[Announce] FrogComposband 7.0.cloudberry released

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  • Sideways
    • Nov 2008
    • 886

    Thanks, I should probably make it break the loop when the stat hits 3
    The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


    • TauzentBlitz
      • May 2018
      • 38

      As a dragon-pact Warlock, had a lot of issues with getting caught in pet silver dragon's inertia breath. Didn't happen with any other elemental breaths.


      • Sideways
        • Nov 2008
        • 886

        Originally posted by TauzentBlitz
        As a dragon-pact Warlock, had a lot of issues with getting caught in pet silver dragon's inertia breath. Didn't happen with any other elemental breaths.
        Thanks, that seems very bizarre; I'm not shocked that there would still be bugs with friendly fire, but I can't think of any reason why it should apply to inertia breaths specifically. I'll look into it.

        Was it a young silver dragon, a mature one, an ancient one or all three?
        The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


        • TauzentBlitz
          • May 2018
          • 38

          I think it was an ancient.
          Last edited by TauzentBlitz; December 31, 2018, 19:08.


          • budswell
            • Jun 2008
            • 156

            I had this issue in Poschengband, so assume its copied from there.


            • Sideways
              • Nov 2008
              • 886

              There were lots of bugs with friendly fire in Pos, but I thought I'd managed to fix them all, apart from a known issue with friendly psycho-spears sometimes hitting the player. I'm not sure if TauzentBlitz's bug is related to the psycho-spear thing or not, I hope it is so I can pronounce friendly fire fully fixed when I locate it.
              The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


              • CyclopsSlayer
                • Feb 2009
                • 388

                Not Frogcomposband specific, but while you are digging in the code sometime.

                This has been a persistent issue with Pos/Com/Frog and apparently PWM, but no other apps I run. Some of my term windows shrink every time I start the game.

                The setup I use, 1920x1080 monitor
                Term0 - Game (max font size. Dragged to full vertical height)
                Term1 - Inventory (default moved to right edge)
                Term2 - Monster List (reduced height to about 3/4 default, moved to right edge)
                Term3 - Messages (default moved to right edge)

                0 & 2 seem to remain the size I set them to, while 1 & 3 shrink. After one restart 1 & 3 lose about half a row, cutting the bottom display line chars in half. If I don't resize them eventually I will lose the bottom 2 lines of text.


                • Benly
                  • Oct 2018
                  • 7

                  Also playing a dragon warlock, got tagged by my own Ancient Green Dragon's breath. So it's not just silvers, I guess.


                  • Sideways
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 886

                    Originally posted by Benly
                    Also playing a dragon warlock, got tagged by my own Ancient Green Dragon's breath. So it's not just silvers, I guess.
                    Thanks. Can you remember roughly where you were in relation to the dragon and the thing it was breathing at?
                    The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                    • Benly
                      • Oct 2018
                      • 7

                      Originally posted by Sideways
                      Thanks. Can you remember roughly where you were in relation to the dragon and the thing it was breathing at?
                      I'm pretty sure I was near it, but don't remember in detail. I was just now tagged again by an Ancient Gold pet, and I was roughly in between it and the pack of hellcats it was breathing at, but since I don't know which one it was targeting I don't know if I was directly in its path or not.

                      Both times I was riding another dragon, don't know if that matters. I also got killed by my own Ancient White some time ago on a quylthulg who was definitely not mounted, but I don't remember any further details of that except that it was in a fairly confined space (which I only remember because I made a joke about it to a friend).
                      Last edited by Benly; January 11, 2019, 22:52.


                      • wobbly
                        • May 2012
                        • 2577

                        Originally posted by CyclopsSlayer
                        I have never seen Thief gloves without a huge loss of Damage and to-hit, something +Dex/Stl doesn't begin to fix. Seriously I think only a single pair had a shop value above 1 coin, or a score worth noticing.
                        Once I get below dLevel 30 or so I start seeing them with decent numbers. But shallow? I wouldn't wear them on a dare, much rather do totally without.
                        I suspect this was just bad luck. For reference, Morivant armoury, game day 2:

                        Studded leather gloves of the thief (+2,-3) [1,+4] (+3 dex/stealth)


                        • CyclopsSlayer
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 388

                          Originally posted by wobbly
                          I suspect this was just bad luck. For reference, Morivant armoury, game day 2:

                          Studded leather gloves of the thief (+2,-3) [1,+4] (+3 dex/stealth)
                          Quite possibly. The last pair I found was something like (+3, -6) with a meager +1 to dex/stl.

                          When I start getting below dLvl 30 I see some very nice thief gloves, but shallow? Trash...


                          • Sideways
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 886

                            Finally got my act together and located the friendly-breathing bug. It's a bug that only affected ancient dragons (and a couple related monsters), not younger dragons and not wyrms, because of some special-cased breathing code for ancient dragons only that was not properly accounted for. Explains why I didn't notice it earlier - I needed to test with an ancient dragon.

                            Thanks guys!
                            The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                            • CyclopsSlayer
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 388

                              I know it's nit-picking, but it seems a bit wrong to cast 'Evil Bless' and get the message 'You feel righteous' on an evil character with Daemon magic. (Maybe Hex magic as well? Not used that one recently)
                              I know it is likely that it is from the same code being used for both Bless and Evil Bless.
                              Last edited by CyclopsSlayer; January 20, 2019, 05:34.


                              • MITZE
                                • Jan 2017
                                • 295

                                Originally posted by CyclopsSlayer
                                I know its nit-picking, but it seems a bit wrong to cast 'Evil Bless' and get the message 'You feel righteous' on an evil character with Daemon magic. (Maybe Hex magic as well? Not used that one recently)
                                I know it is likely that it is from the same code being used for both Bless and Evil Bless.
                                Perhaps make Evil Bless make the character feel self-righteous?
                                Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:

                                I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.

