Current master post-4.1.3

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  • Youssarian
    • Feb 2019
    • 27

    I think blood falcons might be too tough for their level. Or as I now call them, Dead @ Falcons.

    I just had my level 26 necromancer killed by one. It appeared already awake and hit me. I phased door away and healed to full and in that one action it got within two squares of me. I tried to cast a spell and failed and it killed me without being able to take another action. This was at 1000'.

    Went from full hit points to dead with no chance to do anything. Maybe slow them down a little?
    In the halls of Angband, Melkor discovers cupcakes and is changed forever.

    He commands his servant Sauron to create the One Cupcake of Doom!


    • Derakon
      • Dec 2009
      • 8820

      If they need to be nerfed, IMO it'd be better to reduce their damage output a bit than slow them. I think that a really fast enemy with moderate melee is more distinctive than a pretty fast enemy with strong melee.


      • Thraalbee
        • Sep 2010
        • 692

        I like them. Only died once so far, first time. But I died more times due to low speed, eg vs Wiruin so the blood falcon has a purpose. Teleport, then detect detect, find large room ...


        • fph
          • Apr 2009
          • 956

          My proposed solution for the books is tweaking the code so that only readable books can ever be generated.

          Advantages: no more unreadable books problems; no more color issues (all books can effectively be the same color); no more high level feelings caused by an unreadable book that is effectively junk; helps towards TMJ; less confusing for newbies; no more "I bought the wrong color book by mistake".

          Disadvantages: it would be the only example of the content of the dungeon changing based on the player; one cannot have an idea of the frequency of the books for class X without having played it; in some sense other spellbooks work as an "advertisement" to play class X.
          Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.


          • Diego Gonzalez
            • May 2007
            • 166

            Originally posted by Nick
            Also, hi Diego!
            Hi Nick! I'm truly enjoying the nightlies! The last version I played of Vanilla was 3.0.5 hehe.

            Currently having fun playing a clvl 35 Necro, dlvl 53. Hoping to find the dungeon books soon.

            I like the spell selection you made. I don't really use the frighten spells (not my style).

            I have a suggestion... It seems to me that noxious fumes is a bit weak at low levels. Since it does poison damage to the caster, it should inflict more damage to monsters. What other necro players think?

            About blood falcons. Yes, they are very hard, but with this character I chose to not fight them, and the "l"s. Luckily I found a rod of TO pretty quickly.


            • Pete Mack
              • Apr 2007
              • 6697

              Blood falcon only has a few HP. You have a likelier chance killing them with a weak wand (like frost or lightning bolt) than successfully teleporting with a rod.


              • luneya
                • Aug 2015
                • 279

                Originally posted by fph
                My proposed solution for the books is tweaking the code so that only readable books can ever be generated.

                Advantages: no more unreadable books problems; no more color issues (all books can effectively be the same color); no more high level feelings caused by an unreadable book that is effectively junk; helps towards TMJ; less confusing for newbies; no more "I bought the wrong color book by mistake".

                Disadvantages: it would be the only example of the content of the dungeon changing based on the player; one cannot have an idea of the frequency of the books for class X without having played it; in some sense other spellbooks work as an "advertisement" to play class X.
                Way back when the new classes first appeared, I suggested that we implement things so that on character generation, one class other than the player's would be randomly selected (or two if the player is a warrior), and then only books for the player's class and the selected class would be generated. This change would cap the TMJ problem at a level no worse than classic Angband, while still having some unusable spellbooks available to serve their various functions. I still think that is the best solution.

                That said, I approve of eliminating the half-caster-specific spellbooks. It eliminates at least some of the junk, and if it means that half-casters need to carry a larger subset of the regular books, well, that's how it's always been anyway.


                • Timo Pietilä
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 3964

                  Originally posted by Nick
                  This thread is for me to update what's happening on current master, and for people to suggest/complain.

                  Suggestion: variable spellcasting times. A bit like fractional blows. That would allow spells that take a long time to finish (which you need uninterrupted) a bit like tunneling and spells that are really fast like high level mage casting magic missile multiple times in single normal turn.


                  • Derakon
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 8820

                    Originally posted by fph
                    My proposed solution for the books is tweaking the code so that only readable books can ever be generated.

                    Advantages: no more unreadable books problems; no more color issues (all books can effectively be the same color); no more high level feelings caused by an unreadable book that is effectively junk; helps towards TMJ; less confusing for newbies; no more "I bought the wrong color book by mistake".

                    Disadvantages: it would be the only example of the content of the dungeon changing based on the player; one cannot have an idea of the frequency of the books for class X without having played it; in some sense other spellbooks work as an "advertisement" to play class X.
                    I find that disadvantage to be pretty important. If players get the idea that one type of item changes frequency depending on the class they play, then they'll wonder if other items also do so. We already see too many nonexistent patterns in what the RNG produces, no need to exacerbate the issue.

                    ToME 2 has a whole bunch of spellbooks. Every realm (of which there are...what, 20 counting the god realms?) has a spellbook that contains every spell in that realm, plus every spell can potentially spawn as a spellbook on its own, so you could e.g. find a Spellbook of Detect Monster. And ToME 2 absolutely has a TMJ problem, but! Spellbooks very rarely spawn in the dungeon, and then mostly as drops from specific monster types. Vanilla could easily do something similar: make Novice Priests likely to drop the first prayer book, Priests likely to drop the second, Patriarchs somewhat likely to drop the third, etc. Then tone down the generation rate of prayer books as randomly-generated items.

                    I think that would effectively address the TMJ issue, not by reducing the item count, but by making certain items only show up in contexts where it makes sense to see them. If you're not the appropriate class to use the item, then it just becomes a bit of setting flavor.


