FAangband 2.0beta

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    • Jan 2017
    • 295

    Wilderness Traps

    Certain traps probably shouldn't be allowed to spawn in the wilderness; I just had "a section of the ceiling" fall in behind me...
    Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

    I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.


    • archolewa
      • Feb 2019
      • 399

      Originally posted by MITZE
      Certain traps probably shouldn't be allowed to spawn in the wilderness; I just had "a section of the ceiling" fall in behind me...
      Maybe you were walking under an apple tree? Everything was bigger in the First Age.


      • Nick
        Vanilla maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 9353

        Originally posted by MITZE
        The flavor text for standarts (which I'm pretty sure is actually implemented) doesn't display; looking at Thalkettoth, I just get the regular Leather Scale Mail flavor text.
        It works for me - it's at the top of the description, and the generic one is at the bottom (which possibly is a bit silly).

        Originally posted by MITZE
        Certain monsters that shouldn't still can spawn asleep (just recalled into the wilderness and am staring at a sleeping fire vortex).
        EVERYTHING starts asleep at night.

        Originally posted by MITZE
        The change to polearms giving them AC makes their display a little weird; it only displays the base value, like the bug with normal armour that you fixed (but since you said you don't intend on letting them get AC enchantments, could also leave this one as is).
        I've been through and looked at how FA used to do this, and it's:
        • AC and no bonus - [x,+0]
        • AC and bonus - [x,+y] (duh)
        • No AC but bonus - [+y]
        • No AC and no bonus -
        Will fix.

        Originally posted by MITZE
        You can blow up artifact devices by attempting to recharge them, I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen
        Artifact devices need *work*.
        Originally posted by MITZE
        I think 'Summon Winged Dragons' as a monster spell should be rethought; currently, some monsters that can be found outside Angband (such as Sauron) have it as a spell and will attempt to cast it, even though said spell won't actually result in a summon unless you're *in* Angband.
        Originally posted by MITZE
        Sauron also has 'Summon Ringwraiths' as a spell; those don't exist yet as per Middle-Earth canon, or in the game AFAIK.
        Yep, needs to be removed.
        Originally posted by MITZE
        The Black Breath that the Ranger's 'Herbal Curing' spell is supposed be highly convenient for doesn't exist AFAIK either; without that, Herbal Curing only cures stunning and heals cuts, and isn't worth it for either (curing stunning might theoretically be useful, except it would mean that you were stunned, which penalizes spell fails).
        Probably all true, and mostly applies to V too (although ringwraiths do get black breath there). I guess I want some kind of thematic curing spell for rangers and druids, but it does need some work. Filed as a bug in V (and so the fix will make it through to FA).
        Originally posted by MITZE
        The Ranger's 'Decoy' spell seems OP/bugged; if something does not have LOS on your decoy but it does have LOS on you, it seems like it won't target you at all, and will instead just maneuver to get LOS on the decoy.
        If it *can't* maneuver to get LOS on the decoy, it'll just wander about like it's confused. I had a situation where I stuck the decoy behind some rubble, which was behind me in a corridor, when I had LOS on Cantoras and he didn't attack me once, just wandered aimlessly while I dakka'd him to redeath.
        Amazed no-one's reported this before. Filed as a bug in V.
        Originally posted by MITZE
        This one wasn't from my character; making it for another player on the webserver that I was spectating, Zabutor.
        firstageangband: cave-square.c:1195: square: Assertion 'square_in_bounds(c, grid)' failed.
        Crash kept happening around a nether worm mass outbreak on the goblin-drums special level; not sure what was triggering it, but there were traps and permanent walls nearby, so maybe it has something to do with them?
        This one is annoying, I do need the savefile to have a chance. Have pinged Gwarl.
        Originally posted by MITZE
        Certain traps probably shouldn't be allowed to spawn in the wilderness; I just had "a section of the ceiling" fall in behind me...

        I've missed some of your RFEs here, I'll try to remember to go back and check them. Note that this reply just means that I've got to the point of at least documenting your issues, not that they're going to be fixed any time soon
        One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
        In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


        • MITZE
          • Jan 2017
          • 295

          Originally posted by Nick
          It works for me - it's at the top of the description, and the generic one is at the bottom (which possibly is a bit silly).
          I've spectated other players of FAA some, and they don't seem to have the problem; I now suspect that this might be some weirdness attached to my savefile.

          Originally posted by Nick
          EVERYTHING starts asleep at night.
          If that's intended behaviour that's intended behaviour, but for posterity it feels wrong to me; as far as I can recall from my *banding experience certain monsters/monster races (such as vortexes) have always been ALWAYS_AWAKE or somesuch.

          Originally posted by Nick
          This one is annoying, I do need the savefile to have a chance. Have pinged Gwarl.
          His attention has been drawn to it once already, whereupon he immediately got distracted and forgot about it . . . we might be waiting a while.

          Originally posted by Nick
          I've missed some of your RFEs here, I'll try to remember to go back and check them. Note that this reply just means that I've got to the point of at least documenting your issues, not that they're going to be fixed any time soon
          Would it help if I just made the issues directly on Git myself? I have an account on there now, I just haven't been creating a bunch of new issues directly because it felt like it would be rude somehow . . .
          Last edited by MITZE; April 26, 2021, 18:40. Reason: Fixed some typos.
          Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

          I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.


          • Nick
            Vanilla maintainer
            • Apr 2007
            • 9353

            Originally posted by MITZE
            If that's intended behaviour that's intended behaviour, but for posterity it feels wrong to me; as far as I can recall from my *banding experience certain monsters/monster races (such as vortexes) have always been ALWAYS_AWAKE or somesuch.
            Yep, it really is intended - it was a conscious decision in very early FA. Otherwise advanced races were nothing but "run away from hounds".

