Sil: compilation of annoying deaths

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  • taptap
    • Jan 2013
    • 677

    Originally posted by half
    It saves 500 turns or so in the long run, but it does create quite a few more risks. As well as ending up next to monsters, you more often end up seeing one and being a single square closer to it. This can also be bad (particularly if you use ranged combat, or would want to flee from it). I'm not sure that this is worth the 500 turns. It certainly reduces the overall benefit of corner cutting.
    It has a benefit however, you don't end encircled against quick enemies that come only from one direction.


    • half
      • Jan 2009
      • 886

      Originally posted by taptap
      It has a benefit however, you don't end encircled against quick enemies that come only from one direction.
      I don't quite understand what you mean here. One thing is that if there are enemies in close pursuit you normally can't run at all as you get interrupted.


      • Derakon
        • Dec 2009
        • 8820

        Originally posted by half
        I don't quite understand what you mean here. One thing is that if there are enemies in close pursuit you normally can't run at all as you get interrupted.
        I think what he means is that if you're in this situation:
        ff..# f = some fast monster
        then if you run two spaces straight up, the first fast monster could move to block the north/south corridor, and the second one could move to attack you. But if you cut the corner, then this isn't possible.


        • half
          • Jan 2009
          • 886

          Originally posted by Derakon
          I think what he means is that if you're in this situation:
          ff..# f = some fast monster
          then if you run two spaces straight up, the first fast monster could move to block the north/south corridor, and the second one could move to attack you. But if you cut the corner, then this isn't possible.
          Thanks! That is quite unlikely, but I hadn't considered it.


          • BlueFish
            • Aug 2011
            • 414

            Originally posted by Scatha
            I think this presents a reasonable case for not having the sustains cost stat points. They might then become interesting early options (whereas at present you are highly unlikely to spend a stat point you can't restore to guard against a possibility of having that stat drained).
            Speaking of forged items draining stats, I think Gondolin and Doriath weapons shouldn't drain 2 strength. It costs 11 smithing to make a longsword of Gondolin, which is in range of a beginner smithing build, but the cost of 2 str isn't in range, so nobody will build such a weapon while it's clearly useful, before you're likely to have found one in the dungeon. I think to encourage the seldom-used Weaponsmith ability, maybe the enchanted weapons could ease up on the stat drains.


            • Psi
              • Apr 2007
              • 848

              Originally posted by BlueFish
              Speaking of forged items draining stats, I think Gondolin and Doriath weapons shouldn't drain 2 strength. It costs 11 smithing to make a longsword of Gondolin, which is in range of a beginner smithing build, but the cost of 2 str isn't in range, so nobody will build such a weapon while it's clearly useful, before you're likely to have found one in the dungeon. I think to encourage the seldom-used Weaponsmith ability, maybe the enchanted weapons could ease up on the stat drains.
              I think there is a good point in there. I don't think I have *ever* forged an enchanted weapon. The cost in terms of stats in the timeframe it is useful is just too high.


              • Patashu
                • Jan 2008
                • 496

                Maybe 'running cuts corners' could be a toggleable, like how auto-pickup has a toggle button in the current version?
                My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker:


                • taptap
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 677

                  Originally posted by Psi
                  I think there is a good point in there. I don't think I have *ever* forged an enchanted weapon. The cost in terms of stats in the timeframe it is useful is just too high.
                  Agree with bluefish and psi. I am a big fan of diverse slaying spears and swords of final rest, but it never was an option to make one myself. Often you might find restoration or a strength potion relatively early in game but I never identify them until later, especially the first restoration herb I eat usually without identifying it. At that point in the game you are almost guaranteed to find a few slaying weapons anyway.

                  The only early enchantments I have commonly seen on the ladder are smithing, brilliance (grace -> lembas and grace much easier to survive anyway), sprinting and the "minor improvement enchantments" (protection etc.). I.e. non-stat-draining enchantments with the exception of brilliance.


                  • TJS
                    • May 2008
                    • 460

                    Went down a shaft and found myself in a level where every corridor leading off the room I was in had some darkness thing that released spores. Fired all my arrows into one of them and it didn't budge so had to try to melee it with obvious consequences.

                    Was there any way out of that situation or just bad luck?


                    • debo
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 2320

                      If you have decent con and a big weapon, you can often kill shadow molds in a couple of hits. If you get a bad first hit, back off and rest up before trying again. Charge makes this easier - even power will help.
                      Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


                      • taptap
                        • Jan 2013
                        • 677

                        Originally posted by TJS
                        Went down a shaft and found myself in a level where every corridor leading off the room I was in had some darkness thing that released spores. Fired all my arrows into one of them and it didn't budge so had to try to melee it with obvious consequences.

                        Was there any way out of that situation or just bad luck?
                        Yes, there always is the stair/shaft you came from.

                        And try longbows.


                        • wobbly
                          • May 2012
                          • 2577

                          Originally posted by debo
                          If you have decent con and a big weapon, you can often kill shadow molds in a couple of hits. If you get a bad first hit, back off and rest up before trying again. Charge makes this easier - even power will help.
                          Are they weaker under bright light? or is it just a coincidence that they've always seemed to go down easier when I can actually see them.


                          • half
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 886

                            Originally posted by wobbly
                            Are they weaker under bright light? or is it just a coincidence that they've always seemed to go down easier when I can actually see them.
                            You are severely penalised when fighting something you can't see (melee and evasion are halved).


                            • Scatha
                              • Jan 2012
                              • 413

                              In this case the evasion penalty won't matter, of course.

                              I think the spores are also a darkness attack, so you get resistance according to the level of light on your square.


                              • kryft
                                • Aug 2013
                                • 20

                                Originally posted by Scatha
                                In this case the evasion penalty won't matter, of course.

                                I think the spores are also a darkness attack, so you get resistance according to the level of light on your square.
                                Yes, this is correct. (I looked it up in the source at some point to get it right in fsil. Clearly it's crucial to get shadow mold damage right.)

