[Announce] FrogComposband 7.0.cloudberry released

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  • Rudiment
    • Aug 2017
    • 36

    I find out thar potion of boldness is far more expensive than potion of heroism. I don't get why. Potion of heroism removes fear and induce hero state but potion of boldness only removes fear and nothing more. Is it bug in price?


    • Gwarl
      • Jan 2017
      • 988

      Heroism doesn't remove fear.

      It's an anomaly that was always there. In PCB (and CPB) which didn't have real nosell they were good for selling.


      • Rudiment
        • Aug 2017
        • 36

        Originally posted by Gwarl
        Heroism doesn't remove fear.

        It's an anomaly that was always there. In PCB (and CPB) which didn't have real nosell they were good for selling.
        But ingame description for potion of heroism is "It removes fear and causes you temporary heroism when you quaff it." But you said it didn't remove fear. It is strange because you feel like a hero but still volnurable to fear.


        • Sideways
          • Nov 2008
          • 886

          I will need to update the descriptions for !heroism and !berserkstrength. I fixed some misleading descriptions in 7.1.toffee but overlooked those.
          The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


          • Rudiment
            • Aug 2017
            • 36

            How does elemental branding work in this game? Is it simply add some bonus damage dice to weapon basic damage dice? I encountered mana brand weapon. Is there enemy who can resist this type of damage?


            • Sideways
              • Nov 2008
              • 886

              Originally posted by Rudiment
              How does elemental branding work in this game? Is it simply add some bonus damage dice to weapon basic damage dice?
              Basically, yes. From the FAQ:

              Q: Some weapons have slays (like Slay Orc) or brands (like Viper's Fang). What do these mean?

              A: Slays and brands do extra damage against the appropriate monsters (so Slay Orc does extra damage against orcs, and Viper's Fang does extra damage against monsters who don't resist poison). Slays and brands work by multiplying the weapon's dice (which makes them much more valuable on a 5d6 blade of chaos than on a 1d5 dagger).

              If a weapon has multiple slays or brands that could apply to the same monster, only the strongest slay or brand (the highest multiplier) is applied; slays and brands never combine, with two exceptions. The first is Force (Mana Brand), which fully combines with other slays. The other is Mark of Chaos, which rolls a random slay or brand for each blow; if the weapon also has other slays or brands, the Mark of Chaos sometimes combines with them and makes them slightly stronger.
              Mana Brand works against all monsters (no one resists it), but it consumes your mana, and only works as long as you have enough mana left.
              The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


              • Rudiment
                • Aug 2017
                • 36

                How can i retrieve information about maximum blows per turn available for particular class (for example mindcrafter)?


                • Sideways
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 886

                  I don't think that info is actually given anywhere in-game. When you hit your blow-cap it's usually pretty obvious that that is what has happened, but if you want to see that information beforehand you can check the caps in the code here (mindcrafter's is 5.00 blows/round). Note that some characters - especially blood-knights - have weird blow calculations, so those caps can't be taken completely at face value. The caps are also before any on-weapon or off-weapon extra blows are accounted for.
                  The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                  • Rudiment
                    • Aug 2017
                    • 36

                    Thank you.
                    Does saving throw affects effects of regular attacks (for example chaos shapeshifter induce a confusion state on third attack)?
                    I playing with Virtues ON (for fun). My mindcrafter stumble upon a pack of shadowhounds which constatly blind him and my Enlightment virtue go to negative state. I get a word play "blind" and "enLIGHTment" but does it affect my mindcraft in the way the Nature virtue affects ranger casting in realm of nature?


                    • Sideways
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 886

                      Originally posted by Rudiment
                      Thank you.
                      Does saving throw affects effects of regular attacks (for example chaos shapeshifter induce a confusion state on third attack)?
                      As a general rule, you only get saving throws against spell attacks. (There are some exotic exceptions; you do get a save against cursing from auras or melee.)

                      Virtues... I don't have the faintest idea what they do and do not affect In the case of spell fail rates, though, I think you want your overall alignment to align with your realm; so with Nature you want a Neutral alignment because Nature is a balanced realm, with good realms you want a Good/Lawful alignment, with evil realms you want an Evil/Chaotic alignment, and with realms that are neither balanced, good or evil it shouldn't matter at all. Mindcrafting isn't a realm at all, so even if virtues do affect it (which I doubt) it would be unrelated to the effect of virtues on realm fail rates.


                      Also, upgrade to 7.1.toffee if you haven't yet
                      The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                      • Mocht
                        • Mar 2015
                        • 20

                        Originally posted by Rudiment
                        I playing with Virtues ON (for fun). My mindcrafter stumble upon a pack of shadowhounds which constatly blind him and my Enlightment virtue go to negative state. I get a word play "blind" and "enLIGHTment" but does it affect my mindcraft in the way the Nature virtue affects ranger casting in realm of nature?
                        Apart from Chris I don't know of anyone who knows much about virtues
                        Virtues are opaque, who knows how many standard beliefs about them are wrong


                        • CyclopsSlayer
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 388

                          Originally posted by Mocht
                          Apart from Chris I don't know of anyone who knows much about virtues
                          Virtues are opaque, who knows how many standard beliefs about them are wrong
                          Virtues also tend to make play harder. Trying to be 'Good' or 'Lawful'? You can never hit something first or if it is sleeping it is really bad. So, you might as well be aggravating and let them hit you first to be 'Good' and simply forget all stealth attacks.

                          The mechanism is so arcane and hidden, what affects what and why is largely unknown. Good Magic wants you to be Good, Bad magic is Bad, Nature is Neutral (which is really difficult)

                          I'm a coward and just leave all that turned off...


                          • HugoVirtuoso
                            • Jan 2012
                            • 1132

                            In my case, I just play virtues ON at all times, anyday. I just wing it!
                            My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

                            If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

                            As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


                            • Mocht
                              • Mar 2015
                              • 20

                              Originally posted by Rudiment
                              I playing with Virtues ON (for fun)
                              Also, the unpopularity of virtues was a factor in Chris's departure


                              • Mocht
                                • Mar 2015
                                • 20

                                Originally posted by Rudiment
                                I playing with Virtues ON (for fun). My mindcrafter stumble upon a pack of shadowhounds which constatly blind him and my Enlightment virtue go to negative state. I get a word play "blind" and "enLIGHTment" but does it affect my mindcraft in the way the Nature virtue affects ranger casting in realm of nature?
                                I once looked at the code for virtues
                                If I understood correctly then:
                                • The diligence virtue (or was it patience?) increased the chance of finding magic items
                                • Reading a teleport scroll decreased the valour virtue (or whatever it is called), I forget what valour does but it is good for fighters