            Originally posted by MITZE
            His attention has been drawn to it once already, whereupon he immediately got distracted and forgot about it . . . we might be waiting a while.
            I have the save, but forgot to ask for the randart file, so we'll see.

            Originally posted by MITZE
            Would it help if I just made the issues directly on Git myself? I have an account on there now, I just haven't been creating a bunch of new issues directly because it felt like it would be rude somehow . . .
            No, that's fine. I can always make snarky comments and close them.
            One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
            In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


            • MITZE
              • Jan 2017
              • 295

              Crash: Travelling from Underground to Wilderness

              Just posting about it here too for posterity (I already created the issue), but Zabutor has run into another (different?) crash; they fell into the underground via trap door and trying to use the upstairs to go back to the wilderness results in a game crash.
              Last edited by MITZE; April 26, 2021, 22:48. Reason: Fixed typos.
              Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

              I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.


              • Nick
                Vanilla maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 9353

                Originally posted by MITZE
                It's happened to me now too; even worse, mine is preventing me from continuing the game, game crashes on save load now.
                Consequently, there's a save available if you want it, you'll just have to wait for someone with server access to show up to retrieve it for you.
                I have found the bug - it turns out themed levels weren't getting surrounded by permanent rock, so you could stone-to-mud through the edge of the level (into the void, presumably). So when Gwarl restores your savefile, don't stone-to-mud through the edge of the level. I've put a permanent rock block where you did it the first time
                One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                • Arralen
                  • May 2007
                  • 309

                  Strange down stairs with "Shockbolt Dark" tiles (when loading other tile sets everything looks fine) - this is Belegost, btw. :
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Arralen; April 28, 2021, 18:50.
                  No, I don't have a clue 'bout C, and I'm not starting my own variant.
                  Never. Ever.


                  • Nick
                    Vanilla maintainer
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 9353

                    Originally posted by Arralen
                    Strange down stairs with "Shockbolt Dark" tiles (when loading other tile sets everything looks fine) - this is Belegost, btw. :
                    Yes tiles are definitely Not Done Yet.
                    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                    • Arralen
                      • May 2007
                      • 309

                      What's the 2nd book a blackguard is supposed to learn from, and where can I find it?
                      From CLASS.TXT I guess I should be seeing "Fear and Torment" in the book store, but I only get to buy the Necromancer book "Dark Rituals" which does not give me any spells!?!

                      ... finally figured this out: The blackguard 2nd book is 4x as expensive as the necromancer book ...

                      (Yes, died so often I just got to the 2nd book ... )

                      Shouldn't I be able to find the randart rapiers that actually dropped in the randart_xxx.txt file?

                      I had no trouble hitting forest trolls with my rapier (+22,+11), but absolutely could not do so with the crossbow (+12,+10) ... as a lvl 18 blackguard. Slightly frustrating ... I mean, it's f**** trolls lined up in corridor not much wider than them
                      Yeah, I know, he's going to complain to me ...

                      Generally the (+xx) modifiers on early armour seem much higher than in FA 1 ... is this intended, coming from the changes in Angband?
                      Finding a Wicker Shield of Resistance [2, +16] on level 7 seems ... lucky. But the hard leather armour is [+14] as well ...
                      (though it was dropped by Ulfang on level 10)

                      How is identify supposed to work (out) now? I'm lvl 18, and I have a growing pile of items where I "do not know the full extend of this item's powers" .. yet no ID scroll in sight. I am just unlucky concerning the scrolls, or must I to hope to get lucky and hit/get hit by the right things to figure out the item's powers?

                      "l"ook command and using "+"/"-" or arrow keys seems to target hidden doors (says "You see a granite wall", though) ...
                      In this case, it didn't happen instantly when I entered the level, but when a wolf broke through the door ... suddenly I was able to "l"ook at the other hidden door ...
                      pic, savegame attached.

                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Arralen; May 9, 2021, 08:39. Reason: marked possible bugs
                      No, I don't have a clue 'bout C, and I'm not starting my own variant.
                      Never. Ever.


                      • Sacksquatch
                        • Jun 2020
                        • 49

                        Hi again Nick. If you've already seen these, ignore.

                        Using '#' to check time has ceased working somewhat recently.
                        Also Mitze and I were noticing that a high % of combat rings have either aggro or siren. Not sure if intentional.

                        Playing the nightly on .live.


                        • Pete Mack
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 6697

                          Blackguard has intentionally terrible archery (though I think he should get a significant to-hit bonus with a light crossbow, and maybe thrown daggers. Those are a suitably dastardly weapons.)


                          • Arralen
                            • May 2007
                            • 309

                            Marked some potential bugs in my posting above.

                            Here's another one:

                            Wielding a cold branded randart rapier.
                            Shooting a ghoul with the crossbow of accuracy with non-branded arrow results in "is frozen on the spot" and a "held" status on the ghoul.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by Arralen; May 6, 2021, 23:05.
                            No, I don't have a clue 'bout C, and I'm not starting my own variant.
                            Never. Ever.


                            • Nick
                              Vanilla maintainer
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 9353

                              Thanks, I am taking notice of this thread, and will say something with actual substance, some time
                              One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                              In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                              • Pete Mack
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 6697

                                "The Ghoul is frozen to the spot!" is not a bug. That happens frequently when any monster is knocked down by a significant amount to 1 or 2 stars.

