The first one is a lame attempt of giving an icon to the 'reapeat' command hehe
Angband for Android 10 (volunteers needed)
New version in Playstore!
Version 11 has the button ribbon and many ui improvements.
From the documentation:
The game has two input methods: the soft keyboard and the button ribbon.
The soft keyboard
It has three modes (alphanumeric, symbols and control-keys) and several opacity settings to make playing a bit easier on small devices.
The button ribbon
Accessed when the soft keyboard is hidden, the button ribbon has two modes (command and full).
In command mode, the ribbon contains icons for the most used commands in the game. Some commands perhaps are missing in this mode (zap a rod, aim a wand, etc.), but most of them can be triggered using the Inventory, Alter and Use commands.
It's important to remember that directions can be used to cycle between equipment, inventory, floor and quiver.
To reduce the number of buttons in command mode, the Alter command can also open chests and close doors.
If you feel that some action should be in the ribbon anyway, every keymap defined inside the core Angband is displayed in the button ribbon. This is also handy for spells and repetitive keystrokes.
Besides the touch directionals, every touch in the term view is sent to the core as a mouse press, allowing movement and menu selection.
I haven't had a chance to play much since the button ribbon was released, but I did spend a few minutes figuring out how it works. I think it's great so far. I like how the regular buttons are on one row and the keymaps are on the other row. I also think that the directional keys are more comfortable to use now because they were resized and now they aren't so close to the top. This is easily one of the best pc to mobile ports I've ever seen, so thank you for all your hard work!
If I had just one more suggestion, it would be to add a quick option to move the directionals to the left side of the screen for when your character is all the way at the right edge of the map. It can be difficult to navigate sometimes when your character is located exactly where the directionals are. Having a quick option to swap the directionals to the left would solve this.Comment
I've only had a chance to try the new version very briefly. One thing that feels like a step backwards is that the "..." button now opens a menu, which means it takes more taps if you just want to toggle keyboard visibility. That said, I understand why you did it, and I don't have a better suggestion off the top of my head.Comment
Both suggestions are great. Will work on them. Also this give me the chance to incorporate the most recent updates from V
New version!
This one eliminates the menu launched from the "..." key and incorporates a command for placing the touch directionals to the left. This command (and others) are triggered from the already existing contextual menu.
Also, a long press over a button in the ribbon tells you which command is executed.
The recent changes from Vanilla are incorporated too.
Thank you all for your suggestions!Comment
Version 18 is up! This one includes:
-Support graphics modes.
-Customizable user keymaps.
-Pseudo-ascii mode. Ascii for monsters and player. Tiles for everything else.
-Move the touch directionals with a long-press.
Enjoy and thank you all for your suggestions!
Github repositoryComment
Looks like I'm late to the party! I've been playing the **** out of this and have so far got one dwarf warrior dead at character lvl 30 and more recently, a Dunadan ranger at lvl 36 (my best so far).
Yesterday I started a gnome mage to see how feasible it is with all the spells, without keymaps and just the ribbon keys. Ranger was manageable given the limited noncombat spells. I am lvl 16 now but will admit there was lot of screen mashing involved, think I would get RSI heheh... joking.
Was going to provide my feedback here but your update with keymaps couldn't have come at a better time. I'm right now setting it up and giving playing with this a test drive.
Thanks a lot Diego for this! PS: It seems you've shapeshifted from Diego to Cuboideb over here. :PComment
The keymaps are one of the things that make you think: why I didn't that sooner?
Thanks for the feedback!Comment
I've so far found one minor bug (updated to your latest version as of typing this). I use the default short style ribbon (I assume most would prefer this). I find pressing 'C' for the character screen and exiting fails to revert back to the default ribbon style, instead, it keeps the second style having all the possible keys. I'm forced to manually select "change ribbon style" in the quick settings each time I exit the Character screen.
For example, now that I'm currently a high-level character, I frequently visit that screen to check not just my burden levels, but my detailed list of resistances and object bonuses that I have or lack.
I'm happy to be of whatever help!I can give other general feedback later as I play more.
PS: I've been still playing at it given my career workload has decreased and now have a warrior max Lvl 50 (never knew this was a thing) and reached the deepest level I've ever gone, 73! I've never gotten past character lvl ~30 or dungeon lvl ~40 before FYI.
Heck I may end up having my first victory I daresay? All I needed was someone to port it to the phone XD? A similar thing happened to me for DCSS.Comment
* List selection is inconvenient in portrait mode. Even to cast spells, often you need to scroll right--though there is plenty of real estate to show a dozen or two choices on screen.
* Can't figure out how to pick up floor objects in ribbon mode.Comment