Sil: compilation of annoying deaths

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  • TJS
    • May 2008
    • 460

    Originally posted by debo
    If you have decent con and a big weapon, you can often kill shadow molds in a couple of hits. If you get a bad first hit, back off and rest up before trying again. Charge makes this easier - even power will help.
    I'd just had my constitution drained to 1 by being confused by a brown mould that was right next to a purple one. When I tried to move away from the mould I walked next to the purple one.

    Yes, there always is the stair/shaft you came from.

    And try longbows.
    The stairs weren't there, I think they must have collapsed or something (I fell into the level). I was just in a single room with every exit corridor blocked by dark moulds. Just one of those unlucky situations I guess.


    • debo
      • Oct 2011
      • 2320

      Originally posted by Scatha
      In this case the evasion penalty won't matter, of course.

      I think the spores are also a darkness attack, so you get resistance according to the level of light on your square.
      I'm pretty sure there's still a bug with shadow mold damage that causes it to do full damage regardless of light level?
      Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


      • taptap
        • Jan 2013
        • 677

        Originally posted by TJS
        I'd just had my constitution drained to 1 by being confused by a brown mould that was right next to a purple one. When I tried to move away from the mould I walked next to the purple one.

        The stairs weren't there, I think they must have collapsed or something (I fell into the level). I was just in a single room with every exit corridor blocked by dark moulds. Just one of those unlucky situations I guess.
        Mold interaction rocks. Their only chance to do something.

        Stairs: Well, that happens and counts as bad luck. Yet, if you use the stairs rarely - they tend to be available when you need them, i.e. they only / more often (?) collapse when you have used them (several times) within a time limit, but I don't know the details.


        • half
          • Jan 2009
          • 886

          Originally posted by taptap
          Mold interaction rocks. Their only chance to do something.
          Yeah, I have to say that I'm impressed by this brown/violet/shadow mold tag-team. Humblest of Morgoth's creations (?) they live for moments like these.

          TJS: that is a really unlucky situation. There might have been some things to do to avoid it or escape it, but it is pretty unlucky to be in it in the first place.


          • Patashu
            • Jan 2008
            • 496

            Song of the Trees can give you a good boost to light level (I think it's song/3 or song/4 or song/5 or something like that) and if your song is good enough will help more than inner light.
            My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker:


            • HallucinationMushroom
              • Apr 2007
              • 679

              Your talk of molds reminded me of this

              You are on something strange


              • HugoVirtuoso
                • Jan 2012
                • 1132

                Originally posted by HallucinationMushroom
                Your talk of molds reminded me of this

                That Angband comic is priceless!
                My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on

                If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                • wobbly
                  • May 2012
                  • 2577

                  Damn it! Was trapped by an out of control violet worm mass & had the bright idea of changing to a 2hnder to thin them out quicker. Well it worked, but my shield "disappeared" from pack overflow & shortly afterwards I was turned into a pincushion by a bunch of archers. So not a big fan of non-stackable items right now.

                  A question is strength sustain guaranteed? or is it just a bonus to will checks?


                  • taptap
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 677

                    Originally posted by wobbly
                    Damn it! Was trapped by an out of control violet worm mass & had the bright idea of changing to a 2hnder to thin them out quicker. Well it worked, but my shield "disappeared" from pack overflow & shortly afterwards I was turned into a pincushion by a bunch of archers. So not a big fan of non-stackable items right now.

                    A question is strength sustain guaranteed? or is it just a bonus to will checks?
                    As far as I know all sustains and resists are a bonus of 10 to saving rolls as is Vanish, Free Action etc., BUT this 10 is huge when you roll with d10. From 50% failure chance (i.e. when your will equals that of your opponent) to guaranteed success.


                    • BlueFish
                      • Aug 2011
                      • 414

                      Originally posted by wobbly
                      Damn it! Was trapped by an out of control violet worm mass & had the bright idea of changing to a 2hnder to thin them out quicker. Well it worked, but my shield "disappeared" from pack overflow & shortly afterwards I was turned into a pincushion by a bunch of archers. So not a big fan of non-stackable items right now.
                      I really wish two handed weapons just disabled the shield rather than un-wielded it.


                      • taptap
                        • Jan 2013
                        • 677

                        Originally posted by BlueFish
                        I really wish two handed weapons just disabled the shield rather than un-wielded it.
                        This would produce some interface issues with 1.5 handed weapons, I guess. Or at least require a new command.


                        • BlueFish
                          • Aug 2011
                          • 414

                          Originally posted by taptap
                          This would produce some interface issues with 1.5 handed weapons, I guess. Or at least require a new command.
                          No issue and no new command needed, unless you think it's an issue that 1.5 handed weapons worked exactly as they always have. They would not disable shields.

                          The practical difficulty of 2h weapons un-wielding shields is generally with diggers. I "fixed" this in my personal version by making then 1.5 handed, and I rarely notice this anymore. I also reduced their damage to 1d1 just for "ethical" reasons. Not that I ever fought with mattocks to begin with.


                          • BlueFish
                            • Aug 2011
                            • 414


                            What's the mechanic for climbing out of pits? This was a promising character, one of the few I've managed for this build. Got to 500 ft. He has 1 dex, but had free action boots. What can a character do to try to stave off 7 straight failures to climb out of a pit?

                            He ended up dying there, after exhausting his healing consumables and never getting another chance to try to climb out.

                            I really don't like the maluses that pits hit you with in this game. The "bear trap" aspect where you can't move is enough. Halving your combat ability is a bit over the top.


                            • Philip
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 881

                              I always thought it was a strength roll, and I think boots of free action don't help. I don't know, though.


                              • BlueFish
                                • Aug 2011
                                • 414

                                Strength is used for webs, as is free action. Not sure about pits, but I know it's not strength. This was a 4 strength character.

                                I think it would make some game design sense to give a bonus to escape attempts for every failed attempt. Instadeath, even if carried out over 7 straight skill check failures, isn't fun.