                    • Youssarian
                      • Feb 2019
                      • 27

                      Originally posted by Derakon
                      Spellbooks very rarely spawn in the dungeon, and then mostly as drops from specific monster types. Vanilla could easily do something similar: make Novice Priests likely to drop the first prayer book, Priests likely to drop the second, Patriarchs somewhat likely to drop the third, etc. Then tone down the generation rate of prayer books as randomly-generated items.
                      I like this idea along with each class having their own books. It gives those classes their own flavor and depth when you play them (I prefer mage classes). Yes it increases the number of things to squelch, but we already do that with so many things as we descend deeper and deeper.

                      Each class already overlaps each other in how we play the game (by the end of the game we are all warriors, rangers, and mages to some degree) that having a few more things to distinguish one from the other along the way is a good thing (I think).

                      Maybe when you pick up a spellbook that isn't intended for your class, it will automatically ask if you want to squelch the item?
                      In the halls of Angband, Melkor discovers cupcakes and is changed forever.

                      He commands his servant Sauron to create the One Cupcake of Doom!


                      • Voovus
                        • Feb 2018
                        • 158

                        Apologies for changing the subject from the spellbook discussion, but I wanted to give Nick feedback on monster changes after a recent playthrough with a priest, before I forget...

                        First some general non-monster comments on features/bugs:

                        Running made me walk into a visible summoning trap before stopping.

                        I can't figure out the effect of the priest spell Smite Evil. Is it supposed to increase damage? Does it override potentially more powerful slays? I switched on the numbers, but couldn't tell.

                        I found a few corridors ending in dead ends. This seems new. Not a problem, but wanted to check whether it is intended.

                        There seems to be a problem with light intensity. My randart lights (+3 light intensity) only gave a 2 light radius, unless I equipped another +1 light, in which case I got a 3 light radius.

                        Now on to monsters (this is very subjective):

                        A 9-headed hydra trampled a gorgon. Feels morally wrong.

                        Trees are currently classed as insects in monster knowledge. This is the wrong kingdom, let alone the wrong class or order. It's like classifying balrogs as a kind of slime mold...

                        I like the changes to the following monsters (or monster names): Atlas & co, dark elves, Maias, "Trees", troll scavenger.

                        Thematically, the trees ought to be shallower in the dungeon. Maybe down to 1800'? They shouldn't really be there on balrog depths.

                        I don't particularly like the following names: Dunadan of Angmar, southron assassin/archer, crow of Durthang. They seem unnatural and simply to be forcing Tolkien place names in. I wouldn't mind as much if the place names appeared in the monster descriptions instead. I actually have the same issue with bat of Gorgoroth. The Druadans also feel rather forced.

                        Feanorian Raider seems to give a bit too much exp. Maybe I shouldn't complain...

                        Faegweath, Cantoras and Vecna are not hurt by bright light. I think the same might be true for some other high level undead.

                        Draebor appears to be warmblooded, while imps are not.

                        Element-breathing ants and electrocuting centipedes: not a big deal, but I think I prefer the old versions. Leave the fire breathing to...

                        Dragons! Here comes my big gripe. Dragons are supposed to be rough, tough, mean and very scary. Instead, after many years of power inflation, they are pathetic. In the olden days of Moria, young and mature dragons were formidable opponents. Baby dragons weren't in, but, really, these shouldn't be wandering around without their mothers anyway. Ancient dragons were serious. In fact, the monster memory even had a special entry for this one monster type: "Ancient Dragon (Beware)". Ancient Green Dragon - presumably named after the pub in Bywater (...presumably named after the pub in Cambridge...) - was notoriously vicious. And the Ancient Multihued... well... *sigh*... And now, an ancient dragon is weaker than a killer white beetle. Really?

                        Oh, and Kavlax got stuck in a web.


                        • mrfy
                          • Jul 2015
                          • 326

                          most disappointing randart?

                          Playing the recent nightly. Found this on level 17:

                          the Awl-Pike Hadur (1d8) (+5,+7)

                          Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.

                          Average damage/round 14.1.

                          That's it. My current dagger of frost does more damage per round.


                          • Nick
                            Vanilla maintainer
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 9353

                            New builds up on the nightlies page with the following changes:
                            • More robust randart file handling
                            • Fix to lore file handling that should make that more robust too
                            • Ents and trees no longer appear under insects in monster knowledge (thanks Voovus - other stuff noted too)
                            • Nerfs to some monsters:
                              • Blood falcons have had their damage halved (but keep their speed)
                              • White wraiths now native to level 38
                              • Gorgons have had their casting rate halved
                              • 9-headed hydras have had a 40% cut in HP

                            Not a lot, but concentrated on what seemed most urgent. Next on my agenda are a couple of fixes to necromancers - light issues, and maybe get Disenchant earlier.
                            One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                            In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                            • Diego Gonzalez
                              • May 2007
                              • 166

                              Thanks a lot!

                              BTW, there is a way to load a 376 savefile (16 Mar) from this new version? I think that the book changes broke the savefile compatibility. Thanks again!
                              Last edited by Diego Gonzalez; April 7, 2019, 13:32.


                              • Nick
                                Vanilla maintainer
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 9353

                                Originally posted by Diego Gonzalez
                                Thanks a lot!

                                BTW, there is a way to load a 376 savefile (16 Mar) from this new version? I think that the book changes broke the savefile compatibility. Thanks again!
                                Probably not, I'm afraid. Savefiles are being broken quite a lot at the moment; I think most characters will just need to stick with the version they start with.
                                One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                                In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

