[Announce] Poschengband 3.4.0 Released

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  • AnonymousHero
    • Jun 2007
    • 1322

    Originally posted by chris
    (She blinded me with Psions!)
    I think I love you.


    • HugoVirtuoso
      • Jan 2012
      • 1132

      By the way, we never had a Psion winner in PosChengband (or even in its predecessor, Chengband)!

      And Monster Talk?...Where do I see this?
      My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:

      If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.

      As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso


      • Jiamat
        • Jan 2015
        • 2

        I didn't have a problem finding a ring bearer it's just keeping a powerful one for more than 10 minutes before they throw you off in disgust. Maybe I'm role playing too much but it just felt strange to have powerful monsters just decide they didn't want a ring of power after all. So I just stuck to level 40ish monsters for the most part.


        • delstrudo
          • Jan 2015
          • 8

          archeologist potential bug


          I'm actually still on the previous version but assuming this may still be relevant.

          When using a Centaur Archeologist, it appears that the extended crack ability also includes the hooved attacks with it. It's nice, but probably not supposed to be happening. Just wanted to put this out there


          • chris
            PosChengband Maintainer
            • Jan 2008
            • 698

            Originally posted by Jiamat
            I didn't have a problem finding a ring bearer it's just keeping a powerful one for more than 10 minutes before they throw you off in disgust. Maybe I'm role playing too much but it just felt strange to have powerful monsters just decide they didn't want a ring of power after all. So I just stuck to level 40ish monsters for the most part.
            Oh, I see. Yeah, that can be annoying!

            Well, you are a cursed ring of power, I guess. And you lured that monster into picking you up only to seize control of its will and begin controlling it to do your evil bidding!

            The way it works, every monster action they have a small chance (1 in 10000 unless unique, then 1 in 1000) of attempting to break your power over them. And in this small chance, they still need to roll a saving throw against you. The higher your level, and the higher your charisma, the less likely they are to break your dominance. If they do, however, it can be nasty. But it is often worth the attempt to charm them back to your side.


            • chris
              PosChengband Maintainer
              • Jan 2008
              • 698

              Originally posted by delstrudo

              I'm actually still on the previous version but assuming this may still be relevant.

              When using a Centaur Archeologist, it appears that the extended crack ability also includes the hooved attacks with it. It's nice, but probably not supposed to be happening. Just wanted to put this out there
              Yes, that's a bug and you'll see this with Samurai and Weaponmasters too. Should be fixed for next release (3.4.4). Thanks!


              • chris
                PosChengband Maintainer
                • Jan 2008
                • 698

                I should probably add a Psion help page at some point. In the mean time, here are some random thoughts and build ideas. Of course, you should experiment and play however you like!

                There are 24 psionic powers and you only get to learn 8 of them (Levels 1, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40 and 50). Each psionic power has a min level to learn so you can generally only pick 1 power from the L40 and L50 tiers. The L50 powers are quite strong so you won't want to miss them.

                Here are the powers. These descriptions are available in-game so I don't think this is much of a spoiler. For this class, it is also somewhat required to know what powers are possible so you can pick your choices wisely:

