Angband for Android 10 (volunteers needed)

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  • Cuboideb
    • May 2020
    • 194

    Version 1.25
    -Added an advanced soft keyboard. It has only 2 pages, supports key resizing and custom keymaps actions. Includes an option for vertical layout. Ctrl sequences are activated by pressing the shift key for a second time..
    -Added 2 variants, FrogComposband 7.1-salmiak and NPPAngband 0.4.1. Toggle is in Preferences. In a near future we will have FAangband 2.0.
    -Each game Profile now has its own keymaps.
    -Changed a couple of buttons in the ribbon. (Merged the shift and control modifiers into one button).
    -Added a toogle in the Quick Setting to activate Running mode.
    -Plenty of fixes and code refactoring.


    • joeljpa
      • Feb 2017
      • 40

      Excellent! Immediately resumed playing the same way after the update, didn't try your new keyboard yet.

      I'm trying to stop myself from playing, too addictive. Being stuck at home with nothing better to do other than my work, can't help but be full time on the phone with this. Sometimes even slack off work heueheh. . Death (of my character) is the only answer. Then I tend to go away for a while in frustration ove the game only to return back. Repeat the cycle.

      Thanks once again for maintaining this


      • Pete Mack
        • Apr 2007
        • 6697

        more suggestions (playing on phone):
        * Running UX. Add "toggle running" key to base (alphanumeric) keyboard and ribbon.
        2. Ribbon usability. With transparency, I ended up using the full keyboard in hjkl (roguelike) mode rather than the ribbon, which really doesn't work in portrait mode. Maybe add another line for ribbon? Or make sure that modal choices hide main ribbon? (This is particularly bad for full inventory/home lists.)
        * Intermittent bug messes up keyboard, apparently by enabling (otherwise nonexistent) shift-lock. Workaround: exit app and restart.
        * In portrait mode, there is no reason to have different keyboard opacity in middle vs edges.
        * Monster list obscures action in upper right corner (even hiding the @); this is especially annoying on labyrinth levels.
        Last edited by Pete Mack; September 11, 2020, 17:28.


        • Darkhorde
          • Sep 2020
          • 4

          I'm a mobile player just started last night cant belive I have never heard of this even on a pc. Great job btw. I'm using a samsung 10 inch tablet and the game runs great and the layout isnt to hard to use.


          • Pete Mack
            • Apr 2007
            • 6697

            '?' is not available from keyboard or ribbon commands.
            ')' is not available from keyboard.
            Correction: toggle running is too inconvenient to use via the special menu. (I didn't even realize it was available until just now.)


            • joeljpa
              • Feb 2017
              • 40

              Originally posted by Pete Mack
              '?' is not available from keyboard or ribbon commands.
              '?' is available on ribbon style keyboard if I understand you right. It's at the extreme end. Either scroll all the way or press the first button which shows a popup of the entire key list in it for quick access.


              • Pete Mack
                • Apr 2007
                • 6697

                Ok, thx. I use the normal keyboard tho.


                • Pete Mack
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 6697

                  Is there any way to specify a smaller font size? An extra 6 squares horizontally would make a big difference in improved LOS.


                  • joeljpa
                    • Feb 2017
                    • 40

                    It's there in the full keyboard too, but a bit hard to find...see the entire keyboard but view the "Ctrl" subkeyboard, right-side.

                    For me to change the zoom level, I found changing the "Tile Multiplier" option helped me in getting more LOS.


                    • Pete Mack
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 6697

                      thanks. That is the right option, but the 1x1 is too small. Somewhere in the range 1.5x1.5 to 1.75x1.75 would be ideal.


                      • Pete Mack
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 6697

                        Another observation: in portrait mode on a phone, there is unused real estate beneath the character summary. Move the monster list there. Also, make it a little bigger. I can't quite read it.
                        Attached Files


                        • tg122
                          • Dec 2007
                          • 92

                          I recently got a new phone and the touch screen is slightly more sensitive than my last phone, possibly due to the screen protector I'm using. One thing I'm noticing is that when I tap on the center button in the directional pad (this is set up as the wait key), it causes the directional pad to move slightly even though it didn't register a long touch. I have the option enabled which allows me to move the dpad.


                          • Cuboideb
                            • May 2020
                            • 194

                            Hi, I have to increase the initial timeout of the center button.

                            BTW, I think I have a nicer version of the sub-window feature. I'll upload a new version soon.

                            For Pete, I think the way to go for portrait mode is to have a horizontal version of the left bar. Something like:

                            L:50 X:20000 S:18/100 I:18/100 W:18/100 D:18/100 C:18/100 AC:200 HP:1200 SP:400 [*********]

                            This port has to cope with some limitations, *bands have a minimum size of 80x24 for the main screen, the core game is in C and the frontend is Java. And I try to keep the core game mostly untouched to make place for variants

                            The left-bar is in the core so this change has to be made there. ROW_MAP and COL_MAP must be converted to variables instead of constants. I need to check panel updates, etc. If I can make it work I will make a pull request for Nick, eventually.

                            To fit this top-bar I will need two rows (width=80). If I use linear notation for stats I think I can fit it in just one row:

                            L:50 X:20000 S:18 I:18 W:45 D:19 C:18 AC:200 HP:1200 SP:400 [*********]

                            What do you think guys?

                            Thanks in advance


                            • Nick
                              Vanilla maintainer
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 9353

                              If you add functionality for left-bar -> top-bar I'll be happy to pull it in. IIRC I had something like this (but at the bottom) in FAangband 1.1.6 - it might be worth having a look at (or not, code has changed a lot since then).
                              One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                              In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                              • Cuboideb
                                • May 2020
                                • 194

                                I have a preview:

                                I opted for a boolean flag in the term structure to signal the topbar mode. It's okay for you?
                                Last edited by Cuboideb; October 26, 2020, 18:11.

