[Announce] Poschengband 3.4.0 Released

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  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    Zapping Brodda with a wand of confuse monster tells you he is immune, yet touch of confusion works on him & his monster memory doesn't list confusion or sleep immunity, not sure whether this is working as intended.


    • beans
      • Jun 2015
      • 1

      I'm really enjoying Poschengband.

      Here are a few suggestions:
      1. Ego weapons of Slay Animal currently have a rarity of 23. This is on line 685 of e_info.txt: "W:0:5:23" The rarity should probably be either 2 or 3. For comparison, Slay Demon/Dragon/Giant/Human/Orc/Troll/Undead are rarity 1, and Slay Evil is rarity 3.

      2. Researching a monster at the Beastmaster building should set r_sights to at least 1. I killed Banor=Rupart and discovered in my character dump file that I got kill credit for Banor the Prince Regent and Rupart the General (I guess Banor=Rupart sometimes splits in two or something.) So I went to the Beastmaster and paid for research, and learned about them, but they still don't appear in my "Knowledge - Monsters".

      I suggest adding something like "if (!r_info[r_idx].r_sights) r_info[r_idx].r_sights = 1;" to research_mon() in bldg.c after the lore_do_probe() call. (Apologies if the suggested line is bad C.)

      3. Death-Swords should be able to benefit from SLAY_LIVING. This is a fairly rare flag found only on Aglarang and 1 in 13 (Death) ego weapons. I think adding "{ TR_SLAY_LIVING, 8, "Slay Living" }," to _slay_flag_info in race-sword.c would be sufficient.

      However, this would potentially buff Death-Swords against the following:
      Gelatinous cube; Stunwall; Livingstone; Acidic cytoplasm; Black pudding; Fundin Bluecloak; Quantum dot; Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin; Golden Angel; Silver Angel; Zeus, King of the Olympians; Poseidon, Lord of Seas and Storm; Hades, Ruler of the Underworld; Ares, the God of War; Hephaestus, the Smith God; Hera, Queen of the Gods; Demeter, the Goddess of Nature; Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love

      That's the full list of enemies for which SLAY_LIVING is the best flag. I haven't reached Mount Olympus with a Death-Sword yet, so I don't know how this would affect game balance.


      • Regalia
        • Dec 2008
        • 85

        "Ego weapons of Slay Animal currently have a rarity of 23."

        Poschengband is eco-friendly.


        • wobbly
          • May 2012
          • 2577

          I'm not entirely sure but there seems to be an error in how the dump handles mutations. I had a bunch of mutations & berserk was at Use B. I cleared them & regained Breathe Fire which is now at Use B. While I had Breathe Fire before I can't remember ever using it, yet it says used 8, failed 3. Of course I may just be misremembering.


          • Tulip
            • Apr 2014
            • 43

            I have some questions regarding dragon monster races.

            -how come storm wyrms don't evolve into sky dragons? edit: nevermind, I'm an idiot.

            -why isn't there a line for multi-hued dragons, space/time dragons and wyrms of power?

            Also, I've had a lot of fun with this game recently. I got pretty damn far on a tonberry shieldmaster, before getting gutted by a manastorm after an unlucky teleport.
            Last edited by Tulip; July 12, 2015, 02:08.


            • wobbly
              • May 2012
              • 2577

              Put on a helm of domination that was ided but not *ided & all the prices in the shop went up & the amount I could sell items for went down. Sold it & it definitely had a chr bonus. Seems the opposite of what I'd expect.


              • krazyhades
                • Jun 2013
                • 406

                BUG REPORT: It's possible to get permanently stuck in the arena as a rogue with the burglary realm. Create traps can make a trap door, and if the monster goes down the trapdoor you get stuck. I have a savefile if that would be helpful, though it seems pretty clear.
                Last edited by krazyhades; July 18, 2015, 10:25.


                • krazyhades
                  • Jun 2013
                  • 406

                  Originally posted by wobbly
                  Put on a helm of domination that was ided but not *ided & all the prices in the shop went up & the amount I could sell items for went down. Sold it & it definitely had a chr bonus. Seems the opposite of what I'd expect.
                  Wisdom controls shop prices in poschengband, not charisma. I'm guessing your other helm gave wis.


                  • wobbly
                    • May 2012
                    • 2577

                    Are mounts meant to protect against breathe attacks? I'm on a hippogriff & when a weird fume targets the hippogriff instead of me I don't seem to take damage though I do get the status effects.

                    Also not sure if it's a bug but the eat rock mutation doesn't break fasting.
                    Last edited by wobbly; July 22, 2015, 00:37.


                    • wobbly
                      • May 2012
                      • 2577

                      Minor annoyance: *iding an escape rod doesn't give me the timeout duration.


                      • murphy
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 98

                        some random bugs/ideas

                        melee1.c: static cptr desc_insult[]
                        there is a comma missing after "moons you!!!"

                        dungeon.c: msg_format("%^s is no longer fear.", m_name);
                        would make more sense if it said, is no longer afraid

                        theres an artifact helm called "hand of vecna" but it would be nice if this could be called something else, because the necromancer help refers to "hand of vecna" but its talking about the glove artifact

                        ring monster, just an idea, it would be nice if sleeping at the inn healed the ringbearer

                        in rune knight spells, there are two spells called rune of protection

                        one of the rumor scroll messages refers to Barney, but i think he's called Gachapin now


                        • wobbly
                          • May 2012
                          • 2577

                          @murphy - Barney the Dinosaur appears in the Telmora Arena but seems to be almost a carbon copy of Gachapin.

                          Something weird happened when I got the ritual of balance in Zul on a red mage, my virtues changed & I now have diligence which I didn't start with. My guess is it checking the spellbooks in my inventory (~x only lists spells if you've got the book in your inventory)


                          • wobbly
                            • May 2012
                            • 2577

                            Arguably a bug: I just got a warhammer of Morgul as my quest reward for thieves quest. As a bonus it carries an ancient & foul curse.


                            • wobbly
                              • May 2012
                              • 2577

                              There seems to be an issue with receiving gifts from patrons if your standing on something. I've seen the "use my gift wisely" message quite a few times & had nothing happen. Current game the first time I was on an item, the 2nd time on a set of stairs.


                              • murphy
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 98

                                found a bug for vampire, that happens when if you arent carryiing a light source when an opponent casts polymorph other on you and turns you into another race.

                                while polymorphed, as you would expect, you temporarily cant see because you have no light. but, here is the bug part, when the polymorph other expires and you revert to vampire form, your night vision does not come back. but if you exit the game and restart then you have your vision again.