                Mana Thrust (L1)
                Mana Thrust grants you an offensive ranged attack. With this      
                power, you will have good early offense as well as the ability to 
                scale the damage of the mana thrust quite considerably. No monster
                can resist the Mana Thrust but this attack only effects a single  
                monster at a time and some monsters might reflect the spell.      
                Energy Blast (L1)
                Energy Blast grants you an offensive ranged attack. With this       
                power, you will have good early offense as well as the ability to   
                scale the damage of the blast quite considerably. The blast will    
                produce an elemental ball whose type is of your choosing, although  
                the range of choices will depend on how much focus you invest in    
                the blast. This is also an area based attack so you may damage      
                multiple monsters at a time.                                        
                Psionic Seeing (L1)
                Psionic Seeing grants you considerable powers of detection.         
                Depending on how hard you focus, you may detect monsters, traps,    
                doors, stairs, and objects. Concentrate even more and you can map   
                your surroundings, gain temporary powers of telepathy or even map   
                the entire level!                                                   
                Graft Weapon (L1)
                Weapon Grafting is a power unique to the psion. Invoking this         
                power fuses your current weapon to your arm for a limited time. In    
                a sense, your weapon becomes an extension of you and may be           
                wielded much more effectively. However, while this spell is           
                active, you will not be able to remove your weapon.                   
                Psionic Clarity (L1)
                Psionic Clarity focuses the mind of the psion. While only active    
                for a short while, this power lowers the casting costs of all       
                other psionic powers and can be quite useful. However, the utility  
                of Psionic Clarity may only become manifest late in the game, so    
                it is not recommended as an early choice.                           
                Psionic Blending (L10)
                Psionic Blending grants great powers of stealth. While active, you     
                will be able to blend in with your surroundings and sneak up on        
                many foes. With maximal focus, you may even suppress aggravation       
                (from your equipment), though your stealth will still be somewhat      
                Psionic Shielding (L10)
                Psionic Shielding is a defensive power. While active you will gain 
                Free Action as well as increased Armor Class. With the former, you 
                will be immune to deadly paralyzation attacks from your enemies.   
                With the latter, monsters will have a much harder time hitting     
                Psionic Travel (L10)
                Psionic Travel grants a wide array of teleportation powers. From 
                inexpensive short ranged 'blinking' to long ranged escapes, you  
                will have it all. Indeed, with great focus you will even be able 
                to control your teleportation and choose where you land!         
                Psionic Protection (L20)
                Psionic Protection is a defensive power. While active you will    
                gain resistance to elemental attacks (Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid 
                and Poison). The more you mental focus you devote to this power,  
                the more of the elements you will resist.                         
                Combat Transformation (L20)
                Combat Transformation is an offensive power, channelling your    
                mental focus into enhanced melee fighting. While active, your    
                skills in combat will improve affecting the accuracy of your     
                blows. Also, your reflexes will quicken in line with your mental 
                accuity affecting the speed of your attacks. This power requires 
                your constant focus and as a result, increases the casting costs 
                of all other psionic powers.                                     
                Archery Transformation (L20)
                Archery Transformation is an offensive power, channelling your    
                mental focus into enhanced shooting. While active, your skills    
                with all missile weapons will improve affecting the accuracy of   
                your shots. Also, you will shoot with increased speed. This power 
                requires your constant focus and as a result, increases the       
                casting costs of all other psionic powers.                        
                Ego Whip (L20)
                Ego Whip is an offensive power which lashes a targetted monster    
                repeatedly with your psychic energy. The effect lasts for multiple 
                rounds during which time you may perform other separate actions.   
                However, monsters do get a saving throw against the ego whip every 
                turn, and if they make a save, they are able to shake off the whip 
                Psionic Speed (L30)
                Psionic Speed channels your mental energy into speed of motion,     
                granting great powers of haste. With increased focus come           
                increased speed, and the total amount of haste can greatly exceed   
                what is possible for other classes.                                 
                Psionic Healing (L30)
                Psionic Healing is a recovery spell. By focusing your mind, you    
                will be able to heal your wounds. In addition, cuts, stuns and     
                poison will be cured. With total focus, you can even restore your  
                Brain Smash (L30)                                                        
                Brain Smash is an offensive spell. Although it does no physical  
                damage, it inflicts a powerful mental attack on your foes which  
                may confuse, stun or slow them.                                  
                Mind Wave (L30)                                                        
                Mind Wave unleashes the effects of your mental focus on all       
                visible monsters. The damage is not as great as Psionic Storm but 
                the ability to affect many monsters at once compensates for this. 
                Psionic Crafting (L40)                                                  
                Psionic Crafting channels your mental focus into an object,      
                enchanting it in the process. With maximal focus, you can even   
                craft excellent items!                                           
                Psionic Storm (L40)                                                    
                Psionic Storm unleashes your mental focus in a large, powerful   
                ball of mana.                                                   
                Psionic Backlash (L40)                                                 
                Psionic Backlash is a defensive spell. While active, any enemy    
                that damages you will take a proportional amount of damage in     
                retaliation. The greater your focus, the greater the retaliatory  
                Psychic Drain (L40)                                                     
                Psychic Drain allows you to draw mental energy and focus from the  
                magic around you. Whenever you are hit by a magic spell you will   
                convert some of the damage into mana. This power has no effect on  
                non-magical damage like breaths, rockets or melee.                 
                Psionic Disruption (L50)                                                 
                Psionic Disruption allows you to block the minds of others     
                hindering their ability to cast spells. But be warned: innate  
                monster attacks (breaths and rockets) will not be affected!    
                Mental Fortress (L50)                                                
                Mental Fortress grants immunity to Dispel Magic and Anti-magic. In 
                addition, it increases the power of your spells.                   
                Mindspring (L50)                                                         
                Mindspring greatly enhances your mana recovery. 
                Psionic Foresight (L50)
                Psionic Foresight allows you to see into the future. With        
                knowledge of events before they take place, you will be able to  
                avoid many attacks altogether!
                Since you only get limited choices, you should probably decide up front on your play strategy. Some builds I like are: Caster, Archery or Melee.

