Angband for Android 10 (volunteers needed)

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  • Nick
    Vanilla maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 9353

    Originally posted by Cuboideb
    My words exactly, the work of Nick and all the team is outstanding.
    Pulling in the odd update when other people are doing all the work is actually quite easy

    Originally posted by Cuboideb
    About messages, many screens in Vanilla and variants are wide (knowledge, options, messages, birth, character, etc.) This is the origin of the 80 character limitation in portrait. It's a tough one.
    I remember running up against this in FAangband 1.1.6 and earlier, and I think I had some means to allow narrower terminals, but it may have been going back and rewriting a lot of the screens, so I don't know how helpful this is.
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


    • Pete Mack
      • Apr 2007
      • 6697

      How do I use the control keys with the current keyboard,


      • Cuboideb
        • May 2020
        • 194

        Tap the shift key again (it's a tri-state button). Another thing, if you long-press a key you can define keymaps that are shown with the "kmp" key.
        Last edited by Cuboideb; November 4, 2020, 16:33.


        • Cuboideb
          • May 2020
          • 194

          Version 1.26.1 is up. It fixes that old bug that caused a bizarre screen centering when the canvas size was bigger than the screen.

          So, now it's possible to simulate a 1.5 tile multiplier combining 1x1 and the + volume key. Some small amount of scrolling is needed at the edges of the screen.


          • joeljpa
            • Feb 2017
            • 40

            Once again, good work. I'm taking a break from angband after numerous failed attempts at breaking my highscore of depth 73. I won't be online frequently here that much I've posted an issue on the github page instead.


            • Cuboideb
              • May 2020
              • 194

              Thanks for the report! If you see any other spell with that problem let me know. Good timing BTW, I was going to release some aesthetic improvements of the full keyboard today.


              • Pete Mack
                • Apr 2007
                • 6697

                Finally got a win on my phone. I *really* advise against playing mage that way. Too easy to miss an instakill monster with a tiny screen and truncated monster list.


                • Cuboideb
                  • May 2020
                  • 194

                  Congrats on the win!

                  I've uploaded a new version. It fixes the problem with targeting and improves the behavior of the full keyboard. Thank you all for the support!


                  • Pete Mack
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 6697

                    Thanks so much for all your work! It is really wonderful to be able to play this way, and with such an improved interface .


                    • tg122
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 92

                      I noticed that after the recent updates, long pressing on the screen doesn't bring up the menu anymore. Actually, there was one time that it did work earlier today, but I haven't figured out why it only worked that one time, and haven't been able to get it to work since that one time.

                      Edit: I also forgot to mention that the first button on the top row of the ribbon doesn't seem to work. It looks like a circle with a diagonal arrow coming out of it. I can't even remember what this button did before.


                      • Cuboideb
                        • May 2020
                        • 194

                        That's the escape key, sorry about that.

                        To fix that long standing bug of panel movement I had to rewrite a large portion of the input code. Try to keep your finger more still. The game is trying to move the canvas and cancels the long press timer. I will try to adjust those parameters.

                        In a day or two I will upload a new version focusing in external keyboards (another pending issue).


                        • Cuboideb
                          • May 2020
                          • 194

                          New version. Very few changes, some experiments with external keyboard.

                          Users of those keyboards: after updating the app, go to Preferences / Hardware Key Mapping and "Reset all hardware keys".

                          This is a work in progress kind of thing.


                          • fearoffours
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 8

                            Thanks very much for this excellent port.
                            Having been playing a Dwarf Paladin for a couple of days when I have a chance, I'd like to ask if it would be possible for any of the following improvements to be made - I think some at least may not be possible without changes to core vanilla source so :shrug:

                            * In the inventory, it would save a bunch of space if we could choose to abolish the item type in the listings. Instead of "5 scrolls of Treasure Detection" it could just say "5 Treasure Detection" or if you wanted an identifier, the ASCII symbol would work well. "! Heroism" "~ 5x Treasure Detection" .

                            * Can we move the status bar (displays Level feeling, Hunger stsus, buffs/conditions etc) to the top of the screen? it's currently somewhat obscured under my ribbon bar which I have at high opacity.

                            * This may be a bad attempt at keymapping, but I have a keymap for casting 2 spells - m1am1f (I've also tried m1a\e\em1f ) but the keymap only triggers the first spell (in fact the button text on the keymap only displays m1a too - am I missing something here?)

                            Once again, great port; really impressed; thanks for getting me back to playing Angband after quite a gap.


                            • tg122
                              • Dec 2007
                              • 92

                              Have you ever considered porting Sil or Sil-q to the list of variants? There is a version of Sil out there on the play store but the interface is a bit difficult to use. I know it's a lot of work to port a new variant and just adds to the list of things that need to be maintained, but if you do you have plans to include more variants, I think Sil or Sil-q would be an excellent addition.


                              • Cuboideb
                                • May 2020
                                • 194

                                Originally posted by fearoffours
                                * Can we move the status bar (displays Level feeling, Hunger stsus, buffs/conditions etc) to the top of the screen? it's currently somewhat obscured under my ribbon bar which I have at high opacity.
                                I'm playtesting this change. I will upload it tomorroy I think.

                                * This may be a bad attempt at keymapping, but I have a keymap for casting 2 spells - m1am1f (I've also tried m1a\e\em1f ) but the keymap only triggers the first spell (in fact the button text on the keymap only displays m1a too - am I missing something here?)
                                You can't do this in the windows port either. It was possible in the early 00's. Sorry. BTW, the button displays three characters but all of them are used when performing the action.

                                Thank you for your kind words!

