Angband for Android 10 (volunteers needed)

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  • Cuboideb
    • May 2020
    • 194

    Originally posted by tg122
    Have you ever considered porting Sil or Sil-q to the list of variants?
    Perhaps I could replace npp041 for sil-q (added npp for the fond memories). I have to contact the mantainer of sil-q for his approval. At first, it will be easier to play with the keyboard, the ribbon implies hacking the code to form the list of possible keys for each command.


    • tg122
      • Dec 2007
      • 92

      Originally posted by Cuboideb
      Perhaps I could replace npp041 for sil-q
      Is there a limit to the number of variants you can have? I don't want to ask you to have to remove anything, especially if NPP is one that you enjoy yourself.


      • tg122
        • Dec 2007
        • 92

        Also, I recently discovered Samsung Dex, which allows me to plug my phone into a docking station or directly to a monitor or tv with an hdmi cable and have a full desktop experience. I have a monitor, mouse, and keyboard setup at my desk all connected to my phone. I tried out Angband in this mode and it ran really well but I just noticed 2 things. 1) Is it possible to completely remove the touch screen interface if you're using an external keyboard? All you would need is the options button. 2) The 9 number pad directionals didn't work, whether numlock was on or off. Is this a Linux thing?


        • Cuboideb
          • May 2020
          • 194

          The numpad is tricky. I can't debug that input method but I will add some functionality to print the keycodes. You can send me that info later.


          • skbio
            • Jan 2021
            • 1

            Thanks for this.


            • tg122
              • Dec 2007
              • 92

              I saw you updated the debugger for the external keyboard, thank you for that. If I'm understanding this correctly, every key is mapped to a number on the debugger. So, the issue I'm having is only with the diagnol keys on the right hand numerical pad. The numerical row on the top of the keyboard works fine. Here are the kay mappings to the diagnol keys that are not working.

              7=122 (with numlock off)
              9=92 (with numlock off)
              1=123 (with numlock off)
              3=93 (with numlock off)
              5 =23 (with numlock off) - This one is weird. If I push it once, nothing happens. If I push it twice in a short period of time, then a menu pops up allowing me to select "Item", "Action Commands" "Manage Items" etc.

              When I press any of these 4 keys from the right han numerical pad, nothing happens. I noticed that the beta version of FAangband in Termux has the same issue, if that is helpful at all (since FAangband is based on the Angband 4.2 I believe?) Please let me know if there is anything I can help out with.

              Edit: Also having issues with the 5 key, adding that to the list.
              Last edited by tg122; January 21, 2021, 02:25.


              • Cuboideb
                • May 2020
                • 194


                These are the missing keycodes:

                KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER = 23
                KEYCODE_PAGE_UP = 92
                KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN = 93
                KEYCODE_MOVE_HOME = 122
                KEYCODE_MOVE_END = 123
                Last edited by Cuboideb; January 21, 2021, 22:55.


                • Cuboideb
                  • May 2020
                  • 194

                  I've just posted the update.

                  After updating the app, go to Preferences / Hardware Key Mappings and make a keymap reset.

                  I did some testing with a logitech keyboard (bluetooth). Sometimes it's too slow to trigger a key secuence (alt or ctrl + key) by its own. If that happens, go to Hardware Key Mappings and redefine the secuence you need. That's the only way for now to trigger those secuences (you can use alt or ctrl, the app will make the translation instead of the keyboard).
                  Last edited by Cuboideb; January 21, 2021, 23:07.


                  • tg122
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 92

                    I tested it and the external keyboard works great. Thank you for the update.


                    • Pete Mack
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 6697

                      Reposted from 4.2 dev thread:

                      Just went to edit appearance of passable rubble, so it would be clear by appearance even when out of view. But knowledge menu shows nothing for the symbols of any feature, door, or trap. This may be is android specific.


                      • Cuboideb
                        • May 2020
                        • 194

                        Hi Pete, which tile multiplier are you using ?

                        BTW, in the next update the 3 subwindows will be MONLIST, ITEMLIST and MESSAGES.


                        • Pete Mack
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 6697

                          Aha. It works in 1x1 but not in 2x2. That'll let me fix my problem anyway.
                          Device: Samsung 11E, portrait mode.


                          • Cuboideb
                            • May 2020
                            • 194

                            I'll check anyway, there are some conditions for the tile multiplier in the knowledge menus. Thanks for the report.

                            BTW, there is a persistent bug reported by Google since almost a year. A crash related to monsters losing their race internal pointer. Let me know if the game crashes when you get hit by a monster or when you kill one.


                            • Nick
                              Vanilla maintainer
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 9352

                              I believe there is never any symbol display if you have tiles at above 1x1 size.
                              One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                              In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                              • Pete Mack
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 6697

                                Note: I am using ASCII mode.