                Here are some sample builds:

                Build #1: Caster
                L01: Mana Thrust or Energy Blast
                L10: Travel
                L15: Seeing
                L20: Whip
                L30: Healing
                L35: Clarity
                L40: Storm
                L50: Fortress
                Build #2: Archer
                L01: Seeing
                L10: Travel
                L15: Blending
                L20: Archery
                L30: Healing
                L35: Clarity
                L40: Crafting
                L50: Disruption
                Build #3: Melee
                L01: Graft Weapon
                L10: Seeing
                L15: Shielding
                L20: Combat
                L30: Healing
                L35: Clarity
                L40: Backlash
                L50: Disruption
                Of course, there are many possibilities. I just wanted to give some starting thoughts for the curious.


                • delstrudo
                  • Jan 2015
                  • 8

                  Ahh, very good. Would imagine this behavior would also exist with beastmen when they've got a mutation that adds an auto attack such as elephant trunk as well.


                  • mrrstark
                    • Aug 2013
                    • 96

                    This is a neat way to implement a pseudo-skill-tree style class to Angband.


                    • MarvinPA
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 49

                      It looks like a Mauler debug message displaying damage dealt is still appearing in normal games (cmd1.c line 4135).


                      • chris
                        PosChengband Maintainer
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 698

                        Originally posted by MarvinPA
                        It looks like a Mauler debug message displaying damage dealt is still appearing in normal games (cmd1.c line 4135).
                        This is intentional (though probational). While designing, I found having this information made the game more fun so I thought I'd leave it in there for a bit.


                        • caruso
                          • May 2011
                          • 137

                          Ahhhhh... At last that final exam is over! Now I can do something useful again! Helping in the quest to destroy the Serpent of Chaos, for example. I'll post my list of suggested tweaks only in a couple of days so as to not overwhelm you with feedback. Don't worry, my next but one post is going to be much shorter

                          Bug reports
                          • sometimes, ninjas can only uncover permanent walls when walking into them, for example right at the beginning of the Thieves Quest
                          • the game calls it a "dishonourable" act when you unknowingly sell a valuable item for a low price
                          • You feel "less knowledgeable" after try-id'ing a rod
                          • 'b'rowsing your ninjutsus causes the game to ask you which ninjutsu to "use" (however, the game does ask the correct question if you browse the ninjutsus using 'm?'
                          • the option "Display detailed food status" has no help entry
                          • same with "Ignore whenever any monster does"
                          • There is at least one shopkeeper-rumour referring to "ZAngband"
                          • When a ninja is exposed to an opponent's lightsource: "Your mantle of shadow become [sic] thin."
                          • When a ninja assails their opponent: "You make [sic] surprise attack, and hit the Mean looking mercenary with a powerful blow!"
                          • Freesia is referred to as an "it"

