[Announce] Poschengband 3.4.0 Released

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  • Rathael
    • Feb 2015
    • 4

    Feature Requests:

    1) Show +hit, +dmg, blows, and damage on weapons when Inspecting them. Much how ToMe 2.x did it. Having to equip something to see this is a pain, and doesn't work in stores unless you buy it first. Pretty much the same stuff that you would see on the C w(or b) screen shown underneath the current Inspect display.

    2) The ability to see what a spell does when browsing a book even if you have not learned it yet. I don't see any reason why it can't show the spell help message the same as it does for known spells. At least I would know if I want to learn it or not.

    I have been playing ToMe 2.x for years (and the original Rogue and Moria before that) and PosChengband is the first roguelike that I've found that I like as much as ToMe.

    Great work so far!


    • Thraalbee
      • Sep 2010
      • 692

      Two minor bugs/anomalies in PosChengband 3.4.3. An arrow with activation and a ring with both + and - STR:


      • wobbly
        • May 2012
        • 2577

        Bug? - A shrieker mushroom shrieked at my mount today. Nothing woke up or speed up.

        Edit: Another pet related bug. I'm currently flying around on a sleeping griffon. Pretty sure there's a heap of these pet-bugs.
        Edit 2: I'm obviously a cruel master. You push past your manes. Your manes turns to fight. Stop you brute!

        Edit: This message made me laugh - The Sparrow dies. You feel more in tune with the world around you. That was very harmonious.
        Last edited by wobbly; February 16, 2015, 03:41.


        • Nivim
          • Jan 2014
          • 60

          Critbug. I got a small level in the Forest with a vault and very few spaces that normally wouldn't be wall, then I teleothered some things out of the vault and noticed that I was still getting "[...] disappears!" messages even though nothing more was disappearing.
          Then I ran into a phase spider which did the same to me, making the game stop responding and take 100%cpu, winning the contest by default.


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2577

            So magic eaters. Either immune or vulnerable to anti-magic effects depending on which keys you use. If I try & use an absorbed power by the 'm' key my barbarian talisman blocks it. However 'u', 'a' & 'z' are working just fine. Unless I'm standing on or carrying a wand in which case the 'a' command will select from my pack or floor instead.


            • caruso
              • May 2011
              • 137

              Sorry, real life kept interfering... So, here's the remainder of my suggestions. I'm not sure when a change would be subtle enough to count as a tweak rather than a feature request, but I suppose that's rather secondary.

              Feature requests
              - optionally, player characters should have a neutral sex
              - randomly generated, customizable player character backgrounds

              - mark unidentified items in shops as "(unidentified)" or "(unseen)"
              - shop commands should override macros
              - when asking for the quantity of items to be bought or sold, the game should tell you that you can also enter 'a'll
              - 'a'll could also count as "as many as possible"
              - when buying an item that is already in your inventory, display in the buying-dialogue how many you have already got. Say, you have 2 Scrolls of Identify in your pack, you want to buy some more and the shopkeeper has 4, then it should say something like "Quantity (you have 2) (1-4):"
              - let players select items from shop inventories by using the cursor keys

              - manual chapter c,b: Please mention the ninjas' ability to use spikes as throwing weapons

              - allow for 'r'ecall of object memory when e'x'amining objects in the dungeon
              - e'x'amining a weapon should give its average damage per round

              - Potions of Heroism: Please Name the bonuses provided by heroism
              - same for ?Blessing and, presumably, ?Holy Chant

              - when prompting to pick up an item, offer to pick up 'a'll items of the same kind (i.e. add them to auto-pickup)
              - same when prompting for destroying an item, to remove it from the auto-pickup list
              - when prompting to confirm a command, allow for pressing the same key again to be interpreted as "yes". Say, the game asks you whether you really want to 'g'et an item from the floor, then both 'g' and 'y' should be regarded as confirmation

              - Indicate when an enemy is affected by a weapon brand: "You smite the Novice warrior" (Hurt Human), "You SMITE the Novice warrior" (*Hurt* Human), "You freeze the Novice warrior." (not resistant to ice brand) "You freeze the <foo> badly." (vulnerable to ice brand) etc.

              - in the 'C'haracter screen, additionally display your character's max speed if overloaded
              - examining your weapons ('Cw') should give a seperate average damage value for brands

              - answering throw-prompts should override macros
              - when repeating ('n') the ninjutsu "Ancient Knowledge", it should not automatically choose an item to be identified


              • wobbly
                • May 2012
                • 2577

                Minor bug: Zapping an un-ided rod of detect traps from the floor didn't give me the DTrap at the bottom of my screen.

                Minor flavour annoyance: Blasting things with wands of wonder just say, "The warg dies". Did I just blast him with a fire bolt?, acid ball? etc.


                • caruso
                  • May 2011
                  • 137

                  chris? Did you suffer from a nervous breakdown when you saw all these suggestions? (ó_&#242 I promise you again that my next post is going to be much shorter!
                  Last edited by caruso; March 10, 2015, 09:58.


                  • wobbly
                    • May 2012
                    • 2577

                    I've gotten in to the habit of inscribing the activate power on items & while it takes me about zero effort to do this, I wouldn't complain if it did this automatically.


                    • clouded
                      • Jun 2012
                      • 266

                      Originally posted by wobbly
                      I've gotten in to the habit of inscribing the activate power on items & while it takes me about zero effort to do this, I wouldn't complain if it did this automatically.
                      Somehow you can do this automatically, my game does though I'm not certain what does it. Try toggling the option that gives the super verbose inscriptions.


                      • wobbly
                        • May 2012
                        • 2577

                        hmm, managed to turn on resists on artifacts & Dm on my mage staff but not the activate for fireball on the ring. Oh well I'll do it manually.

                        Wasted several charges on my staff of curing today wondering why it wasn't working. It was because I was trying to cure my temporary poison resist.

                        Edit: Minor note, the thieves quest usually gives a class appropriate item, however the mauler get's a 1-hander (long sword)
                        Edit 2: Wargs quest reward for ninjas appears to be gauntlets, which is a bit weird.
                        Last edited by wobbly; March 16, 2015, 17:25.


                        • Orrus
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 26

                          Is there anyplace with a FULL extensive change list / patch notes? Basically all the changes from Entroband to current version of PosChang?


                          • AnonymousHero
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 1322

                            Originally posted by Orrus
                            Is there anyplace with a FULL extensive change list / patch notes? Basically all the changes from Entroband to current version of PosChang?
                            git diff is the only authoritative source, I think.


                            • wobbly
                              • May 2012
                              • 2577

                              A small note with the beastmasters. If I look up an unique I haven't encountered yet I can't latter check there stats in the ~menu as it won't show until I see him/her. Annoying if you want to prepare for someone like Smaug.


                              • wobbly
                                • May 2012
                                • 2577

                                Detect Enchantment from the arcane spellbooks doesn't seem to work so well if you can see other objects. I can't tell which I just detected & which I could already see. If I really want to force it to work I either need to cast it on 1st entering the level & note which items are enchanted or play some annoying game of mastermind where I find a clear spot on the level to selectively pickup & drop items which is pretty tedious.

