Sil: compilation of annoying deaths

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  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    Was picking off Gorgol's entourage with a bow, taking advantage of the fact that none would step in to the corridor. Eventually Gorgul does step forwards. Turns out the room behind me had been slowly filling up with clear worms & 1 had wandered up behind me.


    • seraph
      • Jan 2016
      • 120

      playing a feanor smith. found galadriel even before the 100' forge. quickly took parry, finesse, eyeing at subtlety. slaughtering everything in sight. found the second forge guarded by a grave wight. i take a few points of will and go at it with a double-fine glaive. it drained three points of str in as many turns. i dump gear so that i can move an finally kill it. walking to the forge i step on a false floor. i quickly get surrounded by othrod and two orc captains and their hordes, who disarm me. i managed to get galadriel back a few times and gave 'em hell though.
      Last edited by seraph; July 17, 2016, 23:41.


      • captnamazing
        • Mar 2017
        • 31

        Originally posted by seraph
        playing a feanor smith. found galadriel even before the 100' forge. quickly took parry, finesse, eyeing at subtlety. slaughtering everything in sight. found the second forge guarded by a grave wight. i take a few points of will and go at it with a double-fine glaive. it drained three points of str in as many turns. i dump gear so that i can move an finally kill it. walking to the forge i step on a false floor. i quickly get surrounded by othrod and two orc captains and their hordes, who disarm me. i managed to get galadriel back a few times and gave 'em hell though.
        I absolutely love this one


        • seraph
          • Jan 2016
          • 120

          Originally posted by captnamazing
          I absolutely love this one
          yeah it's pretty ridiculous how sharply my luck changed. i still have nightmares about this one.


          • captnamazing
            • Mar 2017
            • 31

            Originally posted by seraph
            yeah it's pretty ridiculous how sharply my luck changed. i still have nightmares about this one.
            I think your story influenced me.

            It's floor 950. My heavy armor Fingolfin Elf is cutting down Smaug. I survive the second blast of fire and pop a orc pot, then a horde of troll guard comes out from the northern door.

            Smaug's lair is a small room. I identified a false floor trap on the way in. It was no problem to dance around.

            But now, Smaug is fleeing. He's on the door. Directly behind him is the false floor trap. There is a troll behind me and two on my left.

            With a final blow, I destroy Smaug and gain my revenge!!!!!

            In the same round, the troll behind me landed a blow and battered me onto the false floor trap.

            I died to the falling damage into Throne room...............


            • Psi
              • Apr 2007
              • 848

              Originally posted by captnamazing
              I died to the falling damage into Throne room...............
              But you don't get false floors at 950'...?


              • HallucinationMushroom
                • Apr 2007
                • 679

                I'm guessing maybe he was at 900' and fell to 950'. I just messed around some and the character screen will display your 'splat-depth' upon death, so he splatted at 950', presumably!

                Edit:.. Doh, I could have just looked at the last lines of his character notes. Yeah, he died at 900'.
                22,764 900 ft Slain by a collapsing floor.


                Anyway, impressive character man!
                You are on something strange


                • captnamazing
                  • Mar 2017
                  • 31

                  Originally posted by Psi
                  But you don't get false floors at 950'...?
                  That's so funny. You're right. I feel from 900 to 950 and died there.. Funny thing, it scored my elf as gettting to 950 and that's my deepest yet!!

                  I was pretty stoned, but I remember hitting 900 and considering diving to 950 then scumming some, but I figured if I scum between 900 to 950, there's not much difference - right?

                  Is there much difference in difficulty between 900 to 950. My current theory is that once you hit 750, it's best to dive hard because you can run into 1k depth monsters so frequently there.


                  • Pete Mack
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 6697

                    That's correct. No false floor traps on dl 950, and the danger isn't significantly higher than 900. The extra experience helps too.


                    • bron
                      • May 2008
                      • 504

                      Originally posted by captnamazing
                      Is there much difference in difficulty between 900 to 950
                      Personally, I prefer to scum at 900ft rather than 950ft. because in my experience there are many fewer vampire lords at 900 than at 950. The issue is not so much defeating the vampire lords as it is that they will occasionally drain your stats, and I don't usually have a super abundance of stat restoration. And also the Nameless Things are a pain, and losing a point or two of evasion off your equipment due to acid damage at the last minute is often unrecoverable. And I don't find that the stuff at 950ft is enough better than the stuff at 900ft to make up the difference.

                      YMMV, particularly if you are carrying one or more "danger" items.


                      • ripforareason
                        • Dec 2016
                        • 84

                        Originally posted by captnamazing
                        That's so funny. You're right. I feel from 900 to 950 and died there.. Funny thing, it scored my elf as gettting to 950 and that's my deepest yet!!

                        I was pretty stoned, but I remember hitting 900 and considering diving to 950 then scumming some, but I figured if I scum between 900 to 950, there's not much difference - right?

                        Is there much difference in difficulty between 900 to 950. My current theory is that once you hit 750, it's best to dive hard because you can run into 1k depth monsters so frequently there.
                        The difficulty is basically the same. Imo, 950' is safer because it is much more spacious, or at least it seems that way.


                        • captnamazing
                          • Mar 2017
                          • 31

                          died tonight in throne room when I equipped durin's corselet from the floor and encumbered myself next to morgoth and ancalagon.

                          survived about 6 turns after equipping it. didn't realize the weight was slowing me.

                          Curse you, fatigue and sloppy play!


                          • wobbly
                            • May 2012
                            • 2577

                            Re: 900' or 950' the 1 perk to staying above 950' is horn of blasting through the floor.


                            • protopulse
                              • Dec 2016
                              • 63

                              I run mostly evasion-heavy builds, and those are very prone to RNG mishaps. Like in this game ( I always do a double take whenever orc champions, giants, easterling warriors, orc warriors, sword spiders, or trolls get hits off on me. Because it's so unpredictable to me whether they'll chain that hit with another one, and suddenly I'll go from full HP to 30% even though I would on average beat them in a 1v1 90%+ of the time. If I stand my ground, maybe I'll still win the fight and he won't land a single hit. Or...he could keep landing 3d8s on me until I'm dead.

                              I get that if you keep rolling the dice long enough, eventually something that seems impossibly unlikely will happen. But it still surprises and pisses me off every time.

                              Also died one time with 14 evasion against a giant, and he acted as if I didn't have any evasion at all. +6 to-hit on giants btw. So I'm 8 over his to-hit, which means he should hit me 16% of the time, and he hit me 2 times out of 3. Second hit, if I recall, did around 25 damage. I probably shouldn't have hovered around such a low HP knowing what giants can do, but again, really hard to predict when you're wasting consumables and when your dodging will fail you. After that, I just have to put the game down for a while.

                              Honestly, protection-heavy builds might be superior, but they usually require you to get lucky and find the pieces by chance or to go artistry smith. Mediocre protection, to my knowledge, is awful. You either want to be at a point where you rarely get hit, or where you always get hit but your protection is so high, much of it is negated.

                              Oh yea, Easterling archer deaths are really tilting too. Most of the time they're a nonfactor if you game their AI properly. But sometimes, the terrain and the pack of monsters that come with them make it so they're tougher to deal with than even out of depth uniques, especially in large packs and from multiple directions in open spaces. e.g.
                              Last edited by protopulse; April 29, 2017, 17:09.


                              • captnamazing
                                • Mar 2017
                                • 31

                                Shadows... SUPER fucking annoying

                                Raging pretty hard right now.

                                This guy got fucked by ONE shadow.

                                I guess I needed Keen Senses???