                          Feature requests
                          • new option: Use special colour for used stairs. This would come in handy during the very early game, when you can't afford a ?WoR yet and need to walk several DLs upstairs. It would also be useful when you want to retreat to a previous, partly explored DL without ending up on unexplored terrain.
                          • let shopkeepers keep worthless items that they unknowingly bought from you. If you buy them back, this should raise your character's sense of honour and justice again
                          • inform players when they gain new abilities (ninjutsu etc.)
                          • new option: Interrupt when leaving trap-detected area
                          • new option: Use special colour for border of trap-detected area (possibly replacing the option where you get 'x'es all over the map)
                          • perhaps same for object-detected area

                          I think that once I saw some of these features in Angband or Quickband, if that's of any help.


                          • wobbly
                            • May 2012
                            • 2577

                            Tried playing a duellist the other day & it just felt frustrating to play. Challenging everything got irritating fast & not challenging everything made killing enemies too slow. Am I missing something? Or are they actually just irritating to play?


                            • chris
                              PosChengband Maintainer
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 698

                              Originally posted by caruso
                              Ahhhhh... At last that final exam is over! Now I can do something useful again! Helping in the quest to destroy the Serpent of Chaos, for example. I'll post my list of suggested tweaks only in a couple of days so as to not overwhelm you with feedback. Don't worry, my next but one post is going to be much shorter

                              Bug reports
                              • sometimes, ninjas can only uncover permanent walls when walking into them, for example right at the beginning of the Thieves Quest
                              • the game calls it a "dishonourable" act when you unknowingly sell a valuable item for a low price
                              • You feel "less knowledgeable" after try-id'ing a rod
                              • 'b'rowsing your ninjutsus causes the game to ask you which ninjutsu to "use" (however, the game does ask the correct question if you browse the ninjutsus using 'm?'
                              • the option "Display detailed food status" has no help entry
                              • same with "Ignore whenever any monster does"
                              • There is at least one shopkeeper-rumour referring to "ZAngband"
                              • When a ninja is exposed to an opponent's lightsource: "Your mantle of shadow become [sic] thin."
                              • When a ninja assails their opponent: "You make [sic] surprise attack, and hit the Mean looking mercenary with a powerful blow!"
                              • Freesia is referred to as an "it"

                              Feature requests
                              • new option: Use special colour for used stairs. This would come in handy during the very early game, when you can't afford a ?WoR yet and need to walk several DLs upstairs. It would also be useful when you want to retreat to a previous, partly explored DL without ending up on unexplored terrain.
                              • let shopkeepers keep worthless items that they unknowingly bought from you. If you buy them back, this should raise your character's sense of honour and justice again
                              • inform players when they gain new abilities (ninjutsu etc.)
                              • new option: Interrupt when leaving trap-detected area
                              • new option: Use special colour for border of trap-detected area (possibly replacing the option where you get 'x'es all over the map)
                              • perhaps same for object-detected area

                              I think that once I saw some of these features in Angband or Quickband, if that's of any help.
                              Thanks for the ideas. I fixed the ninja wall bug and will look into the other bugs/feature requests when I get some time. Documentation is unfortunately last on my TODO list since it is so unpleasant (and will probably take hundreds of hours to complete).


                              • chris
                                PosChengband Maintainer
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 698

                                Originally posted by wobbly
                                Tried playing a duellist the other day & it just felt frustrating to play. Challenging everything got irritating fast & not challenging everything made killing enemies too slow. Am I missing something? Or are they actually just irritating to play?
                                I haven't really tried the duelist yet (There are some design aspects I don't like, but now that I'm thinking of it, I might make some changes). Yes, you do need to challenge most everything you kill, at least early on. The game auto-prompts you for a new target after killing your current target (EDIT: Once you hit CL35), so this shouldn't be too bad. You can also make a macro to challenge the nearest target (I like to bind these sorts of things to the '-' key which is my 'fire' key ... It's right next to the movement keys in the normal keyset so it's practically effortless to use while moving about).
                                Last edited by chris; January 31, 2015, 18:31.

