Angband for Android 10 (volunteers needed)
I think this is a different issue. I just want to access character dumps without having to use a computer connection.Leave a comment:
Hey Cuboideb, it's incredible to see that your project has been going strong for almost three years!
I have an issue, the last I played was in 2020-2021 and I usually backup my game data for game apps using adb. I restore it when I move to a new device or format my phone. It worked for this too. Maybe I even did it once in 2022 in my phone, but didn't play. Now when I try, it fails. I don't seel my character saved file (Angband vanilla) or high scores. Ditto for Sil (however, I do get some error saying it can't find a character file before starting anew).
Any suggestions?
So far, I was thinking I'd download the older versions of the app, salvage my highscore list and save file from it and try "applying" it to the latest version by copying whatever files I get.Leave a comment:
Please move the user directory to a public location. Application data files are not accessible by finder apps in latest versions, so the only way to upload character dumps is via a usb-linked computer.Leave a comment:
New OS version, New bug: can no longer access app data directories from on device, so user files are not surfaced for uploading, cut-and-paste, etc. (Still have access via USB but that is less than optimal.)Leave a comment:
I am fine with this, if you want to spend time on it.
I think it's worth saying, though, that as far as I'm aware Sky is the only person who prefers 4.1 to 4.2; and the fact that he spreads that opinion as if it were a fact on every forum known to humankind as often as possible doesn't make it more than a minority opinionLeave a comment:
If Nick and the community give their permission, sure.
Edit: Do you play with tiles ? I think this one will be only ascii. The dev team did some modifications to the graphics code in 4.2.0 that simplified the android port, a lot.Last edited by Cuboideb; May 2, 2023, 15:14.Leave a comment:
Or you could compare that folder and a plain vanilla src folder to see some specific android bits.
Give me some time to write a good reference.Leave a comment:
I'm going to raise my issue related to saved files there as we speak.Leave a comment:
What would be the process of adding a new variant and/or stripping out other variants? I'd like to try building the Android port with my fork with experimental improvements, but don't know exactly where to begin.Leave a comment:
Hey Cuboideb, it's incredible to see that your project has been going strong for almost three years!
I have an issue, the last I played was in 2020-2021 and I usually backup my game data for game apps using adb. I restore it when I move to a new device or format my phone. It worked for this too. Maybe I even did it once in 2022 in my phone, but didn't play. Now when I try, it fails. I don't seel my character saved file (Angband vanilla) or high scores. Ditto for Sil (however, I do get some error saying it can't find a character file before starting anew).
Any suggestions?
So far, I was thinking I'd download the older versions of the app, salvage my highscore list and save file from it and try "applying" it to the latest version by copying whatever files I get.Leave a comment:
Thanks very much for this excellent port.
Having been playing a Dwarf Paladin for a couple of days when I have a chance, I'd like to ask if it would be possible for any of the following improvements to be made - I think some at least may not be possible without changes to core vanilla source so :shrug:
* In the inventory, it would save a bunch of space if we could choose to abolish the item type in the listings. Instead of "5 scrolls of Treasure Detection" it could just say "5 Treasure Detection" or if you wanted an identifier, the ASCII symbol would work well. "! Heroism" "~ 5x Treasure Detection" . gbwhatsapp
* Can we move the status bar (displays Level feeling, Hunger stsus, buffs/conditions etc) to the top of the screen? it's currently somewhat obscured under my ribbon bar which I have at high opacity.
* This may be a bad attempt at keymapping, but I have a keymap for casting 2 spells - m1am1f (I've also tried m1a\e\em1f ) but the keymap only triggers the first spell (in fact the button text on the keymap only displays m1a too - am I missing something here?)
Once again, great port; really impressed; thanks for getting me back to playing Angband after quite a gap.Leave a comment:
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