to vortex me, even though they only get two attacks per turn and get a 25% chance of vortexing, surrounding, and overwhelming you with each one. Hard to imagine.

                          I think from now on I will be save scumming whenever I find a forge but need to explore a bit around it. Save, copy that save, reload original, and if I fall through a false floor, reload copy. I wish I could compile the code, but false floors remain in my game because I can't. The current windows version of cygwin is not compatible with the makefile. And even after it compiles with some customization, the exe doesn't run. At least that was my experience.


                          • taptap
                            • Jan 2013
                            • 677

                            Originally posted by BlueFish
                            forge ... false floor ...
                            We know that you hate perception, but Song of Freedom was invented just for you!


                            • BlueFish
                              • Aug 2011
                              • 414

                              Originally posted by taptap
                              We know that you hate perception, but Song of Freedom was invented just for you!
                              I love song of freedom. My loremaster crown, when I played smiths who had the room to make such an item, had freedom on it. It costs 14. But I don't have enough forge uses these days to make that artifact.

                              I'm not a huge fan of the tedium of walking around all the time with a certain song on, either - especially if it requires a swap.

                              It's not that the false floor thing happens all the time. In fact, that it doesn't, allows a player to just hope that it won't. And then it does. And it sucks.

                              In no case does it add interest to the game. Only risk, and frustration. You don't notice when you get a succession of thousands of good rolls. You only notice when you get a single bad roll. From a game design perspective, I don't believe in it. And I know the perspectives of smiths is significantly different than the perspective of other characters.


                              • Patashu
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 496

                                BlueFish: Have you tried the secret tech of 'throw something at a floor, if it doesn't stay on the tile you threw it to, that tile is trapped'?
                                My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker:

