taking a break from this game lol. too frustrating to lose a lucky cahracter like that in such a shitty way
Sil: compilation of annoying deaths
That's the nature of Sil, you need a plan to deal with every kind of threat by the end game.My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker: http://soundcloud.com/patashuComment
Shadows... SUPER fucking annoying
Raging pretty hard right now.
This guy got fucked by ONE shadow.
I guess I needed Keen Senses???Comment
I almost never take keen senses. I usually find a "haunted dreams by the time Sulrauko start showing up.
There was an amulet of haunted dreams in inventory in this chardump, I'm not sure why one would worry about having keen senses in this particular case. (Possibly it was un-ided, but if I don't have loremaster by this point I focus pretty hard on making sure all my amulets get identified.)Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
yes, as i contemplated that death I decided that I'll always take keen senses by sulrauko territory, unless i've found a true sightComment
I almost never take keen senses. I usually find a "haunted dreams by the time Sulrauko start showing up.
There was an amulet of haunted dreams in inventory in this chardump, I'm not sure why one would worry about having keen senses in this particular case. (Possibly it was un-ided, but if I don't have loremaster by this point I focus pretty hard on making sure all my amulets get identified.)Comment
(Just butting in to note that Song of the Trees exists if you take more perception abilities than song abilities)
My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker: http://soundcloud.com/patashuComment
Walking away and throwing or shooting stuff at shadows is an option. They have garbage defenses and very little HP. Anyhow, if you like keen senses, there's no harm in getting it -- it's very good. The extra sight radius bump is very useful. I generally take song of trees for the light instead -- I like it better than keen senses and inner light because it scales with song score, which is more useful at endgame. But that's a playstyle thing, mostly.Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
I'm pretty sure light level effects your chance of spotting shadows. I've been playing without keen senses or true sight most of my current game & with 13 perception, 4 light, a lit room - didn't have any trouble spotting them. As a +side light=dark resist. They do a hell of a lot less damage with good lights. Have trouble hitting you in the 1st place too.Comment
Died while fighting a young cold drake. Entranced me and killed me in one bite from full health.
The annoying thing, though, is that I had Free Action. The manual gives the impression that the way Entrancement resistance works is, the 'Difficulty' of the check is the monster's Will - 13 in this case - and that Free Action adds +10 to your own roll. And that my own Will is also added onto the save. So having 3 or more Will should have rendered me immune to the monster's entrancement, right?
Is this a bug, or (more likely) something I'm misunderstanding?Comment